Protección al consumidor financiero: ¿Las controversias sobre atención de reclamos se deben resolver de manera conjunta entre SBS e Indecopi a través de grupos de trabajo para brindar una respuesta integral y especializada?
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación académica se diferencia de otros enfoques
académicos porque se realiza un análisis global e integral de la protección al
consumidor financiero en la actualidad y con instrumentos internacionales, sobre
la importancia del trabajo en conjunto de Indecopi y SBS, para garantizar la
transparencia en la actividad en el sistema de intermediación financiera peruana
de la mano con la protección a las normas de consumidor.
En esa misma línea, se tienen diversos proyectos para optimizar los canales de
atención con los consumidores, tales como: implementación de la ventanilla
única de reclamos, lanzamiento del nuevo convenio de cooperación institucional
2022, publicación oficial de la Circular SBS respecto a la atención de reclamos y
requerimientos conformación de grupos de trabajo, no obstante, es relevante que
en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico se brinde una protección especializada ante los
cambios acelerados con las tecnologías que manejan las institucionales del
sistema financiero, es decir, dotar de funciones y mecanismos a las instituciones
responsables de la protección a los usuarios financieros, ya que, desde su óptica
pueden aportar mucho en la gestión de la revisión de procedimientos
administrativos por el conocimiento en este sector que es considero complejo
por las operaciones que se realizan en él, y de ese modo pueda lograr el
equilibrio de funciones tanto velar por la solidez, solvencia de las entidades
financieras y una adecuada protección indirecta a los derechos de los
This academic research differs from other academic approaches because a global and comprehensive analysis of financial consumer protection is carried out today and with international instruments, on the importance of the joint work of Indecopi and SBS, to guarantee transparency in the activity in the Peruvian financial intermediation system hand in hand with the protection of consumer standards. Along the same lines, there are various projects to optimize customer service channels, such as: implementation of the single window for complaints, launch of the new institutional cooperation agreement for 2022, official publication of the SBS Circular regarding customer service. claims and requirements for the formation of working groups, however, it is relevant that in our legal system specialized protection is provided in the face of accelerated changes with the technologies that institutions of the financial system manage, that is, to provide functions and mechanisms to the institutions responsible for the protection of financial users, since, from their point of view, they can contribute a lot in the management of the review of administrative procedures for knowledge in this sector, which is considered complex by those carried out in it, and in this way achieve the balance of functions so much that it can ensure the solidity, solvency of the entities and adequate indirect protection of consumer rights.
This academic research differs from other academic approaches because a global and comprehensive analysis of financial consumer protection is carried out today and with international instruments, on the importance of the joint work of Indecopi and SBS, to guarantee transparency in the activity in the Peruvian financial intermediation system hand in hand with the protection of consumer standards. Along the same lines, there are various projects to optimize customer service channels, such as: implementation of the single window for complaints, launch of the new institutional cooperation agreement for 2022, official publication of the SBS Circular regarding customer service. claims and requirements for the formation of working groups, however, it is relevant that in our legal system specialized protection is provided in the face of accelerated changes with the technologies that institutions of the financial system manage, that is, to provide functions and mechanisms to the institutions responsible for the protection of financial users, since, from their point of view, they can contribute a lot in the management of the review of administrative procedures for knowledge in this sector, which is considered complex by those carried out in it, and in this way achieve the balance of functions so much that it can ensure the solidity, solvency of the entities and adequate indirect protection of consumer rights.
Palabras clave
Protección del consumidor--Legislación--Perú, Productos financieros--Perú
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