Implementación de un sistema integrado de gestión de monitoreo del circuito consultorio-farmacia-logística en la atención ambulatoria del Hospital Central PNP. LUIS N SAENZ de la Dirección de Sanidad PNP, en la ciudad de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La población policial y sus derechohabientes bordean las 400 mil personas que, por
diferentes dolencias o consecuencias propios del servicio, hacen uso de los diferentes centros
asistenciales que tiene la Policía nacional del Perú a nivel nacional; el Hospital Central PNP.
LUIS N SAENZ, ubicado en Lima, es una unidad prestadora de salud de nivel 01 y que, debido
a su alta especialización, viene siendo concurrido por casi el 50% del personal policial a nivel
nacional, los cuales hacen uso de los diferentes servicios asistenciales, entre ellos los servicios
de atención ambulatoria que como es de conocimiento público presenta una serie de
limitaciones entre ellas la carencia de medicamentos.
La Dirección de Sanidad de la Policía Nacional del Perú, viene realizando denodados
esfuerzos con la finalidad de reducir la brecha de medicamentos a través de adquisiciones
corporativas de medicamentos por el Ministerio de Salud, mediante la devolución de gastos
realizados por la compra de medicinas a través de SaludPol, la compra de medicamentos por
intermedio de su Unidad Ejecutora ante la falta de abastecimiento.
A través del levantamiento de información, se ha podido evidenciar una falta de
articulación entre los diferentes actores inmersos en el abastecimiento oportuno de
Con la finalidad de mejorar la relación del hospital con sus pacientes, incrementando la
comunicación, alertándolos de la cantidad de medicamentos del hospital, el estado de compra
de estos, controlando el abastecimiento de medicamentos al interior del hospital, del
abastecimiento de medicamentos y evitar manejos fraudulentos., se propone implementar un
sistema integrado de gestión de monitoreo del circuito consultorio-farmacia-logística para
enfrentar el problema de la inoportunidad de la logística hospitalaria desarrollada por la oficina
de administración de la Dirección Ejecutiva de Sanidad PNP. en la atención ambulatoria en la
unidad productora de servicio de salud (UPSS) consulta externa del Hospital Central PNP.
The police population and its rightful owners surround the 400 thousand people who, due to different ailments or consequences of the service, make use of the different assistance centers that the National Police of Peru has at national level, the PNP Central Hospital. LUIS N SAENZ, located in Lima, is a health provider unit of level 01 and that due to its high specialization, it is being attended by almost 50% of the police personnel nationwide, which make use of the different assistance services, among them, ambulatory care services that, as is public knowledge, present a series of limitations, including the lack of medications. The Directorate of Health of the National Police of Peru, has been making strenuous efforts to reduce the drug gap through corporate purchases of medicines through the Ministry of Health, by returning expenses incurred for the purchase of medicines to through SaludPol, the purchase of medicines through its Executing Unit for medicines due to lack of supply. Through the gathering of information, it has been possible to show a lack of articulation between the different actors involved in the timely supply of medicines. In order to improve the relationship of the hospital with its patients, increasing communication, alerting them of the quantity of medicines in the hospital, their purchase status, controlling the supply of medicines inside the hospital, the supply of medicines and avoiding management. fraudulent., it is proposed to implement an integrated monitoring management system of the consulting-pharmacy-logistics circuit to address the problem of the inopportunity of hospital logistics developed by the administration office of the PNP Executive Directorate of Health. in outpatient care in the health service producing unit (UPSS) external consultation of the PNP Central Hospital. LUIS N. SAENZ.
The police population and its rightful owners surround the 400 thousand people who, due to different ailments or consequences of the service, make use of the different assistance centers that the National Police of Peru has at national level, the PNP Central Hospital. LUIS N SAENZ, located in Lima, is a health provider unit of level 01 and that due to its high specialization, it is being attended by almost 50% of the police personnel nationwide, which make use of the different assistance services, among them, ambulatory care services that, as is public knowledge, present a series of limitations, including the lack of medications. The Directorate of Health of the National Police of Peru, has been making strenuous efforts to reduce the drug gap through corporate purchases of medicines through the Ministry of Health, by returning expenses incurred for the purchase of medicines to through SaludPol, the purchase of medicines through its Executing Unit for medicines due to lack of supply. Through the gathering of information, it has been possible to show a lack of articulation between the different actors involved in the timely supply of medicines. In order to improve the relationship of the hospital with its patients, increasing communication, alerting them of the quantity of medicines in the hospital, their purchase status, controlling the supply of medicines inside the hospital, the supply of medicines and avoiding management. fraudulent., it is proposed to implement an integrated monitoring management system of the consulting-pharmacy-logistics circuit to address the problem of the inopportunity of hospital logistics developed by the administration office of the PNP Executive Directorate of Health. in outpatient care in the health service producing unit (UPSS) external consultation of the PNP Central Hospital. LUIS N. SAENZ.
Palabras clave
Policía Nacional (Perú), Atención médica--Perú--Lima, Salud pública--Perú--Lima, Hospitales--Administración--Perú
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