Diálogo cultural e intercambios como experiencia de Buen Vivir. La suma causai en Lima Norte
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La suma causai quechua o suma camaña aymara significan algo así como “armonía con los vecinos y con la naturaleza”. Un concepto parecido es el de “buen vivir”, que actualmente ha reencontrado en el contexto andino su inspiración, al ser este un ambiente cultural donde están surgiendo los principales foros para su reflexión. Este artículo se suma a estos foros aportando un análisis sobre diferentes iniciativas de desarrollo que están surgiendo en el cono norte de Lima y que son producto de la interacción de la población migrante de origen andino con el entorno institucional y socio-económico de la capital peruana. Concretamente se refiere a las iniciativas que los migrantes están tomando para hacerse un lugar en la vida económica y cultural de Lima, a la vez que mantienen sus tradiciones y sus referencias emocionales. Este acervo interior se encuentra basado en valores, costumbres y ademanes, que se han ido desbordando en el espacio urbano, al contribuir a generar riqueza, a desmoronar prejuicios y a generar empatías entre la vieja y la nueva sociedad limeña, al tiempo que ejercen una notable influencia en la reformulación de la propia cultura andina.
Suma Causai, quechuan, or Suma Camaña, aymaran, mean something similar to “harmony among neighbors and with nature”. This is a similar concept to that of “buen vivir”, which actually has re-inspired by the Andean context where the principal forums for reflection on the matter are arising. This article adds to these forums, contributing an analysis about different initiatives for development that are appearing in the northern districts of Lima, which are a product of the interaction between the migrant andean population and the institutional, social and economic environment of the Peruvian capital. It refers to the initiatives that the migrants are taking to establish themselves within the economic and cultural life of Lima without having to renounce their traditions and emotional references. This interior cultural heritage based on values, customs, and gestures, which has been overflowing in its new vital urban environment contribute to generate wealth, topple prejudice, empathy between the new and old urban society of Lima, at the same time that are making a notable influence in the rebuilding of the own Andean culture.
Suma Causai, quechuan, or Suma Camaña, aymaran, mean something similar to “harmony among neighbors and with nature”. This is a similar concept to that of “buen vivir”, which actually has re-inspired by the Andean context where the principal forums for reflection on the matter are arising. This article adds to these forums, contributing an analysis about different initiatives for development that are appearing in the northern districts of Lima, which are a product of the interaction between the migrant andean population and the institutional, social and economic environment of the Peruvian capital. It refers to the initiatives that the migrants are taking to establish themselves within the economic and cultural life of Lima without having to renounce their traditions and emotional references. This interior cultural heritage based on values, customs, and gestures, which has been overflowing in its new vital urban environment contribute to generate wealth, topple prejudice, empathy between the new and old urban society of Lima, at the same time that are making a notable influence in the rebuilding of the own Andean culture.
Palabras clave
Buen Vivir, Andean Culture, Modernity, Identity Development, Buen Vivir, Cultura Andina, Modernidad, Desarrollo con Identidad
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