Diversidad cultural en la utilización del paisaje: una interpretación geoarqueológica para la construcción de montículos artificiales entre los grupos karanki-kayampi de la sierra norte del Ecuador
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
El presente trabajo propone una lectura sobre las dinámicas de interacción entre las sociedades precolombinas y el paisaje natural. Como caso específico se analizará los montículos artificiales (tolas: hemisféricas, ovoides y pirámides truncas con o sin rampa), atribuidos al grupo cultural karanki-kayampi, quienes habitaron la actuales provincias de Imbabura y norte de Pichincha, en los Andes Septentrionales del Ecuador, durante el denominado Período de Integración (1500-500 AP). A pesar de que estas estructuras monumentales están asociadas a un mismo grupo cultural, las técnicas de construcción difieren debido a una diversidad en la selección del paisaje y en el aprovechamiento de las características geomorfológicas del mismo. A través del análisis de perfiles estratigráficos y usando sistemas de información geográfica (SIG), los autores determinaron que la construcción de tolas en la localidad de La Merced de Cobuendo, zona norcentral de la provincia de Imbabura, se logró mediante la modificación de montículos naturales (hummocks).
This work proposes a reading on the dynamics of interaction between pre-Columbian societies and the natural landscape. As a specific case, we will analyze the artificial mounds («tolas»: hemispherical, ovoid and truncated pyramids with or without a ramp), attributed to the Karanki-kayampi cultural group, who inhabited the current provinces of Imbabura and northern Pichincha, in the Northern Andes of Ecuador, during the so-called Integration Period (1500-500 AP). Despite the fact that these monumental structures are associated with the same cultural group, the construction techniques differ due to a diversity in the selection of the landscape and in the use of its geomorphological characteristics. Through the analysis of stratigraphic profiles and using geographic information systems (GIS), the authors determined that the construction of tolas in the town of La Merced de Cobuendo, north-central of the province of Imbabura, was accomplished through the modification of natural hummocks.
This work proposes a reading on the dynamics of interaction between pre-Columbian societies and the natural landscape. As a specific case, we will analyze the artificial mounds («tolas»: hemispherical, ovoid and truncated pyramids with or without a ramp), attributed to the Karanki-kayampi cultural group, who inhabited the current provinces of Imbabura and northern Pichincha, in the Northern Andes of Ecuador, during the so-called Integration Period (1500-500 AP). Despite the fact that these monumental structures are associated with the same cultural group, the construction techniques differ due to a diversity in the selection of the landscape and in the use of its geomorphological characteristics. Through the analysis of stratigraphic profiles and using geographic information systems (GIS), the authors determined that the construction of tolas in the town of La Merced de Cobuendo, north-central of the province of Imbabura, was accomplished through the modification of natural hummocks.
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