Informe sobre el desarrollo de competencias del perfil de egreso como Licenciada en Psicología
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente informe se da a cuenta de lo aprendido en las distintas competencias del Plan de
Estudios 2014 de la Facultad de Psicología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. En
primer lugar, respecto a la competencia Diagnostica, se ha desarrollado un diagnóstico acerca
del manejo del tiempo y la procrastinación en estudiantes de la Facultad de Educación, el cual
impacta negativamente en sus conductas de salud y bienestar. En segundo lugar, respecto a la
competencia Interviene, se ha planteado una intervención en base a la actualización del proceso
de reclutamiento y selección; y una estrategia de retención de personal para una empresa del
rubro tecnológico. Y, finalmente, en la competencia de Evalúa, se ha realizado la evaluación
de una activación del proyecto “Aprueba tu Salud”, basada en demostrar el conocimiento
acerca de las consecuencias del estrés académico en estudiantes universitarios. Por último, pero
no menos importante, se ha realizado un análisis del aprendizaje en base a las competencias
mencionadas, y se hace mención a las consideraciones éticas aplicadas en el desarrollo de las
actividades realizadas.
This report gives an account of the learnings in the different competencies of the 2014 Study Plan of the Faculty of Psychology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. In the first place, in relation to the Diagnostic competence, a diagnosis has been developed about time management and procrastination in students of the Faculty of Education, which negatively impacts their health and well-being behaviors. Secondly, with regard to the Intervene competence, an intervention has been developed based on updating the recruitment and selection process and using a personnel retention strategy for the company of the technology sector. And, finally, in the Evaluate competence, the evaluation of an activation of the "Approve your Health" project has been carried out based on demonstrating the knowledge of the consequences of academic stress in university students. Last but not least, an analysis of knowledge is made based on the skills previously mentioned. Additionally, the ethical considerations applied in the competencies performed are described.
This report gives an account of the learnings in the different competencies of the 2014 Study Plan of the Faculty of Psychology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. In the first place, in relation to the Diagnostic competence, a diagnosis has been developed about time management and procrastination in students of the Faculty of Education, which negatively impacts their health and well-being behaviors. Secondly, with regard to the Intervene competence, an intervention has been developed based on updating the recruitment and selection process and using a personnel retention strategy for the company of the technology sector. And, finally, in the Evaluate competence, the evaluation of an activation of the "Approve your Health" project has been carried out based on demonstrating the knowledge of the consequences of academic stress in university students. Last but not least, an analysis of knowledge is made based on the skills previously mentioned. Additionally, the ethical considerations applied in the competencies performed are described.
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