Revisión de las pruebas de la existencia de maíz precerámico de los Andes Centrales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
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Se hace una revisión de todos los yacimientos arqueológicos de los Andes Centrales en los que se ha encontrado maíz precerámico. Se presentan los contextos y las pruebas que certifican los hallazgos, descartándose los sitios dudosos. Al mismo tiempo se indican y se discuten las evidencias botánicas de los maíces en cuestión. Se llega a la conclusión que no cabe la menor duda de la existencia de maíz precerámico con características muy claras que lo diferencian del mesoamericano.
A Revision of the Evidence of the Existence of Preceramic Maize in the Central AndesA revision of all archaeological sites in the Central Andes is presented in which preceramic maize was found. The contexts and proofs that certify the finding are presented, discarting the doubtful sites. At the same time the botanical evidence of those maize items is shown and discussed. One arrives at the conclusion that there is not any doubt at all to the existence of preceramic maize with clear and proper characteristics, that differentiates it from the Mesoamerican societies.
A Revision of the Evidence of the Existence of Preceramic Maize in the Central AndesA revision of all archaeological sites in the Central Andes is presented in which preceramic maize was found. The contexts and proofs that certify the finding are presented, discarting the doubtful sites. At the same time the botanical evidence of those maize items is shown and discussed. One arrives at the conclusion that there is not any doubt at all to the existence of preceramic maize with clear and proper characteristics, that differentiates it from the Mesoamerican societies.
Palabras clave
Arqueología, Botánica, Periodo Precerámico, Maíz, Andes Centrales, Evidencias Arqueológicas, Archaeology, Botany, Preceramic Period, Maize, Central Andes, Archaeological Evidences
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