Los cuentos audiovisuales como recurso educativo asincrónico en relación a la comprensión lectora de los estudiantes del primer grado de primaria de un colegio estatal del distrito de Pueblo Libre durante el año escolar 2020
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La investigación responde al análisis de documentos didácticos como son los
cuentos audiovisuales y las fichas de trabajo empleadas en el segmento “Leemos
Juntos” de la estrategia “Aprendo en Casa” en un colegio de gestión estatal del distrito
de Pueblo Libre durante el año escolar 2020, donde se analizan las características de
los cuentos audiovisuales utilizados por estudiantes de primer grado como recurso
asincrónico y la relación de estos con los niveles de comprensión lectora literal,
inferencial y crítica. El estudio corresponde a un enfoque cualitativo de nivel
descriptivo y tiene como método la investigación documental. Se trabaja con dos
categorías, la primera relacionada a las características de los cuentos audiovisuales,
y la segunda a los niveles de comprensión lectora. La recolección de la información
se realiza mediante la técnica del análisis documental y como instrumentos se utilizan
matrices de análisis individual y comparativo. El análisis e interpretación de los
resultados se consolida en una matriz de síntesis y gráficos estadísticos. Finalmente,
se concluye que los cuentos audiovisuales como recursos asincrónicos utilizados
como material didáctico en estudiantes de primer grado, cuentan con características
relacionadas de manera significativa a los niveles de comprensión lectora y que
además comparten criterios comunes tales como: Caracterizar nombres de
personajes, Delimitar un escenario, Describir acciones de personajes, Describir
experiencias del lector, Abordar un temática asociada a saberes previos y palabras
nuevas, Lectura de imágenes que infieren información implícita; y Situaciones que
argumentan la postura e intencionalidad del autor.
The research responds to the analysis of educational documents such as audiovisual stories and worksheets used in the “Leemos Juntos” segment of the “Aprendo en Casa” strategy in a state-run school in Pueblo Libre district during the 2020 school year, where the characteristics of audiovisual stories used by first-grade students as an asynchronous resource and their relationship with the levels of literal, inferential and critical reading comprehension are analyzed. The study corresponds to a qualitative, descriptive-level approach and its method is documentary research. It works with two categories, the first related to the characteristics of audiovisual stories, and the second to the levels of reading comprehension. The information was collected using the documentary analysis technique and individual and comparative analysis matrices were used as instruments. The analysis and interpretation of the results is consolidated in a synthesis matrix and statistical graphics. Finally, it was concluded that audiovisual stories as asynchronous resources used as didactic material in first grade students have characteristics significantly related to reading comprehension levels and that they also share common criteria such as: Characterize names of characters , Delimit a scenario, Describe actions of characters, Describe experiences of the reader, Address a theme associated with previous knowledge and new words, Reading images that infer implicit information; and Situations that argue the position and intention of the author.
The research responds to the analysis of educational documents such as audiovisual stories and worksheets used in the “Leemos Juntos” segment of the “Aprendo en Casa” strategy in a state-run school in Pueblo Libre district during the 2020 school year, where the characteristics of audiovisual stories used by first-grade students as an asynchronous resource and their relationship with the levels of literal, inferential and critical reading comprehension are analyzed. The study corresponds to a qualitative, descriptive-level approach and its method is documentary research. It works with two categories, the first related to the characteristics of audiovisual stories, and the second to the levels of reading comprehension. The information was collected using the documentary analysis technique and individual and comparative analysis matrices were used as instruments. The analysis and interpretation of the results is consolidated in a synthesis matrix and statistical graphics. Finally, it was concluded that audiovisual stories as asynchronous resources used as didactic material in first grade students have characteristics significantly related to reading comprehension levels and that they also share common criteria such as: Characterize names of characters , Delimit a scenario, Describe actions of characters, Describe experiences of the reader, Address a theme associated with previous knowledge and new words, Reading images that infer implicit information; and Situations that argue the position and intention of the author.
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