Plan estratégico para la Región Loreto
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la presente tesis se desarrolla el Plan Estratégico de la Región Loreto, ubicada en
el Perú. El plan en mención deriva de una minuciosa evaluación del entorno de la región, así
como de un objetivo análisis del interior de la organización. Esto ha permitido obtener un
valioso diagnóstico e identificación de las oportunidades, amenazas, fortalezas y debilidades
de la región. La información ha sido procesada de manera crítica, lógica y secuencial, bajo
una metodología estructurada y con la ayuda de diferentes matrices. Bajo este análisis se
pudieron definir estrategias orientadas a cumplir objetivos a largo plazo, los mismos que
están asociados a objetivos de corto plazo. Todo esto enmarcado en la visión planteada para
la Región de Loreto.
Loreto es una región con mucho potencial de crecimiento, sin embargo, actualmente
tiene bajos niveles de competitividad de acuerdo al Índice de Competitividad Regional del
Perú 2014, elaborado por CENTRUM Católica. Las estrategias diseñadas en el presente
documento están orientadas a la búsqueda del crecimiento sostenible de la región, basándose
en el adecuado aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales y desarrollando de manera
progresiva habilidades productivas en pro de su desarrollo económico. Las estrategias
planteadas están alineadas además al desarrollo cultural y social de la región, revalorando a
esta como un importante destino turístico y con muchas oportunidades para las actuales y
futuras generaciones de la región
In this document, we explain the Strategic Plan of the Region of Loreto located in Peru. The strategic plan mentioned is the result of a thorough evaluation and analysis of the environment in the region, as well as an objective analysis within its organization. This has led to an accurate diagnosis and identification of opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses of the region. This information has been processed in a critical, logical and sequential manner under a structured methodology and with the help of different matrix. Under this analysis, it has been possible to define strategies aimed to meet long-term objectives and which are associated to short-term objectives. Everything is framed in the outlined vision for the Region of Loreto. Loreto is a region with great potential growth. Nevertheless, it has low levels of competitiveness nowadays, according to the 2014 Regional Competitiveness Index of Peru, elaborated by CENTRUM Católica. The strategies designed in this document are set towards a sustainable growth in the region, based on an appropiate use of natural resources in the region, and a progressive development of productive skills in the region. The strategies proposed are well aligned to the cultural and social development of the region, revaluing it as a major tourist destination with many opportunities for current and future residents of the region
In this document, we explain the Strategic Plan of the Region of Loreto located in Peru. The strategic plan mentioned is the result of a thorough evaluation and analysis of the environment in the region, as well as an objective analysis within its organization. This has led to an accurate diagnosis and identification of opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses of the region. This information has been processed in a critical, logical and sequential manner under a structured methodology and with the help of different matrix. Under this analysis, it has been possible to define strategies aimed to meet long-term objectives and which are associated to short-term objectives. Everything is framed in the outlined vision for the Region of Loreto. Loreto is a region with great potential growth. Nevertheless, it has low levels of competitiveness nowadays, according to the 2014 Regional Competitiveness Index of Peru, elaborated by CENTRUM Católica. The strategies designed in this document are set towards a sustainable growth in the region, based on an appropiate use of natural resources in the region, and a progressive development of productive skills in the region. The strategies proposed are well aligned to the cultural and social development of the region, revaluing it as a major tourist destination with many opportunities for current and future residents of the region
Palabras clave
Planificación regional -- Perú -- Loreto, Desarrollo regional -- Perú -- Loreto, Planificación estratégica
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