Programa Cajita de los Sonidos para desarrollar la conciencia fonológica en niños de 4 y 5 años en una institución educativa del nivel inicial de gestión privada
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Según los resultados obtenidos en la evaluación censal que realiza el Ministerio de
Educación (MINEDU) por medio de la Oficina de Medición de la Calidad de los
Aprendizajes (UMC), en evaluaciones aplicadas en comprensión lectora del 2019 y
2022 se evidenciaron diferencias en los resultados de las evaluaciones en el 2° y 4°
grado de primaria, en comparación con las obtenida en el 2019. Teniendo las
instituciones educativas públicas un rendimiento más bajo que las instituciones
educativas privadas. Esto ha generado que las instituciones educativas se preparen
desde temprana edad en el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura, por medio de nuevas
estrategias que sean motivadoras en el acompañamiento de este proceso, logrando
obtener un aprendizaje significativo, motivador y lúdico. El presente trabajo de
suficiencia profesional, se refiere la experiencia docente en una institución educativa
de gestión privada de nivel inicial en Lima, Perú, como maestra en las aulas de 4 y 5
años (Pre-Kinder y Kinder) del área de Comunicación. La autora afrontó el desafío de
captar la atención e interés de los niños en el proceso de aprendizaje de la
lectoescritura. Inicialmente, se detectó que los niveles de atención y motivación
variaba entre los alumnos. Para abordar esta situación, se exploró la conciencia
fonológica como una habilidad esencial en la lectura y escritura, y se diseñó
actividades lúdicas para desarrollarlas de manera progresiva en los niños. Además,
se adaptó juegos de mesa y actividades para hacer que el aprendizaje fuera divertido
y participativo, promoviendo habilidades como el trabajo en equipo, el respeto, la
tolerancia y la colaboración. Este enfoque dinámico y lúdico concitó mayor interés y
participación. Asimismo, se identificó la necesidad de trabajar con los padres de
familia para fortalecer el apoyo desde el hogar. En resumen, la experiencia como
maestra de Comunicación en la institución educativa llevó a la autora a desarrollar
estrategias creativas y lúdicas para desarrollar en sus alumnos la conciencia
fonológica y el proceso de lectoescritura, lo que resultó en un aprendizaje significativo
para los estudiantes y le brindó oportunidades de aprendizaje continuo y capacitación
en su carrera como educadora.
According to the results obtained in the census evaluation carried out by the Ministry of Education (MINEDU) through the Learning Quality Measurement Office (UMC), the evaluations applied in reading comprehension in 2019 and 2022 showed differences in the results of evaluations in the 2nd and 4th grade of primary school, compared to 2019. Public educational institutions have lower performance than private educational institutions, this has caused educational institutions to prepare from an early age in the learning of reading and writing, through new strategies that are motivating in accompanying this process, achieving meaningful, motivating and playful learning. The present work on professional proficiency refers to the teaching experience in an early childhood, privately managed educational institution in Lima, Peru, as teacher in the 4 and 5-year-old classrooms (Pre-Kinder and Kinder) in the field of Communication. The author faced the challenge of capturing the children's attention and interest in the process of reading and writing. Initially, it was observed that the levels of attention and motivation varied among the students. To address this situation, phonological awareness was explored as an essential skill towards reading and writing, and playful activities were designed to progressively develop these skills in the children. Additionally, board games and activities were adapted to make learning fun and interactive, promoting skills such as teamwork, respect, tolerance, and collaboration. This dynamic and playful approach resulted in increased interest and participation. Furthermore, the need to work with parents to strengthen support from home was identified. In summary, the experience as a Communication teacher in the educational institution led the author to develop creative and playful strategies to foster phonological awareness and the process of reading and writing in her students, resulting in meaningful learning for the students and providing opportunities for continuous learning and professional development in her career as an educator.
According to the results obtained in the census evaluation carried out by the Ministry of Education (MINEDU) through the Learning Quality Measurement Office (UMC), the evaluations applied in reading comprehension in 2019 and 2022 showed differences in the results of evaluations in the 2nd and 4th grade of primary school, compared to 2019. Public educational institutions have lower performance than private educational institutions, this has caused educational institutions to prepare from an early age in the learning of reading and writing, through new strategies that are motivating in accompanying this process, achieving meaningful, motivating and playful learning. The present work on professional proficiency refers to the teaching experience in an early childhood, privately managed educational institution in Lima, Peru, as teacher in the 4 and 5-year-old classrooms (Pre-Kinder and Kinder) in the field of Communication. The author faced the challenge of capturing the children's attention and interest in the process of reading and writing. Initially, it was observed that the levels of attention and motivation varied among the students. To address this situation, phonological awareness was explored as an essential skill towards reading and writing, and playful activities were designed to progressively develop these skills in the children. Additionally, board games and activities were adapted to make learning fun and interactive, promoting skills such as teamwork, respect, tolerance, and collaboration. This dynamic and playful approach resulted in increased interest and participation. Furthermore, the need to work with parents to strengthen support from home was identified. In summary, the experience as a Communication teacher in the educational institution led the author to develop creative and playful strategies to foster phonological awareness and the process of reading and writing in her students, resulting in meaningful learning for the students and providing opportunities for continuous learning and professional development in her career as an educator.
Palabras clave
Niños--Lenguaje, Lectura--Estudio y enseñanza (Preescolar), Educación preescolar--Investigaciones
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