Estudio de los factores que estarían contribuyendo o limitando la calidad, monitoreo y distribución de los alimentos que entrega el Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar Qali Warma basado en la percepción de los actores del programa de 4 instituciones educativas del distrito de Breña
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar Qali Warma brinda servicio
alimentario a los niños y niñas provenientes de familias de bajos recursos
económicos, que estén matriculados en instituciones educativas públicas de
educación inicial y primaria. El objetivo del programa es mejorar su desempeño en
las clases, la asistencia a las escuelas y los hábitos alimenticios.
El Programa, como medio de alimentación y educación, debe garantizar que los
niños consuman alimentos de calidad; para que sean favorables para una vida
saludable y productiva. Los niños en edad escolar constituyen un grupo humano
vulnerable, debido a que ellos consumen lo que los adultos les proporcionan,
ingiriendo los alimentos sin tener conciencia si el alimento es beneficioso o dañino
para su salud.
La desnutrición infantil ha sido catalogada por UNICEF (2006) como una
emergencia silenciosa: genera efectos muy dañinos que se manifiestan a lo largo de
la vida de la persona, y que no se detectan de inmediato.1 Los programas de
alimentación escolar se presentan como medidas para combatir la desnutrición, el
ausentismo, la deserción escolar y los problemas de aprendizaje, ya que según la
FAO “alimentar a un niño en la escuela significa permitir que se eduque y tenga
posibilidades de salir del ciclo de la exclusión social”.2
Por otro lado, se debe indicar también que existe una “actual problemática
relacionada al incremento del sobrepeso y obesidad en la población escolar”.3 Esto
1 Beltrán, Arlette y Seinfeld, Janice 2009 Desnutrición Crónica Infantil en el Perú: Un problema persistente.
Documento de discusión. Universidad del Pacífico. P. 3
2 Cooperación Brasil-FAO. Alimentación escolar y las posibilidades de compra directa de la agricultura familiar.
Estudio de caso en ocho países. P.31
3 Qali Warma Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar. Componente alimentario.
se debe al consumo de alimentos que son dañinos para la salud, como lo son los
alimentos con contenido de grasas trans, y con altos niveles de azúcares y sal, que
en el mediano y largo plazo promueven la generación de una serie de
enfermedades, como lo es sufrir de obesidad, sobrepeso, hipertensión, problemas
de indigestión, caries, altos niveles de colesterol, diabetes, cáncer, etc. Por lo que
se debe tener en cuenta el nivel de conocimiento y concientización de los actores
del programa sobre el tema de la alimentación saludable.
El presente estudio trata sobre la calidad, distribución y monitoreo de los alimentos
en el Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar Qali Warma. Este tiene como
objetivo identificar los factores que estarían contribuyendo o limitando la calidad de
los alimentos que se proporcionan a través del Programa en el distrito de Breña
durante el año 2016, mediante el análisis de la información a partir de la percepción
y opinión de los actores del programa, sobre la calidad de alimentos y conociendo
las condiciones de almacenamiento, distribución y monitoreo de los mismos, para
proponer medidas de mejora que fortalezcan la implementación del programa.
Con este estudio se pretende contribuir al mejoramiento de la salud nutricional y
educativa de niños beneficiarios con los alimentos que se distribuyen. Ello será por
medio de la investigación de la calidad, distribución y monitoreo de los alimentos, y
con ello poder saber si los niños beneficiados se están nutriendo realmente con los
alimentos recibidos.
The National School Feeding Program Qali Warma offers a nutrition service to children with low resources, who are enrolled in public education institutes of kinder garden and primary. The program's aim is to improve the class assistance and food habits. The program, as a medium of nutrition and education, must guarantee that infants will consume quality food which offers them a healthy lifestyle and contribute to their productive life. Kids who are in a secular age belong to a vulnerable human group, because they consume what adults give them; therefore, they eat without conscious if their food gets profit to their health or not. According to UNICEF, infant's undernourishment has been registered as a silent emergency that will produce dangerous effects that will be shown along their lives; however, it does not detect immediately4. The feed schooler program is presented as a solution of fighting against undernourishment, absenteeism, schooler abandons and problems related to learning, because according to FAO “nourished child means that he is able to be educated and to have possibilities to get out of the cycle of social exclusion” 5. On the other hand, it is necessary to indicate that “problems related to overweight and obesity in schoolers exist nowadays” 6. It is because unhealthy food is ingested, such as, trans fats and food high levels of sugar and salt; and that will, in a medium or long term, promote a generation of diseases. For example, to suffer overweight, obesity, hypertension, ingestion problems, cavities, high levels of cholesterol, 4 Beltrán, Arlette y Seinfeld, Janice 2009 Desnutrición Crónica Infantil en el Perú: Un problema persistente. Documento de discusión. Universidad del Pacífico. P. 3 5 Cooperación Brasil-FAO. Alimentación escolar y las posibilidades de compra directa de la agricultura familiar. Estudio de caso en ocho países. P.31 6 Qali Warma Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar. Componente alimentario. 5 diabetes, cancer, etc. Therefore, it is important to consider people's awareness about the program's acting on this healthy feed topic. This study has as purpose to identify factors which are contributing or limiting food's quality delivered and monitoring through Qali Warma in Breña's district during 2016; by analyzing the information from the perception and opinion of the actors of the program, on the quality of food and knowing their conditions of storage, distribution and monitoring, to propose measures of improvement that can strengthen the implementation of the program. With this study has as intention to contribute with a healthy and educational nutrition for children who are being distributed with this food, by means of the quality research, distribution and food monitoring; and using that can know if the benefited children are certainly nurturing by the food given.The National School Feeding Program Qali Warma offers a nutrition service to children with low resources, who are enrolled in public education institutes of kinder garden and primary. The program's aim is to improve the class assistance and food habits. The program, as a medium of nutrition and education, must guarantee that infants will consume quality food which offers them a healthy lifestyle and contribute to their productive life. Kids who are in a secular age belong to a vulnerable human group, because they consume what adults give them; therefore, they eat without conscious if their food gets profit to their health or not. According to UNICEF, infant's undernourishment has been registered as a silent emergency that will produce dangerous effects that will be shown along their lives; however, it does not detect immediately4. The feed schooler program is presented as a solution of fighting against undernourishment, absenteeism, schooler abandons and problems related to learning, because according to FAO “nourished child means that he is able to be educated and to have possibilities to get out of the cycle of social exclusion” 5. On the other hand, it is necessary to indicate that “problems related to overweight and obesity in schoolers exist nowadays” 6. It is because unhealthy food is ingested, such as, trans fats and food high levels of sugar and salt; and that will, in a medium or long term, promote a generation of diseases. For example, to suffer overweight, obesity, hypertension, ingestion problems, cavities, high levels of cholesterol, 4 Beltrán, Arlette y Seinfeld, Janice 2009 Desnutrición Crónica Infantil en el Perú: Un problema persistente. Documento de discusión. Universidad del Pacífico. P. 3 5 Cooperación Brasil-FAO. Alimentación escolar y las posibilidades de compra directa de la agricultura familiar. Estudio de caso en ocho países. P.31 6 Qali Warma Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar. Componente alimentario. 5 diabetes, cancer, etc. Therefore, it is important to consider people's awareness about the program's acting on this healthy feed topic. This study has as purpose to identify factors which are contributing or limiting food's quality delivered and monitoring through Qali Warma in Breña's district during 2016; by analyzing the information from the perception and opinion of the actors of the program, on the quality of food and knowing their conditions of storage, distribution and monitoring, to propose measures of improvement that can strengthen the implementation of the program. With this study has as intention to contribute with a healthy and educational nutrition for children who are being distributed with this food, by means of the quality research, distribution and food monitoring; and using that can know if the benefited children are certainly nurturing by the food given.
The National School Feeding Program Qali Warma offers a nutrition service to children with low resources, who are enrolled in public education institutes of kinder garden and primary. The program's aim is to improve the class assistance and food habits. The program, as a medium of nutrition and education, must guarantee that infants will consume quality food which offers them a healthy lifestyle and contribute to their productive life. Kids who are in a secular age belong to a vulnerable human group, because they consume what adults give them; therefore, they eat without conscious if their food gets profit to their health or not. According to UNICEF, infant's undernourishment has been registered as a silent emergency that will produce dangerous effects that will be shown along their lives; however, it does not detect immediately4. The feed schooler program is presented as a solution of fighting against undernourishment, absenteeism, schooler abandons and problems related to learning, because according to FAO “nourished child means that he is able to be educated and to have possibilities to get out of the cycle of social exclusion” 5. On the other hand, it is necessary to indicate that “problems related to overweight and obesity in schoolers exist nowadays” 6. It is because unhealthy food is ingested, such as, trans fats and food high levels of sugar and salt; and that will, in a medium or long term, promote a generation of diseases. For example, to suffer overweight, obesity, hypertension, ingestion problems, cavities, high levels of cholesterol, 4 Beltrán, Arlette y Seinfeld, Janice 2009 Desnutrición Crónica Infantil en el Perú: Un problema persistente. Documento de discusión. Universidad del Pacífico. P. 3 5 Cooperación Brasil-FAO. Alimentación escolar y las posibilidades de compra directa de la agricultura familiar. Estudio de caso en ocho países. P.31 6 Qali Warma Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar. Componente alimentario. 5 diabetes, cancer, etc. Therefore, it is important to consider people's awareness about the program's acting on this healthy feed topic. This study has as purpose to identify factors which are contributing or limiting food's quality delivered and monitoring through Qali Warma in Breña's district during 2016; by analyzing the information from the perception and opinion of the actors of the program, on the quality of food and knowing their conditions of storage, distribution and monitoring, to propose measures of improvement that can strengthen the implementation of the program. With this study has as intention to contribute with a healthy and educational nutrition for children who are being distributed with this food, by means of the quality research, distribution and food monitoring; and using that can know if the benefited children are certainly nurturing by the food given.The National School Feeding Program Qali Warma offers a nutrition service to children with low resources, who are enrolled in public education institutes of kinder garden and primary. The program's aim is to improve the class assistance and food habits. The program, as a medium of nutrition and education, must guarantee that infants will consume quality food which offers them a healthy lifestyle and contribute to their productive life. Kids who are in a secular age belong to a vulnerable human group, because they consume what adults give them; therefore, they eat without conscious if their food gets profit to their health or not. According to UNICEF, infant's undernourishment has been registered as a silent emergency that will produce dangerous effects that will be shown along their lives; however, it does not detect immediately4. The feed schooler program is presented as a solution of fighting against undernourishment, absenteeism, schooler abandons and problems related to learning, because according to FAO “nourished child means that he is able to be educated and to have possibilities to get out of the cycle of social exclusion” 5. On the other hand, it is necessary to indicate that “problems related to overweight and obesity in schoolers exist nowadays” 6. It is because unhealthy food is ingested, such as, trans fats and food high levels of sugar and salt; and that will, in a medium or long term, promote a generation of diseases. For example, to suffer overweight, obesity, hypertension, ingestion problems, cavities, high levels of cholesterol, 4 Beltrán, Arlette y Seinfeld, Janice 2009 Desnutrición Crónica Infantil en el Perú: Un problema persistente. Documento de discusión. Universidad del Pacífico. P. 3 5 Cooperación Brasil-FAO. Alimentación escolar y las posibilidades de compra directa de la agricultura familiar. Estudio de caso en ocho países. P.31 6 Qali Warma Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar. Componente alimentario. 5 diabetes, cancer, etc. Therefore, it is important to consider people's awareness about the program's acting on this healthy feed topic. This study has as purpose to identify factors which are contributing or limiting food's quality delivered and monitoring through Qali Warma in Breña's district during 2016; by analyzing the information from the perception and opinion of the actors of the program, on the quality of food and knowing their conditions of storage, distribution and monitoring, to propose measures of improvement that can strengthen the implementation of the program. With this study has as intention to contribute with a healthy and educational nutrition for children who are being distributed with this food, by means of the quality research, distribution and food monitoring; and using that can know if the benefited children are certainly nurturing by the food given.
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