Propuesta de índice de transparencia corporativa aplicado al sector universitario
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo de esta investigación es proponer un índice de transparencia corporativa y
aplicarlo al sector universitario. Para este fin, la propuesta de índice de transparencia fue
elaborada siguiendo los pasos descritos en el Handbook on Constructing Composite
Indicators (Manual Metodológico de Referencia para la Construcción de Índices) de la
OCDE, en la cual se consideró siete de los diez pasos indicados. Para la propuesta de índice
de transparencia corporativa, se revisaron ocho modelos en varios países, de ellos se
seleccionaron los de Barrio & Cavanna (2012) y Briano & Rodríguez (2013) de España, y
consultora Inteligencia de Negocios (2014) de Chile; adicionalmente, se consideró el modelo
de Colombia propuesto por Said-Hung, Cousido-González y Berlanga-Fernández (2018),
para obtener criterios de evaluación apropiados en la obtención de la información. Estos
modelos fueron considerados por pertenecer a países con realidades similares a la peruana. Y
en los casos de los modelos de Colombia y Chile por ser países con mayores avances en
temas de transparencia en la región (Méndez-Beltrán & Rivera-Rodríguez, 2015). Asimismo,
se tomaron en cuenta los parámetros y exigencias de las leyes vigentes sobre transparencia en
el sector elegido para la investigación.
El enfoque de la investigación es cuantitativo con alcance descriptivo y transeccional;
en él se proponen tres dimensiones y 45 variables, que se seleccionaron considerando la
definición de transparencia corporativa propuesta para la presente investigación. Las tres
dimensiones que se propusieron son las siguientes: gobierno corporativo, información
financiera y cultura institucional. La primera dimensión considera la forma de organizarse de
la institución para la toma de decisiones; la segunda dimensión alude a los resultados
obtenidos producto de dichas decisiones, las cuales están relacionadas con la sostenibilidad
de la organización; y la tercera dimensión describe las acciones que se realizan. Luego de la
selección de las variables, estas fueron sometidas a la evaluación de expertos en el sector elegido; posteriormente, se validaron estadísticamente para evidenciar su relevancia, con la
finalidad de explicar el fenómeno estudiado. Con respecto a la evaluación estadística, se
utilizó el KMO para verificar la robustez del análisis de componentes principales, ya que
permite evaluar la idoneidad de los datos obtenidos y comprobar que los datos soportan un
análisis factorial (Williams, Onsman, & Brown, 2010). El estudio arrojó un KMO global de
0.486, pero como este resultado se encontraba en el límite se analizaron nuevamente los datos
excluyendo algunas variables con la finalidad de obtener un KMO de 0.632; sin embargo, se
decidió mantener el total de las variables por dimensión en función de los siguientes criterios:
(1) la evaluación de expertos y (2) la exigencia por ley de muchas de las variables que serían
El índice de transparencia corporativa fue aplicado al sector universitario, con foco en
las instituciones societarias por su carácter lucrativo. Para ello, se evaluaron 21 universidades
societarias de Lima licenciadas por la SUNEDU, a partir de la información publicada en sus
sitios web. El resultado general arrojó un puntaje de 0.92 sobre 3.00 puntos, que muestra un
nivel de transparencia corporativa bajo en el sector. La dimensión con menor nivel de
transparencia (0.52 de 3.00) fue la de información financiera, debido a los pocos o nulos
datos publicados en sus sitios web; la dimensión con mayor nivel de transparencia (1.32 de
3.00) fue gobierno corporativo, seguida por cultura institucional (1.30 de 3.00).
The purpose of this research is to propose a Corporate Transparency Index and apply it to the University sector. To this end, the Transparency Index proposal was prepared following the steps described in the OECD´s Handbook on Constructing Composite Indicators, taking into account seven of the ten steps indicated. The Corporate Transparency Index proposal has a review of the models existing on corporate transparency in the world, from which the models of Spain, Colombia and Chile were selected due to their similarity to the Peruvian reality. Furthermore, the parameters and requirements of the current laws on transparency in the sector were taken into account for research. The research approach is quantitative and has a descriptive and transectional scope. Three aspects and 45 variables were defined. This selection of variables and aspects revolved around the concept of transparency. The three defined aspects are as follows: corporate governance, financial information, and institutional culture. The first aspect refers to the insitution´s way of organizing for decision making, the second aspect refers to the results obtained from these decisions, which are related to the institution sustainability, and the third aspect refers to the actions that are taken. First, the selected variables were evaluated by experts in the chosen sector, then, they were submitted to statistical validation to demonstrate its relevance in order to explain the studied phenomenon. As a result of the statistical evaluation, a global KMO of 0.486 was obtained. As this result was at the limit, the data was analized again, excluding some variables to obtain a KMO of 0.632. However, it was decided to work with all the variables by aspect in accordance with two criteria: first, the evaluation by experts, and second, the use of many of the variables as required by law that would otherwise be excluded. The Corporate Transparency Index was applied to the university sector, with a focus on corporate institutions for its lucrative nature. Therefore, 21 corporate universities in Lima that were already licensed by SUNEDU were evaluated based on the published information on their websites. The overall output obtained shows a general result of 0.92 over 3.00 points, that is a low level of Corporate Transparency. Financial information was the aspect with the lowest level of transparency (0.52 of 3.00), on account of the little or no information published on its websites. The aspect with greater compliance was corporate governance (1.32 of 3.00), followed by institutional culture (1.32 of 3.00).
The purpose of this research is to propose a Corporate Transparency Index and apply it to the University sector. To this end, the Transparency Index proposal was prepared following the steps described in the OECD´s Handbook on Constructing Composite Indicators, taking into account seven of the ten steps indicated. The Corporate Transparency Index proposal has a review of the models existing on corporate transparency in the world, from which the models of Spain, Colombia and Chile were selected due to their similarity to the Peruvian reality. Furthermore, the parameters and requirements of the current laws on transparency in the sector were taken into account for research. The research approach is quantitative and has a descriptive and transectional scope. Three aspects and 45 variables were defined. This selection of variables and aspects revolved around the concept of transparency. The three defined aspects are as follows: corporate governance, financial information, and institutional culture. The first aspect refers to the insitution´s way of organizing for decision making, the second aspect refers to the results obtained from these decisions, which are related to the institution sustainability, and the third aspect refers to the actions that are taken. First, the selected variables were evaluated by experts in the chosen sector, then, they were submitted to statistical validation to demonstrate its relevance in order to explain the studied phenomenon. As a result of the statistical evaluation, a global KMO of 0.486 was obtained. As this result was at the limit, the data was analized again, excluding some variables to obtain a KMO of 0.632. However, it was decided to work with all the variables by aspect in accordance with two criteria: first, the evaluation by experts, and second, the use of many of the variables as required by law that would otherwise be excluded. The Corporate Transparency Index was applied to the university sector, with a focus on corporate institutions for its lucrative nature. Therefore, 21 corporate universities in Lima that were already licensed by SUNEDU were evaluated based on the published information on their websites. The overall output obtained shows a general result of 0.92 over 3.00 points, that is a low level of Corporate Transparency. Financial information was the aspect with the lowest level of transparency (0.52 of 3.00), on account of the little or no information published on its websites. The aspect with greater compliance was corporate governance (1.32 of 3.00), followed by institutional culture (1.32 of 3.00).
Palabras clave
Transparencia corporativa--Perú, Indicadores sociales--Perú, Indicadores económicos--Perú, Sector educación--Perú
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