Plan estratégico del sector universitario de pregrado público de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis propone el plan estratégico para impulsar el desarrollo del sector educativo
público universitario nivel pregrado del Perú, dentro de un horizonte de diez años al 2026 y
para el departamento de Lima. La importancia de la educación es innegable para un país en
crecimiento y en vías de desarrollo como este, en donde se precisa una educación de calidad
para que los jóvenes puedan formarse y tener aptitudes adecuadas que permitan una inserción
en el mercado laboral y ejercer eficientemente su rol profesional, así como ser agentes de
cambio dentro del país.
En la última década se ha visto la apertura de muchos centros universitarios de pregrado
privados, sin embargo no han logrado tener las acreditaciones internacionales que las sitúen
como organizaciones modernas, con profesores calificados e infraestructura ideal para el
desarrollo de la actividad cognitiva y científica que deberían tener. La desintegración de la
Asamblea Nacional de Rectores, así como la apertura del SUNEDU como máximo ente
supervisor de la educación, y la Nueva Ley Universitaria N.° 23733 generan un momento de
cambios que puede ser una gran oportunidad para planear cambios de corto, mediano y largo
plazo con la finalidad de mejorar la calidad de educación del sistema universitario público de
pregrado del país y empezar a escalar en los rankings internacionales de calidad educativa.
Este plan estratégico ha analizado los factores internos y externos que permiten reconocer las
fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas del sector en estudio, así también analizar
el contexto nacional y mundial para elaborar estrategias a corto y largo plazo con la finalidad
de mejorar los indicadores de educación de calidad, como son profesores acreditados,
infraestructura de vanguardia, currícula actualizada, planes de intercambio estudiantil y una
exitosa integración a la bolsa laboral nacional de los profesionales egresados en las diferentes
universidades del país
The current thesis proposes the strategic plan to boost the development of the Peruvian public university education sector at undergraduate level within a horizon of ten years for the department of Lima. The importance of the education is undeniable for a growing and developing country like this, where it is necessary to have quality education for youngsters to be trained and have appropriate aptitudes that allow them to enter the labor market and exercise their professional roles in order to become agents of change in the country. The last decade has seen the opening of many private undergraduate universities, however they have failed to have international accreditations that can situating them as modern organizations with qualified teachers and ideal infrastructure for the development of cognitive and scientific activity. The disintegration of the National Assembly of Rectors, as well as the opening of SUNEDU as general supervisor of education, and the New University Law No. 23733 generate a moment of change that can be a great opportunity to plan a change in the short, medium and long term in order to improve the quality of education of undergraduate public university system in the country and start climbing the international rankings of educational quality. This strategic plan has analyzed the internal and external factors that can recognize the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the sector under study, and also analyze the national and global context to develop strategies for the short and long term in order to improve indicators quality education as they are accredited and with great career teachers, cutting-edge infrastructure, updated curricula, student exchange plans and successful integration into the national labor professional market from different universities
The current thesis proposes the strategic plan to boost the development of the Peruvian public university education sector at undergraduate level within a horizon of ten years for the department of Lima. The importance of the education is undeniable for a growing and developing country like this, where it is necessary to have quality education for youngsters to be trained and have appropriate aptitudes that allow them to enter the labor market and exercise their professional roles in order to become agents of change in the country. The last decade has seen the opening of many private undergraduate universities, however they have failed to have international accreditations that can situating them as modern organizations with qualified teachers and ideal infrastructure for the development of cognitive and scientific activity. The disintegration of the National Assembly of Rectors, as well as the opening of SUNEDU as general supervisor of education, and the New University Law No. 23733 generate a moment of change that can be a great opportunity to plan a change in the short, medium and long term in order to improve the quality of education of undergraduate public university system in the country and start climbing the international rankings of educational quality. This strategic plan has analyzed the internal and external factors that can recognize the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the sector under study, and also analyze the national and global context to develop strategies for the short and long term in order to improve indicators quality education as they are accredited and with great career teachers, cutting-edge infrastructure, updated curricula, student exchange plans and successful integration into the national labor professional market from different universities
Palabras clave
Educacion pública--Perú, Educación superior--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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