Informe de la práctica profesional en un aula de 3 años de una institución educativa pública del distrito de Cercado de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente documento corresponde al trabajo de suficiencia profesional, el cual tiene como
finalidad justificar el logro de las competencias del perfil de egreso de la Facultad de
Educación. El interés por desarrollar el informe surge en el marco de la práctica reflexiva en
función a identificar fortalezas y oportunidades de mejoras de las capacidades de mi rol
docente durante la ejecución de la práctica preprofesional en instituciones públicas de
educación inicial. La práctica reflexiva es una introspección analítica producto de una
reflexión crítico pedagógica sobre el desempeño en las aulas, en donde se ejerce una
autoevaluación activa y constante de las experiencias parte de la profesión, para la
autoformación continua y mejora permanente como persona y profesional. Durante todo el
proceso se recurrió al uso de una herramienta tecnológica en donde se exponen las evidencias
de experiencias significativas que corresponden a cada desempeño del perfil de egreso, esta
herramienta funcionó como instrumento de recopilación de datos que permitió el análisis
presente en este trabajo. La estructura del documento está dividida en dos partes: la primera,
evidencia una valoración global del nivel de logro de las competencias; y la segunda, una
revisión sobre el desarrollo de desempeños en función a un proyecto de aprendizaje. Se
concluye con las recomendaciones a la Facultad de Educación sobre su rol en la formación
docente inicial.
This document corresponds to the work of professional sufficiency, which aims to justify the achievement of the competencies of the graduate profile of the Faculty of Education. The interest in developing the report arises within the framework of reflective practice in terms of identifying strengths and opportunities to improve the capacities of my teaching role during the development of pre-professional practice in public institutions of initial education. The reflective practice is an analytical introspection product of a pedagogical critical reflection on the performance in the classrooms, where an active and constant self-evaluation of the experiences of the profession is exercised, for continuous self-training and permanent improvement as a person and professional. Throughout the process, the use of a technological tool was used where the evidences of significant experiences that correspond to each discharge profile performance are exposed, this tool functioned as an instrument of data collection that allowed the analysis present in this work. The structure of the document is divided into two parts: the first shows a global assessment of the level of achievement of competencies; and the second, a review of performance development based on a learning project. It concludes with recommendations to the Faculty of Education about their role in initial teacher training.
This document corresponds to the work of professional sufficiency, which aims to justify the achievement of the competencies of the graduate profile of the Faculty of Education. The interest in developing the report arises within the framework of reflective practice in terms of identifying strengths and opportunities to improve the capacities of my teaching role during the development of pre-professional practice in public institutions of initial education. The reflective practice is an analytical introspection product of a pedagogical critical reflection on the performance in the classrooms, where an active and constant self-evaluation of the experiences of the profession is exercised, for continuous self-training and permanent improvement as a person and professional. Throughout the process, the use of a technological tool was used where the evidences of significant experiences that correspond to each discharge profile performance are exposed, this tool functioned as an instrument of data collection that allowed the analysis present in this work. The structure of the document is divided into two parts: the first shows a global assessment of the level of achievement of competencies; and the second, a review of performance development based on a learning project. It concludes with recommendations to the Faculty of Education about their role in initial teacher training.
Palabras clave
Formación profesional de maestros, Educación preescolar--prácticas profesionales, Educación preescolar--Perú--Lima
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