Modelo prolab: DOC 24/7, propuesta de modelo de negocio para la implementación de una solución tecnológica orientada a brindar acceso a atenciones médicas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente proyecto propone un nuevo modelo de negocio para atender un problema
social que afecta al país: la falta de acceso y capacidad de atenciones médicas a los
ciudadanos, evidenciada aún más por la pandemia producida por la covid-19. Se enfoca
inicialmente en facilitar las atenciones médicas a los ciudadanos del departamento de Ica. La
solución consiste en una aplicación móvil denominada DOC 24/7, que ofrece servicios de
atenciones médicas, así como de otros profesionales de la salud (profesionales en enfermería,
nutricionistas, trabajadores sociales, auxiliares médicos, terapeutas, auxiliares de enfermería).
En este aplicativo, los usuarios podrán validar la colegiatura de los médicos y la acreditación
de sus respectivas especialidades. Asimismo, visualizarán los comentarios y
recomendaciones dejados por otros. También, podrán reservar la cita con el médico o
profesional de salud elegido y la consulta se realizará de manera remota o presencial
dependiendo de la complejidad del caso. DOC 24/7 es sostenible en el tiempo, ya que atiende
una necesidad básica y permite a los usuarios acceder a una oferta mucha más variada de
especialistas. El impacto en los usuarios es positivo, dado que la aplicación brinda seguridad
y confianza. Socialmente, la propuesta impacta principalmente en el ODS 3 y también en el
ODS 8. Se determinaron ciertos beneficios que se identificaron como los principales aspectos
que van a mejorar la calidad de vida de los usuarios, entre los que destacan el ahorro de
tiempo, la reducción de riesgo de contagio por enfermedades infecciosas, un menor costo por
traslado del paciente, la disminución de emisiones de dióxido de carbono, entre otros. Se
logró la cuantificación del impacto social de la aplicación dando como resultado S/
18’649,032.37. Finalmente, el proyecto es financieramente viable, porque la empresa
iniciaría con una inversión de S/ 68,900.00, y podrá obtener un VAN de S/947,705.49; una
TIR de 128%, un período de recuperación de 2.02 y un indicador de Beneficio/Costo de
14.75, lo cual determina que la propuesta genera valor en el tiempo.
This project proposes a new business model to address a social problem that affects the country: the lack of access and capacity for medical care for citizens, further evidenced by the pandemic caused by covid-19. It initially focuses on facilitating medical care for the citizens of the department of Ica. The solution consists of a mobile application called DOC 24/7, which offers medical care services, as well as other health professionals (nursing professionals, dieticians, social workers, medical assistants, therapists, nursing assistants). Using this application, users will be able to validate the tuition of the doctors and the accreditation of their respective specialties. Likewise, users will see the comments and recommendations left by others. Users can also book an appointment with the chosen doctor or health professional and the consultation will be carried out remotely or in person depending on the complexity of the case. DOC 24/7 is sustainable over time, since it meets a basic need and allows users to access a much more varied offer of specialists. The impact on users is positive, since the application provides security and trust. Socially, the proposal has an impact mainly on SDG 3 and also on SDG 8. Certain benefits were identified as the main aspects that will improve the quality of life of users, among which time savings stand out, the reduction of risk of contagion by infectious diseases, a lower cost per transfer of the patient, the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, among others. The quantification of the social impact of the application was achieved, resulting in S/ 18’649,032.37. Finally, the project is financially viable, because the company would start with an investment of S/ 68,900.00, and will be able to obtain a NPV of S/ 947,705.49; an IRR of 128%, a recovery period of 2.02 and a Benefit/Cost indicator of 14.75, which determines that the proposal generates value over time.
This project proposes a new business model to address a social problem that affects the country: the lack of access and capacity for medical care for citizens, further evidenced by the pandemic caused by covid-19. It initially focuses on facilitating medical care for the citizens of the department of Ica. The solution consists of a mobile application called DOC 24/7, which offers medical care services, as well as other health professionals (nursing professionals, dieticians, social workers, medical assistants, therapists, nursing assistants). Using this application, users will be able to validate the tuition of the doctors and the accreditation of their respective specialties. Likewise, users will see the comments and recommendations left by others. Users can also book an appointment with the chosen doctor or health professional and the consultation will be carried out remotely or in person depending on the complexity of the case. DOC 24/7 is sustainable over time, since it meets a basic need and allows users to access a much more varied offer of specialists. The impact on users is positive, since the application provides security and trust. Socially, the proposal has an impact mainly on SDG 3 and also on SDG 8. Certain benefits were identified as the main aspects that will improve the quality of life of users, among which time savings stand out, the reduction of risk of contagion by infectious diseases, a lower cost per transfer of the patient, the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, among others. The quantification of the social impact of the application was achieved, resulting in S/ 18’649,032.37. Finally, the project is financially viable, because the company would start with an investment of S/ 68,900.00, and will be able to obtain a NPV of S/ 947,705.49; an IRR of 128%, a recovery period of 2.02 and a Benefit/Cost indicator of 14.75, which determines that the proposal generates value over time.
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