El cortometraje “Canción Lejana” desde la perspectiva de las áreas de fotografía, arte, edición y sonido
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el cortometraje titulado, “Canción Lejana”, se muestran las dificultades en una relación de
madre e hija, así como el posible alejamiento de ellas no solo en lo físico sino también en lo
emocional. Existen diversos productos audiovisuales que buscan tratar este tipo de relaciones,
sin embargo, muy pocos lo buscan hacer desde una perspectiva diferente como lo es la
música. En ese sentido este trabajo de investigación tiene como propósito describir y analizar
el trabajo de la dirección de arte, fotografía, sonido y edición en el contexto de un
cortometraje que explora una relación compleja como lo es madre-hija, así como la pasión
por la música. Esta investigación busca comprender la importancia de estas áreas creativas en
la construcción de la narrativa visual y sonora de la historia, así como su impacto en la
experiencia emocional del público. Para esto, se hace uso del análisis de los elementos usados
por las diferentes áreas, desde planos, sonidos, colores, entre otros. El resultado de esta
investigación busca obtener una comprensión más profunda de cómo se desarrolla la
narrativa visual y sonora, y cómo estas áreas creativas se entrelazan para lograr una
experiencia cinematográfica emocionalmente impactante.
In the short film entitled, “Canción Lejana”, the difficulties in a mother-daughter relationship are shown, as well as the possible distance from them not only physically but also emotionally. There are various audiovisual products that seek to deal with this type of relationship, however, very few seek to do so from a different perspective such as music. In this sense, the purpose of this research work is to describe and analyze the work of art direction, photography, sound and editing in the context of a short film that explores a complex relationship such as mother-daughter, as well as the passion for music. This research seeks to understand the importance of these creative areas in the construction of the visual and sound narrative of the story, as well as its impact on the emotional experience of the public. For this, use is made of the analysis of the elements used by the different areas, from planes, sounds, colors, among others. The result of this research seeks to gain a deeper understanding of how the visual and sound narrative unfolds, and how these creative areas intertwine to achieve an emotionally impactful cinematic experience.
In the short film entitled, “Canción Lejana”, the difficulties in a mother-daughter relationship are shown, as well as the possible distance from them not only physically but also emotionally. There are various audiovisual products that seek to deal with this type of relationship, however, very few seek to do so from a different perspective such as music. In this sense, the purpose of this research work is to describe and analyze the work of art direction, photography, sound and editing in the context of a short film that explores a complex relationship such as mother-daughter, as well as the passion for music. This research seeks to understand the importance of these creative areas in the construction of the visual and sound narrative of the story, as well as its impact on the emotional experience of the public. For this, use is made of the analysis of the elements used by the different areas, from planes, sounds, colors, among others. The result of this research seeks to gain a deeper understanding of how the visual and sound narrative unfolds, and how these creative areas intertwine to achieve an emotionally impactful cinematic experience.
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