Innovación digital para contrarrestar el reducido alcance del control físico de los detenidos domiciliarios por mandatos judiciales en las regiones Lima y Callao
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Con el valioso aporte del asesor académico y metodológico asignado, se presenta
a continuación un proyecto de innovación cuyo fin es identificar una solución para el
problema público “Reducido alcance del control físico de los detenidos domiciliariamente
por mandatos judiciales, desarrollado por la Policía Nacional del Perú en las Regiones
Lima y Callao durante el año 2020”. Problemática identificada mediante la técnica Árbol
del Problema, la misma que también sirvió para determinar las causas que loocasionan,
de las cuales fue seleccionada la “Modalidad operativa de control de detenidos
domiciliarios desfasada, basada en lo presencial y el control físico”, como aquella que
genera mayor impacto en el problema antes mencionado y por lo tanto que debiera
buscarse su respectiva alternativa de solución.
Para la búsqueda de la solución innovadora, tras el análisis de rigor, se reformuló
el problema de la siguiente manera: “Los integrantes del Departamento de Arresto
Domiciliario de la División de Seguridad de Penales PNP-Lima, requieren mejorar la
modalidad de vigilancia y control físico de procesados con mandatos de detención
domiciliaria, porque actualmente se vienen produciendo quebrantamientos a la medida
dispuesta por los órganos jurisdiccionales”; luego de lo cual a manera de interrogación y
de manera lógica se obtuvo el siguiente desafío de innovación: ¿Cómo podemos mejorar
la modalidad de vigilancia y control de procesados con mandato jurisdiccional de
detención domiciliaria a cargo del Departamento de Arresto Domiciliario de la División de
Seguridad de Penales PNP Lima, para elevar la eficacia y efectividad del servicio policial
ejecutado, coadyuvando a disminuir los quebrantamientos que generan revictimización
social y sensación de inseguridad ciudadana?.
De lo anterior, se optó por una propuesta tecnológica como solución innovadora,
de manera tal que la brecha establecida entre la cantidad de efectivos policiales
destinados a la unidad policial encargada del control de procesados con mandato de
detención domiciliaria, y el número de éstos últimos, sea acortada y se logre revestir de
eficacia y por qué no decirlo, de eficiencia, esta labor policial que se desarrolla en
cumplimiento de mandatos jurisdiccionales de obligatorio cumplimiento.
With the valuable contribution of the assigned academic and methodological advisor, an innovation project is presented below whose purpose is to identify a solution to the public problem "Reduced scope of physical control of house arrests by judicial mandates, developed by the National Police of Peru in the Lima and Callao Regions during the year 2020”. Problem identified through the Problem Tree technique, the same one that also served to determine the causes that cause it, of which the "Operative modality of control of home detainees outdated, based on face-to-face and physical control" was selected, as that that generates greater impact on the problem mentioned above and therefore its respective alternative solution should be sought. In order to find the innovative solution, after rigorous analysis, the problem was reformulated as follows: "The members of the House Arrest Department of the PNP-Lima Prison Security Division need to improve the surveillance and control modality of defendants with house arrest mandates, because currently violations are beingproduced to the extent ordered by the jurisdictional bodies”; after which, as a question and in a logical way, the following innovation challenge was obtained: How can we improve the modality of surveillance and control of defendants with a jurisdictional mandate of house arrest in charge of the Department of House Arrest of the Security Division? Penal Police PNP Lima, to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the police service executed, helping to reduce the violations that generate social re-victimization and a sense of citizen insecurity? From the foregoing, a technological proposal was chosen as an innovative solution, so that the gap established between the number of police officers assigned to the police unit in charge of controlling defendants with a house arrest mandate, and the number of the latter, be shortened and achieve effectiveness and why not say it, efficiency, this police work that is carried out in compliance with jurisdictional mandates of mandatory compliance.
With the valuable contribution of the assigned academic and methodological advisor, an innovation project is presented below whose purpose is to identify a solution to the public problem "Reduced scope of physical control of house arrests by judicial mandates, developed by the National Police of Peru in the Lima and Callao Regions during the year 2020”. Problem identified through the Problem Tree technique, the same one that also served to determine the causes that cause it, of which the "Operative modality of control of home detainees outdated, based on face-to-face and physical control" was selected, as that that generates greater impact on the problem mentioned above and therefore its respective alternative solution should be sought. In order to find the innovative solution, after rigorous analysis, the problem was reformulated as follows: "The members of the House Arrest Department of the PNP-Lima Prison Security Division need to improve the surveillance and control modality of defendants with house arrest mandates, because currently violations are beingproduced to the extent ordered by the jurisdictional bodies”; after which, as a question and in a logical way, the following innovation challenge was obtained: How can we improve the modality of surveillance and control of defendants with a jurisdictional mandate of house arrest in charge of the Department of House Arrest of the Security Division? Penal Police PNP Lima, to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the police service executed, helping to reduce the violations that generate social re-victimization and a sense of citizen insecurity? From the foregoing, a technological proposal was chosen as an innovative solution, so that the gap established between the number of police officers assigned to the police unit in charge of controlling defendants with a house arrest mandate, and the number of the latter, be shortened and achieve effectiveness and why not say it, efficiency, this police work that is carried out in compliance with jurisdictional mandates of mandatory compliance.
Palabras clave
Tecnología, Brecha digital--Perú, Detención--Perú
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