Desarrollo de la autorregulación y motivación intrínseca en los estudiantes de educación secundaria desde la evaluación formativa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El estudio tiene como objetivo, analizar el desarrollo de la autorregulación y la motivación intrínseca de los estudiantes de educación secundaria, desde la evaluación formativa. Para ello se utiliza el método de investigación documental que permite la búsqueda, selección, análisis de fuentes y profundización en la temática abordada. En el proceso se hace uso de la matriz de análisis individual de fuentes que posibilita la sistematización de la información. La primera parte del informe trata sobre la autorregulación y las estrategias de la evaluación formativa en el nivel de secundaria. En la segunda parte, se profundiza en la motivación intrínseca y cómo promoverla desde la evaluación formativa. Entre las conclusiones podemos indicar que la evaluación formativa promueve procesos de autorregulación e involucramiento de los estudiantes en sus aprendizajes, a través de estrategias como, el comunicar desde el inicio, los propósitos o resultados de aprendizaje previstos; generar la participación en la evaluación; brindar retroalimentación formativa que a su vez favorece la autonomía. Así también, la evaluación formativa fomenta la motivación intrínseca en los estudiantes, pues aporta a la construcción de sus creencias de autoeficacia, sobre la base de sus propios desempeños y con miras a seguir mejorando, para lograr el objetivo alcanzable y posible en el tiempo. Tanto la autorregulación como la motivación intrínseca son aspectos indispensables a trabajar en la educación secundaria, ya que sientan bases sólidas para que el adolescente desarrolle y construya su proyecto de vida
The objective of the study is to analyze, from a formative evaluation, the development of self-regulation and intrinsic motivation of secondary students. This investigation uses the documentary research method that allows the search, selection, analysis of sources and deepening the topic addressed. In this process, the use of individual source analysis matrix enables the systematization of information. The first part of the report deals with self-regulation and formative assessment strategies at the secondary school level. In the second part, we delve deeper into intrinsic motivation and how to promote it through formative assessment. Among the conclusions we can identify that formative evaluation promotes processes of self-regulation and student involvement in their own learning, through strategies such as communicating the purposes or expected learning results from the beginning; promote participation in the evaluation; provide formative feedback that encourages autonomy as well. Likewise, formative evaluation increases intrinsic motivation in students, since it contributes to the construction of their self-efficacy beliefs, based on their own performances with hopes of improving, to achieve manageable and possible goals over time. Both self-regulation and intrinsic motivation are essential aspects to work on in secondary education, since they lay solid foundations for the adolescent to develop and build their life project
The objective of the study is to analyze, from a formative evaluation, the development of self-regulation and intrinsic motivation of secondary students. This investigation uses the documentary research method that allows the search, selection, analysis of sources and deepening the topic addressed. In this process, the use of individual source analysis matrix enables the systematization of information. The first part of the report deals with self-regulation and formative assessment strategies at the secondary school level. In the second part, we delve deeper into intrinsic motivation and how to promote it through formative assessment. Among the conclusions we can identify that formative evaluation promotes processes of self-regulation and student involvement in their own learning, through strategies such as communicating the purposes or expected learning results from the beginning; promote participation in the evaluation; provide formative feedback that encourages autonomy as well. Likewise, formative evaluation increases intrinsic motivation in students, since it contributes to the construction of their self-efficacy beliefs, based on their own performances with hopes of improving, to achieve manageable and possible goals over time. Both self-regulation and intrinsic motivation are essential aspects to work on in secondary education, since they lay solid foundations for the adolescent to develop and build their life project
Palabras clave
Educación secundaria--Perú, Motivación (Psicología), Rendimiento académico--Aspectos psicológicos
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