Business consulting CAC ACPC Pichanaki
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente consultoría se realizó para la Cooperativa Agraria Cafetalera ACPC
Pichanaki, organización dedicada al acopio y comercialización de cafés especiales. En la
consultoría se analizó el modelo de negocios de la CAC ACPC Pichanaki, su visión, misión,
valores, así como el análisis AMOFHIT, MEFI y MEFE, con el objetivo de identificar el
problema clave que afecta a la organización, y a la vez analizar sus causas principales, como
también plantear las posibles alternativas de solución. A partir del análisis realizado y la
visita al centro de operaciones de la CAC ACPC Pichanaki, se logró determinar el problema
clave que afecta a la organización, que es el “bajo volumen de acopio de café pergamino”,
debido a que un porcentaje significativo (más del 30%) de los asociados no llegan a entregar
la totalidad de su producción, siendo una de las causas raíz, la limitada capacidad del servicio
de secado de café de la organización en los meses de plena campaña. Si bien, la organización
cuenta con ocho secadoras mecánicas y un tendal de secado (losa de concreto) de 3,500 m2
en su local central en Pichanaki, no se da abasto para secar la totalidad del volumen de café
que producen sus asociados. Por ello se plantea mejorar la eficiencia del servicio de secado
de café, mediante la adecuación del tendal central de secado de café existente en un secador
solar tipo invernadero e implementación de un sistema de asignación de espacios de secado y
control de turnos mediante el aplicativo móvil; con ello, se proponen tres escenarios, el
primer año del proyecto será un escenario pesimista con una ocupación del proyecto del 70%,
el segundo un escenario conservador con una ocupación del proyecto del 85% y el tercero un
escenario optimista con una ocupación del proyecto al 100% en donde se estima incrementar
la capacidad actual del tendal de secado e incrementar el volumen de acopio en un 124%, se
pasará de acopiar 328,500 kg de café pergamino a 735,000 kg por campaña/año, teniendo los
indicadores financieros: VAN s/. 1´651,993, TIR del 74.18% y un periodo de recupero de la
inversión de s/. 522,000 del proyecto en un lapso de un año, nueve meses y 18 días.
This consulting work was carried out for the Agrarian Coffee Cooperative ACPC Pichanaki, an organization dedicated to the collection and marketing of specialty coffees. In the consultancy, the business model of CAC ACPC Pichanaki, its vision, mission, values, as well as the AMOFHIT analysis, MEFI and MEFE were analyzed, all with the aim of identifying the key problem that affects the organization, and at the same time analyze its main causes, as well as to propose possible alternative solutions. Based on the analysis carried out and the visit to the organization's operations center in Pichanaki, it has been possible to identify the key problem that affects the CAC ACPC Pichanaki, which is related to the "low volume of parchment coffee collection". Although the organization has 8 mechanical dryers and a drying line (concrete slab) of 3,500 m2 in its central location in Pichanaki, it does not have enough to dry all the coffee produced by its associates. Through the consultancy, a solution plan is proposed for the key problem identified, the alternative solution being the conversion of the existing drying line into a greenhouse-type solar dryer with a metal structure and a polycarbonate sheet cover and an efficient management of drying shifts, the latter through the layout of the clothesline floor and the use of a digital shift management application; With this, three scenarios were proposed, the first year of the project would be a pessimistic scenario with a project occupation of 70%, the second a conservative one with a project occupation of 85% and the third an optimistic one with a project occupation of 100%, where it is estimated to increase the current capacity of the drying line and increase the collection volume by 124%, where it would go from 328,500 kg of parchment coffee to 735,000 kg per campaign/year, having the financial indicators: NPV s/. 1´651,993, IRR of 74.18% and an investment recovery period of s/. 522,000 from the project in a period of one year, nine months and 18 days
This consulting work was carried out for the Agrarian Coffee Cooperative ACPC Pichanaki, an organization dedicated to the collection and marketing of specialty coffees. In the consultancy, the business model of CAC ACPC Pichanaki, its vision, mission, values, as well as the AMOFHIT analysis, MEFI and MEFE were analyzed, all with the aim of identifying the key problem that affects the organization, and at the same time analyze its main causes, as well as to propose possible alternative solutions. Based on the analysis carried out and the visit to the organization's operations center in Pichanaki, it has been possible to identify the key problem that affects the CAC ACPC Pichanaki, which is related to the "low volume of parchment coffee collection". Although the organization has 8 mechanical dryers and a drying line (concrete slab) of 3,500 m2 in its central location in Pichanaki, it does not have enough to dry all the coffee produced by its associates. Through the consultancy, a solution plan is proposed for the key problem identified, the alternative solution being the conversion of the existing drying line into a greenhouse-type solar dryer with a metal structure and a polycarbonate sheet cover and an efficient management of drying shifts, the latter through the layout of the clothesline floor and the use of a digital shift management application; With this, three scenarios were proposed, the first year of the project would be a pessimistic scenario with a project occupation of 70%, the second a conservative one with a project occupation of 85% and the third an optimistic one with a project occupation of 100%, where it is estimated to increase the current capacity of the drying line and increase the collection volume by 124%, where it would go from 328,500 kg of parchment coffee to 735,000 kg per campaign/year, having the financial indicators: NPV s/. 1´651,993, IRR of 74.18% and an investment recovery period of s/. 522,000 from the project in a period of one year, nine months and 18 days
Palabras clave
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Café--Industria y comercio--Perú, Control de procesos--Mejoramiento
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