Business consulting Perseverancia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La Operación Perseverancia, es parte de la División Minería de la Gerencia Zonal Sur
de la Subsidiaria Coster S.A, la cual pertenece a la corporación, con fines de lucro, Costercorp
cuya cede principal está ubicada en Lima, Perú. Perserverancia tiene su sede al interior de las
instalación de la minera Hudbay Mineral, en los distritos de Livitaca y Chamaca en la provincia
de Chumbivilcas, Cusco, Perú a 4,100 msnm, desde donde mantiene relaciones comerciales
estratégicas de venta de maquinarias, repuestos y servicios a la empresa minera canadiense
desde al año 2017.
El objetivo de la consultoría es identificar los aspectos de mejora de esta Operación el
cual se realizó en base a entrevistas y revisión de documentación, así como también proponer
soluciones viables a los problemas identificados relacionados con la retracción de presencia en
el mercado que impacta directamente la facturación de Perseverancia.
En base a los factores del análisis externo e interno y la literatura investigada se propone
los planes de acción a plantearse para que la Operación pueda alcanzar un crecimiento anual
de 10% controlados en base a indicadores de gestión para medir el impacto de la aplicación de
este Plan.
Sí bien es cierto que las medidas restrictivas dadas por el Gobierno peruano debido al
Covid-19 en el año 2020, agravan más el problema principal, las alternativas de solución
planteadas como son la generación de un contrato logístico, incremento en la venta de repuestos
con la asignación de personal tanto para la generación de Backlogs (venta de repuestos como
consecuencia de realizar inspecciones programadas en los equipos ), como para la venta de
repuestos turno de noche y finalmente la generación de un contrato de reparaciones son
cambios de carácter permanente los cuales van a mejorar los ingresos de la Operación y
seguirán vigentes después de que termine la Pandemia por el Covid-19.
Operation Perseverance is part of the Mining Division of the South Zonal Management of the Coster S.A Subsidiary, which belongs to the for-profit corporation, Costercorp, whose main headquarters is located in Lima, Peru. Perserverancia is headquartered within the Hudbay Mineral mining facility, in the districts of Livitaca and Chamaca in the province of Chumbivilcas, Cusco, Peru at 4,100 meters above sea level, from where it maintains strategic commercial relations for the sale of machinery, spare parts and services to the Canadian mining company since 2017. The objective of the consultancy is to identify the aspects of improvement of this Operation which was carried out based on interviews and documentation review, as well as to propose viable solutions to the problems identified related to the retraction of presence in the market that directly impacts the Perseverance billing. Based on the factors of the external and internal analysis and the researched literature, the action plans to be considered are proposed so that the Operation can achieve an annual growth of 10% controlled on the basis of management indicators to measure the impact of the application of this Plan. Although it is true that the restrictive measures given by the Peruvian Government due to Covid-19 in 2020, further aggravate the main problem, the proposed solution alternatives such as the generation of a logistics contract, increase in the sale of spare parts with the allocation of personnel both for the generation of Backlogs (sale of spare parts as a consequence of carrying out scheduled inspections on the equipment), as for the sale of spare parts at night shift and finally the generation of a repair contract are permanent changes which They will improve the income of the Operation and will continue in force after the Covid-19 Pandemic ends.
Operation Perseverance is part of the Mining Division of the South Zonal Management of the Coster S.A Subsidiary, which belongs to the for-profit corporation, Costercorp, whose main headquarters is located in Lima, Peru. Perserverancia is headquartered within the Hudbay Mineral mining facility, in the districts of Livitaca and Chamaca in the province of Chumbivilcas, Cusco, Peru at 4,100 meters above sea level, from where it maintains strategic commercial relations for the sale of machinery, spare parts and services to the Canadian mining company since 2017. The objective of the consultancy is to identify the aspects of improvement of this Operation which was carried out based on interviews and documentation review, as well as to propose viable solutions to the problems identified related to the retraction of presence in the market that directly impacts the Perseverance billing. Based on the factors of the external and internal analysis and the researched literature, the action plans to be considered are proposed so that the Operation can achieve an annual growth of 10% controlled on the basis of management indicators to measure the impact of the application of this Plan. Although it is true that the restrictive measures given by the Peruvian Government due to Covid-19 in 2020, further aggravate the main problem, the proposed solution alternatives such as the generation of a logistics contract, increase in the sale of spare parts with the allocation of personnel both for the generation of Backlogs (sale of spare parts as a consequence of carrying out scheduled inspections on the equipment), as for the sale of spare parts at night shift and finally the generation of a repair contract are permanent changes which They will improve the income of the Operation and will continue in force after the Covid-19 Pandemic ends.
Palabras clave
Consultores de empresas, Planificación estratégica, COVID-19 (Enfermedad)