Percepción docente sobre la competencia social de niños para el desarrollo de interacciones en el aula de segundo grado de Educación Primaria de una institución educativa pública de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La competencia social, desde el marco de la Educación Emocional, es entendida
como la capacidad de poder relacionarse positivamente con otras personas; lo cual
toma un rol fundamental en el desarrollo de interacciones en la escuela. En ese
sentido, esta investigación tiene el objetivo de analizar la percepción docente sobre
la competencia social de los niños para el desarrollo de las interacciones en el aula
de segundo grado de una institución educativa pública de Lima. La metodología del
estudio corresponde a un enfoque cualitativo, de nivel descriptivo; se hace uso de la
técnica de entrevista semiestructurada, realizada a tres docentes del segundo grado,
en calidad de informantes. Los hallazgos muestran que las docentes perciben
habilidades y actitudes de los niños relacionadas a las microcompetencias propias
de la competencia social, como la expresión de agradecimiento, el respeto por las
diferencias y la comunicación expresiva de sentimientos, las cuales destacan por las
particularidades del grupo de estudiantes a su cargo. También, señalan que los
niños aún deben seguir desarrollando las habilidades sociales, la aceptación de
ideas y las formas de pensar diferente. Además, las docentes reconocen la
importancia de esta competencia en el desarrollo de la comunicación y de las
relaciones positivas de los estudiantes en el aula, tanto en los procesos de
enseñanza y aprendizaje eficaces como en su desarrollo integral para vivir en
Social competence, from the framework of Emotional Education, is understood as the ability to be able to relate positively with other people. This in school takes a very important role for the development of interactions. This research aims to analyze the teacher's perception of children's social competence for the development of interactions in the second grade classroom of a public educational institution in Lima. The study methodology corresponds to a qualitative approach, descriptive level approach and the semi-structured interview technique is used, with three second grade teachers, as informants. The findings show that the teachers perceive children's skills and attitudes related to the micro-competences of social competence such as the expression of gratitude, respect for differences and expressive communication of feelings, which stand out for the particularities of the group of students in charge. They also point out that children still need to develop social skills and the acceptance of different ideas and ways of thinking. In addition, the teachers recognize the importance of this competence in the development of communication and positive relationships of students in the classroom, both in effective teaching and learning processes and in their integral development to live in society.
Social competence, from the framework of Emotional Education, is understood as the ability to be able to relate positively with other people. This in school takes a very important role for the development of interactions. This research aims to analyze the teacher's perception of children's social competence for the development of interactions in the second grade classroom of a public educational institution in Lima. The study methodology corresponds to a qualitative approach, descriptive level approach and the semi-structured interview technique is used, with three second grade teachers, as informants. The findings show that the teachers perceive children's skills and attitudes related to the micro-competences of social competence such as the expression of gratitude, respect for differences and expressive communication of feelings, which stand out for the particularities of the group of students in charge. They also point out that children still need to develop social skills and the acceptance of different ideas and ways of thinking. In addition, the teachers recognize the importance of this competence in the development of communication and positive relationships of students in the classroom, both in effective teaching and learning processes and in their integral development to live in society.
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