Business consulting – Coopecan Ltda
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Debido al alto crecimiento en el sector pecuario en los últimos años, tanto en el
ámbito local como en el internacional y buscando estar a la vanguardia para poder afrontar
los nuevos requerimientos de producción responsable y sostenible que exige la industria,
surge la iniciativa de realizar el trabajo de business consulting a la Cooperativa de Producción
y Servicios Especiales de los Productores de Camélidos Andinos Ltda. (COOPECAN),
dedicada al manejo de todo el proceso productivo para la exportación principalmente de fibra
de alpaca. Como parte de la consultoría se dieron reuniones entre el equipo de trabajo con los
representantes de la cooperativa, se realizó un análisis interno, externo y de la industria (cinco
fuerzas de Porter), con ello se determinaron los diferentes problemas de la empresa y con la
aplicación de la Matriz de Complejidad se pudo determinar el problema principal, para
posteriormente con el diagrama de Ishikawa determinar las causas principales y secundarias.
Dentro de las causas principales esta la dificultad de la trazabilidad para la cual se postularon
cuatro alternativas de solución las cuáles fueron evaluadas según los criterios de (a) impacto
(credibilidad); (b) facilidad de registro, (c) adaptabilidad (Demostración / Verificación); (d)
costo, y (e) tiempo, siendo la mejor opción el “Implementar un proceso automatizado de auto
certificación basado en tecnología Blockchain”. El plan de implementación toma nueve
semanas con una inversión de 135 mil soles, además del costo de operación y mantenimiento,
la evaluación del proyecto produce un VAN social positivo de 430 mil soles para un plazo de
cinco años. Finalmente, se recomienda la implementación de los resultados de este Business
Consulting porque da la oportunidad de ayudar a un sector del cual dependen muchas
familias que se encuentran en su mayoría en extrema pobreza; además, permitirá demostrar a
sus compradores internacionales que la cooperativa no solo produce una de las mejores fibras
de alpaca del mundo, sino que la producen de manera sostenible, permitiendo así el ingreso a
nuevos mercados y mejora en sus ventas.
Due to the high growth in the livestock sector in recent years, both locally and internationally, and seeking to be at the vanguard to meet the new requirements of responsible and sustainable production demanded by the industry, the initiative arises to perform the business consulting work to the Cooperativa de Producción y Servicios Especiales de los Productores de Camélidos Andinos Ltda. (COOPECAN), dedicated to the management of the entire production process for the export of alpaca fiber. As part of the consultancy, meetings were held between the work team and the representatives of the cooperative, an internal, external and industry analysis (Porter's five forces) was carried out to determine the different problems of the company, we use the application of the Complexity Matrix the main problem was determined, and later with the Ishikawa diagram the main and secondary causes were determined. Among the main causes is the difficulty of traceability for which four alternative solutions were postulated, which were evaluated according to the criteria of (a) impact (Credibility); (b) ease of registration, (c) adaptability (Demonstration / Verification); (d) cost, and (e) time, with the best option being "Implement an automated self- certification process based on Blockchain technology". The implementation plan takes nine weeks with an investment of 135 thousand soles, in addition to the cost of operation and maintenance, the evaluation of the project produces a positive social NPV of 430 thousand soles for a period of five years. Finally, the implementation of the results of this Business Consulting is recommended because it gives the opportunity to help a sector on which many families depend, most of whom are in extreme poverty; In addition, it will allow it to demonstrate to its international buyers that the cooperative not only produces one of the best alpaca fibers in the world, but also that it produces it in a sustainable way, thus allowing it to enter new markets and improve its sales.
Due to the high growth in the livestock sector in recent years, both locally and internationally, and seeking to be at the vanguard to meet the new requirements of responsible and sustainable production demanded by the industry, the initiative arises to perform the business consulting work to the Cooperativa de Producción y Servicios Especiales de los Productores de Camélidos Andinos Ltda. (COOPECAN), dedicated to the management of the entire production process for the export of alpaca fiber. As part of the consultancy, meetings were held between the work team and the representatives of the cooperative, an internal, external and industry analysis (Porter's five forces) was carried out to determine the different problems of the company, we use the application of the Complexity Matrix the main problem was determined, and later with the Ishikawa diagram the main and secondary causes were determined. Among the main causes is the difficulty of traceability for which four alternative solutions were postulated, which were evaluated according to the criteria of (a) impact (Credibility); (b) ease of registration, (c) adaptability (Demonstration / Verification); (d) cost, and (e) time, with the best option being "Implement an automated self- certification process based on Blockchain technology". The implementation plan takes nine weeks with an investment of 135 thousand soles, in addition to the cost of operation and maintenance, the evaluation of the project produces a positive social NPV of 430 thousand soles for a period of five years. Finally, the implementation of the results of this Business Consulting is recommended because it gives the opportunity to help a sector on which many families depend, most of whom are in extreme poverty; In addition, it will allow it to demonstrate to its international buyers that the cooperative not only produces one of the best alpaca fibers in the world, but also that it produces it in a sustainable way, thus allowing it to enter new markets and improve its sales.
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