Influencia del valor percibido de marca desde la perspectiva del consumidor en la intención de compra: caso comida criolla en Lima Metropolitana, 2019
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal conocer la influencia del
valor de marca percibido por el cliente en la intención de compra de los consumidores de
comida criolla en Lima Metropolitana, 2019, ello basándose principalmente en el modelo de
Keller y Aaker. Esta investigación se llevó a cabo a través de una revisión de la literatura e
investigación acerca de las dimensiones que determinan el valor de marca y que a su vez se
relacionan indirectamente con la intención de compra. Asimismo, la investigación ha
considerado únicamente cinco restaurantes seleccionados del ranking Summum Perú 2018
que forman parte del top 20, el cual fue el resultado de una selección en mejor comida, mejor
servicio y el mejor ambiente (Torres, 2018).
Debido a lo mencionado anteriormente, la importancia de esta investigación radica en
dar a conocer los factores o dimensiones relevantes del valor de marca y su influencia en la
intención de compra en el consumidor de comida criolla, esto con el fin de crear nuevas
estrategias de marketing que permitan captar y fidelizar consumidores, lo cual finalmente se
evidencia en mejores índices de crecimiento y rentabilidad para las organizaciones del sector.
La muestra de la presente investigación es aleatoria probabilística por conglomerado,
esto porque los conglomerados fueron seleccionados por conveniencia de accesibilidad a
cada uno de los investigadores, y de ellos la selección ha sido aleatoria. Asimismo, se
aplicaron encuestas electrónicas puesto que presenta diferentes ventajas como un despliegue
rápido, informe en tiempo real, costos reducidos, personalización fácil, altas tasas de
respuesta, capacidad de comunicarse con personas con quienes es difícil hacerlo, entre otras
McDaniel y Gates (2011). En cuanto a los resultados obtenidos, estos demuestran que las
dimensiones lealtad de marca, calidad percibida y sobreprecio son las variables que influyen
representativamente sobre las variables dependientes valor de marca e intención de compra,
ello en comparación con las variables conciencia de marca e imagen de marca, cuya representatividad es mínima o inexistente, asimismo se concluyó que existe influencia
positiva y directa del valor de marca en la intención de compra de los consumidores de
comida criolla.
The main objective of this research is to determine the influence of the brand equity perceived by the client on the purchase intention of Creole food consumers in Metropolitan Lima, 2019, based mainly on the Keller and Aaker model. This research was carried out through review of the literature and research about the dimensions that determine the brand equity and which in turn are indirectly related to the purchase intention. Likewise, the research has considered only five restaurants selected from the Summum Peru 2018 ranking that are part of the top 20, which was the result of a selection of better food, better service and the best environment (Torres, 2018). Due to the above, the importance of this research lies in publicizing the relevant factors or dimensions of the brand equity and its influence on the purchase intention in the Creole food consumer, this in order to create new marketing strategies that allow to capture and retain consumers, which finally is evident in better growth and profitability indexes for the sector organizations. The sample of the present investigation is probabilistic random by conglomerate, this because the conglomerates were selected for convenience of accessibility to each one of the investigators, and of them the selection has been random. Likewise, electronic surveys were applied since it presents different advantages such as rapid deployment, real time reporting, reduced costs, easy customization, high response rates, ability to communicate with people with whom it is difficult to do, among others McDaniel and Gates (2011). Regarding the results obtained, these demonstrate that the brand loyalty, perceived quality and price premium dimensions are the variables that influence representatively on dependent variables: the brand equity and purchase intention, this compared to the brand awareness and image awareness variables, whose representativeness is minimal or non-existent, also it concluded that there is a positive and direct influence of the brand equity on the purchase intention of creole food consumers. Additionally, it was concluded that there is a positive and direct influence of Brand equity on the purchase intention of Creole food consumers.
The main objective of this research is to determine the influence of the brand equity perceived by the client on the purchase intention of Creole food consumers in Metropolitan Lima, 2019, based mainly on the Keller and Aaker model. This research was carried out through review of the literature and research about the dimensions that determine the brand equity and which in turn are indirectly related to the purchase intention. Likewise, the research has considered only five restaurants selected from the Summum Peru 2018 ranking that are part of the top 20, which was the result of a selection of better food, better service and the best environment (Torres, 2018). Due to the above, the importance of this research lies in publicizing the relevant factors or dimensions of the brand equity and its influence on the purchase intention in the Creole food consumer, this in order to create new marketing strategies that allow to capture and retain consumers, which finally is evident in better growth and profitability indexes for the sector organizations. The sample of the present investigation is probabilistic random by conglomerate, this because the conglomerates were selected for convenience of accessibility to each one of the investigators, and of them the selection has been random. Likewise, electronic surveys were applied since it presents different advantages such as rapid deployment, real time reporting, reduced costs, easy customization, high response rates, ability to communicate with people with whom it is difficult to do, among others McDaniel and Gates (2011). Regarding the results obtained, these demonstrate that the brand loyalty, perceived quality and price premium dimensions are the variables that influence representatively on dependent variables: the brand equity and purchase intention, this compared to the brand awareness and image awareness variables, whose representativeness is minimal or non-existent, also it concluded that there is a positive and direct influence of the brand equity on the purchase intention of creole food consumers. Additionally, it was concluded that there is a positive and direct influence of Brand equity on the purchase intention of Creole food consumers.
Palabras clave
Restaurantes--Perú, Comportamiento del consumidor--Perú
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