Identificación y análisis de los factores que facilitaron y/o limitaron el desarrollo del "Programa de Formación para los Jóvenes Indígenas de la Selva peruana". "Caso: Programa de Formación Magisterial Intercultural Bilingüe del Centro de Investigación Profesionalización y Extensión Universitaria para la Inclusión Social y el Desarrollo Regional de Atalaya - Ucayali".
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis analiza el Programa de Formación Magisterial Intercultural Bilingüe
del Centro de Investigación Profesionalización y Extensión Universitaria para la
Inclusión Social y el Desarrollo Regional de Atalaya, ubicado en el departamento de
Ucayali, provincia de Atalaya, y distrito de Raimondi, conocido como el “Programa
Nopoki” o la “Universidad Nopoki”. Dicho Programa ofrece una formación educativa
innovadora bajo el enfoque de interculturalidad, es decir, forman a futuros docentes
bilingües para que estos jóvenes puedan enseñar en las escuelas donde aún existe
ausencia de docentes nativos, y así los niños y niñas puedan recibir una educación en
su lengua originaria. Este Programa es promovido por la Universidad Católica Sedes
Sapientiae con sede principal en Lima y el Vicariato Apostólico de San Ramón, estos
dos actores se aliaron en razón de la gran carencia educativa que presenta la selva
Si bien es cierto, el sistema de políticas públicas en Perú aún está en desarrollo, es
visible también que el Estado aún no ha logrado llegar a todas las zonas más
recónditas del país, y que de alguna manera la interculturalidad de las diversas
comunidades no ha sido atendida como se debe. Según Fidel Tubino a través del
Canal PUCP, filósofo de profesión, señala que el Perú es un país en el que hay una
gran diversidad cultural lingüística y que normalmente la población de la zona costera
ignora esta gran diversidad cultural (2016).
El Programa de educación intercultural bilingüe se sostiene en función a cuatro
pilares, a los cuales se ha denominado factores, los mismos que deberían haber
cumplido el rol de facilitar o en su defecto limitar el desarrollo del Programa. Dichos
factores son: la aplicación del enfoque de interculturalidad, uso de estrategias o
mecanismos para la participación (involucramiento) de actores, intereses y
necesidades del público objetivo, y elementos de la organización del Programa.
Asimismo, se realizó una visita de campo para poder conocer de cerca las diversas
actividades académicas, tanto de forma interna como externa, de este Programa. La
población encuestada contempla a los alumnos del semestre 2016 I, también se
entrevistó al personal administrativo así como a los docentes de las lenguas nativas
de Matsigenka, Ashaninka, Shipibo, Yine, Yanesha, y Asheninka, también se
entrevistó aegresados del Programa (ex alumnos) en sus centros de trabajo, además
se entrevistóal Alcalde de la provincia de Atalaya, a un funcionario de la Ugel de
Atalaya, a un párroco (Docente y guía del Programa), al co-fundador del Programa
Padre Zerdin, a los docentes EBBI (no nativos), y al director de una ONG española
con sede en Perú (ONG Cesal).
Finalmente, se ha realizado un apartado de conclusiones respecto de los principales
resultados o hallazgos de la visita de campo, y también se presenta algunas
propuestas o recomendaciones que podrían tomarse en cuenta para la gestión del
Programa en miras de contribuir en la educación y el desarrollo local.
The present thesis analyzes the Bilingual Intercultural Education Program of Bachelor Science, promoted by Universidad Catòlica Sedes Sapientiae, throught its Research for Social Inclusion and Regional Development Center located in Atalaya (Ucayali), also known as the "Nopoki Program" or the "Nopoki University". This program offers an innovative educational training under the intercultural approach, that means forming future bilingual (native language and spanish) teachers who can teach in schools where bilingual ability is needed and students can receive education in their native language. Tthis program is promoted by the Sedes Sapientiae Catholic University, which main campus is in Lima, and the Apostolic Vicariate of San Ramón, who made a alliance based on the recognition of the great educational deficiency of the Amazonian region. Although the public policies in Peru are still on a developping phase, it is also evident that the State has not yet managed to reach all the remotest areas of the country, and that in some way the interculturality of the different communities has not been attended as it should be. The philosopher Fidel Tubino, pointed out, through the PUCP Channel, that Peru is a country with a great linguistic cultural diversity, but the coast population ignores this great cultural diversity (2016). The Bilingual Intercultural Education Program is based on four pillars, which have been called success or failure factors. The factors are: first, the intercultural approach; second, the strategic participation / involvement of all different actors; third, the interests and needs of the target public; fourth, the organization. Likewise, a field visit was conducted to learn about the different academic activities of the program, both internally and externally. The surveyed population includes the students of the 2016 1st semester, the administrative staff, all the teachers – included the native language of Matsigenka, Ashaninka, Shipibo, Yine, Yanesha, and Asheninka, former students who are now school teachers in the bilingual villages, the program co-founder Father Zerdin, as well as some of the local stakeholders such as the Mayor of the province of Atalaya, a 5 representative of the Atalaya Ugel, and the director of CESAL, a spanish ONG that has developed several projects in Atalaya region. Finally, the conclusion presents the main program accomplishements, the results of the field visit, and some proposals or recommendations that could improve the management of the Program and contribute to the local education and development.
The present thesis analyzes the Bilingual Intercultural Education Program of Bachelor Science, promoted by Universidad Catòlica Sedes Sapientiae, throught its Research for Social Inclusion and Regional Development Center located in Atalaya (Ucayali), also known as the "Nopoki Program" or the "Nopoki University". This program offers an innovative educational training under the intercultural approach, that means forming future bilingual (native language and spanish) teachers who can teach in schools where bilingual ability is needed and students can receive education in their native language. Tthis program is promoted by the Sedes Sapientiae Catholic University, which main campus is in Lima, and the Apostolic Vicariate of San Ramón, who made a alliance based on the recognition of the great educational deficiency of the Amazonian region. Although the public policies in Peru are still on a developping phase, it is also evident that the State has not yet managed to reach all the remotest areas of the country, and that in some way the interculturality of the different communities has not been attended as it should be. The philosopher Fidel Tubino, pointed out, through the PUCP Channel, that Peru is a country with a great linguistic cultural diversity, but the coast population ignores this great cultural diversity (2016). The Bilingual Intercultural Education Program is based on four pillars, which have been called success or failure factors. The factors are: first, the intercultural approach; second, the strategic participation / involvement of all different actors; third, the interests and needs of the target public; fourth, the organization. Likewise, a field visit was conducted to learn about the different academic activities of the program, both internally and externally. The surveyed population includes the students of the 2016 1st semester, the administrative staff, all the teachers – included the native language of Matsigenka, Ashaninka, Shipibo, Yine, Yanesha, and Asheninka, former students who are now school teachers in the bilingual villages, the program co-founder Father Zerdin, as well as some of the local stakeholders such as the Mayor of the province of Atalaya, a 5 representative of the Atalaya Ugel, and the director of CESAL, a spanish ONG that has developed several projects in Atalaya region. Finally, the conclusion presents the main program accomplishements, the results of the field visit, and some proposals or recommendations that could improve the management of the Program and contribute to the local education and development.
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