Modelo prolab: Tantakuy Market, un market inteligente para alimentarte saludablemente
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo visibilizar y proponer alternativas de solución
para atacar las barreras que ocasionan que exista un gran porcentaje de personas en el Perú y el
mundo que tienen una alimentación desbalanceada.
Como parte de esta investigación se realizaron encuestas y entrevistas a profundidad
donde se pudo confirmar que las principales barreras para los peruanos son: el tiempo, la
variedad y el dinero. Dentro de estas, la que tiene mayor impacto es el tiempo pues dentro del
grupo de personas interesadas en cuidar su salud a través de una alimentación saludable, se
identificó que su mayor dolor es que no cuentan con el tiempo suficiente para planificar, comprar
y preparar los alimentos que deben consumir diariamente: en su mayoría verduras.
Frente a esta problemática nace Tantakuy, un market virtual que propone una solución
integral para impulsar la alimentación saludable donde no solo se venden productos sanos o
nutritivos sino que adicionalmente ayuda a las personas a cumplir sus objetivos generándoles un
plan de alimentación en base a su perfil y planificando las compras de manera inteligente en base
a los platos de comida generados en el plan de alimentación del usuario, finalmente, los
productos son entregados en packs donde se encuentran los insumos de cada plato previamente
trozados y listos para que las personas puedan cocinar en menor tiempo.
Para confirmar la efectividad y deseabilidad de la solución propuesta se validó con un
grupo de usuarios la funcionalidad de generación de plan de alimentación y planificación
inteligente de compras y se les entregó un pack de un plato de comida para que cocinen, como
resultado un gran porcentaje confirmó que la solución les resulta muy útil pues ahorraron tiempo.
Sumado a los experimentos, se validó que el emprendimiento Tantakuy Market es viable
en términos financieros, pues los resultados obtenidos para el VAN ascendieron a S/1 ́170,897 y
la TIR del negocio es de 83.10% lo cual sustenta la sostenibilidad de la idea de negocio y por
ello, se ha elaborado un plan de trabajo para poner en marcha este emprendimiento.
The current project aims to make visible and propose alternative solutions to attack the barriers that cause a large percentage of people in Peru and the world to have an unbalanced diet. As part of this research, surveys and in-depth interviews were conducted where it was confirmed that the main barriers for Peruvians are: Time, variety and money. Among these, the one that has the greatest impact is time because within the group of people interested in taking care of their health through healthy eating, it was identified that their biggest problem is that they do not have enough time to plan, buy and prepare the foods they should consume daily: mostly vegetables. As a solution for this problem, Tantakuy was born. A virtual market that proposes a comprehensive solution to promote healthy eating where not only healthy or nutritious products are sold, but additionally it helps people meet their goals generating a meal plan based on their profile and planning intelligent purchases based on the food dishes generated in the user's meal plan. Finally, the products are delivered in packs where the inputs of each dish are previously cut and ready for people to cook in less time. To confirm the effectiveness and desirability of the proposed solution, the meal plan generation and smart shopping planning functionality was validated with a group of users and they were given a pack of a plate of food to cook, as a result a large percentage confirmed that the solution is very useful because they saved time. In addition to the experiments, it was validated that the Tantakuy Market venture is viable in financial terms, since the results obtained for the NPV amounted to S/1'170,897 and the IRR of the business is 83.10% which supports the sustainability of the business idea and therefore, a work plan has been developed to implement this venture.
The current project aims to make visible and propose alternative solutions to attack the barriers that cause a large percentage of people in Peru and the world to have an unbalanced diet. As part of this research, surveys and in-depth interviews were conducted where it was confirmed that the main barriers for Peruvians are: Time, variety and money. Among these, the one that has the greatest impact is time because within the group of people interested in taking care of their health through healthy eating, it was identified that their biggest problem is that they do not have enough time to plan, buy and prepare the foods they should consume daily: mostly vegetables. As a solution for this problem, Tantakuy was born. A virtual market that proposes a comprehensive solution to promote healthy eating where not only healthy or nutritious products are sold, but additionally it helps people meet their goals generating a meal plan based on their profile and planning intelligent purchases based on the food dishes generated in the user's meal plan. Finally, the products are delivered in packs where the inputs of each dish are previously cut and ready for people to cook in less time. To confirm the effectiveness and desirability of the proposed solution, the meal plan generation and smart shopping planning functionality was validated with a group of users and they were given a pack of a plate of food to cook, as a result a large percentage confirmed that the solution is very useful because they saved time. In addition to the experiments, it was validated that the Tantakuy Market venture is viable in financial terms, since the results obtained for the NPV amounted to S/1'170,897 and the IRR of the business is 83.10% which supports the sustainability of the business idea and therefore, a work plan has been developed to implement this venture.
Palabras clave
Alimentos--Industria y comercio--Perú, Comercio electrónico, Nutrición--Perú
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