Propuesta de negocio para disminuir el tiempo de preparación de alimentos y mejorar la alimentación de las personas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El siguiente plan de negocios presenta a Rapibox, empresa que busca resolver la
problemática de la inadecuada alimentación de las personas, causada por la falta de tiempo
para la preparación de sus alimentos; y de esa forma reducir las consecuencias de la mala
alimentación, como la obesidad, enfermedades cardíacas, diabetes, hipertensión, entre otros.
En ese sentido, se propone la implementación de boxes de alimentos pre-elaborados para la
preparación de platos saludables y balanceados, los cuales estarán disponibles a través de una
página de internet y un aplicativo web, por medio de los cuales se solicitarán pedidos de
boxes con comida saludable listos para ser preparados en la comodidad del hogar, de la
manera más fácil y práctica y en el menor tiempo posible. La recolección de información para
definir el servicio de Rapibox, se centró en dos frentes: las personas que viven solas, de las
cuales se descubrió que no suelen cocinar en sus hogares por falta de tiempo y por la cantidad
de desperdicios que ocasiona cocinar para una sola persona; y las parejas o personas que
viven con amigos, las cuales que disfrutan mucho alimentarse en casa, y prefieren sólo
comer en restaurantes un fin de semana o por alguna celebración en especial; pero que del
mismo modo, no cuentan con la disponibilidad de tiempo para cocinar todo el tiempo.
Para ambos frentes el impacto hacia el medio ambiente del producto que consumen es
de vital importancia; por lo que Rapibox deberá asegurar su impacto positivo con el uso de
envases biodegradables, y la óptima utilización de insumos, lo cual reducirá la cantidad de
desechos. Todos los esfuerzos se encontrarán alineados a las ODS 3 y 13. Rapibox, luego de
una inversión de S/201,707 y transcurridos cinco años, se obtendrá un VANF de
S/910,078 y una TIRF de 185.53%, en el escenario optimista; con utilidades a partir del
primer año. Este proyecto es un negocio financieramente viable, y debería realizarse lo antes
posible para aprovechar la coyuntura actual de pandemia, en donde los usuarios han
cambiado su estilo de vida y están en la búsqueda de una alimentación más saludable.
The following business plan presents Rapibox, a company that seeks to solve the problem of inadequate nutrition of people, caused by the lack of time to prepare their food; and thus reduce the consequences of poor nutrition, such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, among others. In this sense, the implementation of pre-prepared food boxes is proposed for the preparation of healthy and balanced dishes, which will be available through an internet page and a web application, through which orders for boxes with food will be requested. healthy ready to be prepared in the comfort of home, in the easiest and most practical way and in the shortest possible time. The collection of information to define the Rapibox service focused on two fronts: people who live alone, of whom it was discovered that they do not usually cook at home due to lack of time and the amount of waste caused by cooking for a single person; and couples or people who live with friends, who really enjoy eating at home, and prefer to eat in restaurants on a weekend or for a special celebration; but in the same way, they do not have the availability of time to cook all the time. For both fronts, the impact on the environment of the product that is consumed is of vital importance; Therefore, Rapibox must ensure its positive impact with the use of biodegradable containers, and the optimal use of supplies, which will reduce the amount of waste. All efforts will be aligned with SDGs 3 and 13. Rapibox, after an investment of S/201,707 and five years have elapsed, will obtain a VANF of S/910,078 and a TIRF of 185.53%, in the optimistic scenario; with profits from the first year. This project is a financially viable business and should be carried out as soon as possible to take advantage of the current pandemic situation, where users have changed their lifestyle and are in search of a healthier diet.
The following business plan presents Rapibox, a company that seeks to solve the problem of inadequate nutrition of people, caused by the lack of time to prepare their food; and thus reduce the consequences of poor nutrition, such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, among others. In this sense, the implementation of pre-prepared food boxes is proposed for the preparation of healthy and balanced dishes, which will be available through an internet page and a web application, through which orders for boxes with food will be requested. healthy ready to be prepared in the comfort of home, in the easiest and most practical way and in the shortest possible time. The collection of information to define the Rapibox service focused on two fronts: people who live alone, of whom it was discovered that they do not usually cook at home due to lack of time and the amount of waste caused by cooking for a single person; and couples or people who live with friends, who really enjoy eating at home, and prefer to eat in restaurants on a weekend or for a special celebration; but in the same way, they do not have the availability of time to cook all the time. For both fronts, the impact on the environment of the product that is consumed is of vital importance; Therefore, Rapibox must ensure its positive impact with the use of biodegradable containers, and the optimal use of supplies, which will reduce the amount of waste. All efforts will be aligned with SDGs 3 and 13. Rapibox, after an investment of S/201,707 and five years have elapsed, will obtain a VANF of S/910,078 and a TIRF of 185.53%, in the optimistic scenario; with profits from the first year. This project is a financially viable business and should be carried out as soon as possible to take advantage of the current pandemic situation, where users have changed their lifestyle and are in search of a healthier diet.
Palabras clave
Negocios--Planificación, Hábitos alimenticios, Alimentos--Industria y comercio--Perú, Comercio electrónico--Perú, Dieta
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