Planeamiento estratégico del sector software y servicios asociados en Colombia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Diariamente se producen noticias relacionadas con tecnologías de la información (TI).
En las dos últimas décadas se han generado grandes innovaciones en esta industria que han
cambiado los hábitos y las formas de relacionamiento. También, ha generado nuevas
oportunidades para las personas, empresas, asociaciones y países. Tal vez el impacto más alto
que han producido es la inclusión social.
La variedad de aplicaciones de TI ha llevado a la especialización como factor de
diferenciación y competitividad. En el año 2008 el Gobierno colombiano encontró en una de
estas especialidades, el Software y Servicios Asociados (SSA), la oportunidad de desarrollar
una industria innovadora que ayudaría al crecimiento de las exportaciones no tradicionales
(2,500 millones de dólares en 2019), mejoraría la cantidad y calidad de empleo (59.000
nuevos empleos en 2019) y representaría el 1.6% del PIB en 2032, similar al de EEUU. El
Gobierno ha tomado medidas importantes para desarrollar el sector y ha asignado recursos
económicos para financiar diferentes planes, programas y proyectos.
El país se enfrenta a un gran reto que otros países también están asumiendo y a pesar
que existen debilidades como la baja adopción de estándares de calidad, la escasez de talento
humano calificado y el bajo nivel de asociatividad empresarial; también se cuenta con grandes
fortalezas que ofrecen el potencial necesario para alcanzar el éxito, como las condiciones
macroeconómicas favorables, el tamaño de mercado, el ambiente favorable para la inversión
extranjera directa y por último, la relevancia del software y tecnologías de la información
como sector de clase mundial para Colombia. Es importante planificar con visión de largo
plazo, generar una estructura apropiada y asignar los recursos estratégicamente.
Por estas razones, es necesario y oportuno construir el presente plan estratégico para el
Sector SSA de Colombia, utilizando una metodología suficientemente robusta y madura, que
permitiera definir adecuadamente una visión motivadora, los objetivos de largo y corto plazo y las estrategias apropiadas para lograrlos antes del 2023. El proceso de investigación ha sido
riguroso pese a las limitantes que en términos de información tiene el Sector SSA por ser
relativamente nuevo. Para evaluar la situación actual del sector, se tomaron como referencia
los países más exitosos en SSA en Latinoamérica y el mundo, para fijar objetivos ambiciosos,
pero factibles.
Como resultado del proceso de planeación estratégica se obtuvieron 10 estrategias,
enfocadas en el desarrollo de productos, el desarrollo de mercados y la diversificación
concéntrica. Estas estrategias buscan generar ventajas competitivas que mejoren la posición
de Colombia en el ranking de competitividad mundial, mediante la alta especialización de la
oferta de SSA, por industria, para los siete sectores de clase mundial que hacen parte del
programa de transformación productiva.
Every day there are news on information technology (IT) or related to it. In the last two decades there have been great innovations in this industry that have changed our lifestyle and the way that we interact. Also it has created new opportunities for people, business, societies and countries. It might be the greatest impact in the social inclusion. IT specializations are a consequence of the huge range of IT implementations and also are a key factor on differentiation and competitiveness. In 2008 The Colombian Government found in one of those specialization, Software & Associate Services (SAS), an opportunity to create an innovative industry that would help to increase non-traditional exports (2,500MM USD in 2009), it would improve quality and increase job placements (59,000 new jobs in 2019) and would represent up to 1.6% of GDP, similar to US. The government has taken important steps to develop this sector and has given economical resources to fund a variety of plans, programs and projects. Colombia faces a great challenge that other countries are already taking and besides there are weakness as low adherence to quality standards, lack of qualified labor and low partnership levels, also there are great strengths that provide enough potential to succeed, such as favorable macroeconomic conditions, market size, good environment for direct foreign investment and last, software and information technology relevance as world class sector to Colombia. But it is important to plan ahead on a long term, create suitable structures and strategically allocate resources. For that reason we consider necessary and convenient to create the current strategic plan for the SAS sector in Colombia, using a mature and strong methodology that would allow us to define a suitable motivational vision, long & short term goals and suitable strategies to achieve them before 2023. The research process has been exhaustive, despite the lack of information because this is a relatively new sector. To evaluate the current situation on this sector, we took as reference the most successful countries in software & associate services in Latin America and the world, to set achievable ambitious goals. As a result of the planning we got 10 strategies, focused on product development, market growth and concentric diversification, that looks up to generate competitive advantages using high offer specialization by industries for seven of the world class sectors that are part of the productive transformation program created to improve Colombian ranking position in world’s competitiveness.
Every day there are news on information technology (IT) or related to it. In the last two decades there have been great innovations in this industry that have changed our lifestyle and the way that we interact. Also it has created new opportunities for people, business, societies and countries. It might be the greatest impact in the social inclusion. IT specializations are a consequence of the huge range of IT implementations and also are a key factor on differentiation and competitiveness. In 2008 The Colombian Government found in one of those specialization, Software & Associate Services (SAS), an opportunity to create an innovative industry that would help to increase non-traditional exports (2,500MM USD in 2009), it would improve quality and increase job placements (59,000 new jobs in 2019) and would represent up to 1.6% of GDP, similar to US. The government has taken important steps to develop this sector and has given economical resources to fund a variety of plans, programs and projects. Colombia faces a great challenge that other countries are already taking and besides there are weakness as low adherence to quality standards, lack of qualified labor and low partnership levels, also there are great strengths that provide enough potential to succeed, such as favorable macroeconomic conditions, market size, good environment for direct foreign investment and last, software and information technology relevance as world class sector to Colombia. But it is important to plan ahead on a long term, create suitable structures and strategically allocate resources. For that reason we consider necessary and convenient to create the current strategic plan for the SAS sector in Colombia, using a mature and strong methodology that would allow us to define a suitable motivational vision, long & short term goals and suitable strategies to achieve them before 2023. The research process has been exhaustive, despite the lack of information because this is a relatively new sector. To evaluate the current situation on this sector, we took as reference the most successful countries in software & associate services in Latin America and the world, to set achievable ambitious goals. As a result of the planning we got 10 strategies, focused on product development, market growth and concentric diversification, that looks up to generate competitive advantages using high offer specialization by industries for seven of the world class sectors that are part of the productive transformation program created to improve Colombian ranking position in world’s competitiveness.
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