Planeamiento estratégico de la región Ancash
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Los ancashinos han heredado en su territorio valiosos recursos naturales y culturales
como el Parque Nacional Huascarán y el templo Chavín de Huántar, ambos reconocidos
como patrimonios de la humanidad por la UNESCO. Hoy en sus andes la región Ancash
posee uno de los yacimientos de cobre más importantes del planeta, además de oro, plata,
zinc, plomo y molibdeno; recursos por los cuales Ancash es la primera región beneficiada
con el canon minero. Hace unas décadas la riqueza del mar ancashino hizo de Chimbote el
primer puerto pesquero del mundo. El rio Santa el más caudaloso de la costa del país e invita
a expandir la frontera agrícola de la región que además cuenta con importantes industrias
hidroeléctrica, siderúrgica y metalmecánica entre otras fortalezas.
A pesar de la enorme riqueza que ofrece el territorio a los ancashinos, la pobreza
continúa siendo uno de los principales problemas sin resolver, por cuanto, casi la mitad de la
población rural no cuenta con recursos para adquirir una canasta básica que le provea de
alimentos, vivienda, vestido, educación y salud adecuados. Cuatro de cada diez niños sufren
de desnutrición infantil, más de la mitad de las escuelas de la región no cuentan con los
servicios de luz, agua y alcantarillado y los escolares aún sufren con una educación de baja
calidad. Adicionalmente, solo tres de cada diez trabajadores cuenta con un empleo formal.
Los empresarios luchan contra las trabas burocráticas, los altos costos de la fiscalización, la
competencia desleal del sector informal y la enorme corrupción, por la cual tres
exgobernadores regionales están en prisión: César Álvarez, Waldo Ríos y Enrique Vargas.
El presente planeamiento presenta estrategias para ser consideradas en un horizonte de
10 años con la finalidad de aportar al crecimiento socio económico y sostenido de Ancash,
mediante inversiones productivas y el fortalecimiento de las instituciones, para el beneficio
de sus ciudadanos. Aunamos esfuerzos con los ancashinos que día a día luchan por el
progreso de su región y la prosperidad de sus familias.
The “ancashinos” have inherited valuable natural and cultural resources in their territory, such as the Huascarán National Park and the Chavín de Huántar temple, both recognized as patrimonies of humanity by UNESCO. Today in its Andes the Ancash region has one of the most important copper deposits on the planet, in addition to gold, silver, zinc, lead and molybdenum; resources for which Ancash is the first region to benefit from the mining canon. A few decades ago, the wealth of the Ancash sea made Chimbote the first fishing port in the world. The Santa river is the most abundant of the coast of the country and invites to expand the agricultural frontier of the region that also has important hydroelectric, steel and metalworking industries among other strengths. Despite the enormous wealth that the territory offers to the Ancash, poverty continues to be one of the main unsolved problems, since almost half of the rural population does not have the resources to buy a basic basket that provides food, adequate housing, clothing, education and health. Four out of ten children suffer from child malnutrition, more than half of the schools in the region do not have electricity, water and sewerage services and school children still suffer from poor quality education. Additionally, only three out of ten workers have a formal job. Entrepreneurs fight against bureaucratic obstacles, the high costs of oversight, unfair competition from the informal sector and the enormous corruption, for which three regional ex-governors are in prison: César Alvarez, Waldo Ríos and Enrique Vargas. The present planning presents strategies to be considered in a horizon of 10 years with the purpose of contributing to the socio-economic and sustained growth of Ancash, through productive investments and the strengthening of institutions, for the benefit of its citizens. We join efforts with the “ancashinos” who fight day by day for the progress of their region and the prosperity of their families.
The “ancashinos” have inherited valuable natural and cultural resources in their territory, such as the Huascarán National Park and the Chavín de Huántar temple, both recognized as patrimonies of humanity by UNESCO. Today in its Andes the Ancash region has one of the most important copper deposits on the planet, in addition to gold, silver, zinc, lead and molybdenum; resources for which Ancash is the first region to benefit from the mining canon. A few decades ago, the wealth of the Ancash sea made Chimbote the first fishing port in the world. The Santa river is the most abundant of the coast of the country and invites to expand the agricultural frontier of the region that also has important hydroelectric, steel and metalworking industries among other strengths. Despite the enormous wealth that the territory offers to the Ancash, poverty continues to be one of the main unsolved problems, since almost half of the rural population does not have the resources to buy a basic basket that provides food, adequate housing, clothing, education and health. Four out of ten children suffer from child malnutrition, more than half of the schools in the region do not have electricity, water and sewerage services and school children still suffer from poor quality education. Additionally, only three out of ten workers have a formal job. Entrepreneurs fight against bureaucratic obstacles, the high costs of oversight, unfair competition from the informal sector and the enormous corruption, for which three regional ex-governors are in prison: César Alvarez, Waldo Ríos and Enrique Vargas. The present planning presents strategies to be considered in a horizon of 10 years with the purpose of contributing to the socio-economic and sustained growth of Ancash, through productive investments and the strengthening of institutions, for the benefit of its citizens. We join efforts with the “ancashinos” who fight day by day for the progress of their region and the prosperity of their families.
Palabras clave
Planificación regional--Perú--Ancash, Desarrollo regional--Perú--Ancash, Planificación estratégica
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