Propiedades psicométricas de la escala de factores protectores (SPF-24) en universitarios limeños
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio analizó las propiedades psicométricas de la escala de Factores
Protectores (SPF-24) en una muestra de 254 estudiantes universitarios de 18 a 25 años
(M=20.15; DE=1.75). El SPF-24 mide la presencia de Factores Protectores que
promueven la resiliencia. Se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio empleando el
método de Factorización de ejes principales y rotación Oblimin. Estos análisis mostraron
la existencia de cuatro factores protectores que juntos explican el 65.65% de la varianza
total: Autoeficacia, Habilidades sociales, Planificación de conducta y Soporte social.
Además, se obtuvo evidencias de una adecuada confiabilidad por consistencia interna
para los cuatro factores (α= .91 para Autoeficacia, α= .94 para Habilidades sociales, α=
.90 para Planificación de conducta y α= .78 para Soporte social). Asimismo, se obtuvo
evidencias de validez convergente al encontrarse correlaciones significativas positivas
entre los cuatro factores y las seis áreas de la RSA. También, se obtuvo evidencias de
validez discriminante al encontrarse correlaciones significativas negativas entre los
cuatro factores y el puntaje total de la SDS y correlaciones significativas positivas entre
los cuatro factores y los puntajes totales de la SWLS. En conclusión, la versión en
castellano del SPF presenta adecuadas propiedades psicométricas; en esta línea, puede ser
empleada en futuros estudios con estudiantes universitarios de la universidad donde se
obtuvo la muestra.
The present study validated the Scale of Protective Factors (SPF-24) in a sample of 254 university students aged 18 to 25 years (M=20.15; SD=1.75). The SPF-24 measures the presence of Protective Factors that promote resilience. An exploratory factorial analysis was carried out using the method of Principal Axis Factoring and Oblimin rotation. These analyzes showed the existence of four protective factors that explain 65.65% of the total variance: Self-efficacy, Social skills, Behavior planning, Social support. In addition, evidence of adequate internal consistency reliability was obtained for the four factors (α = .91 for Self-efficacy, α = .94 for Social skills, α = .90 for Behavior planning and α = .78 for Social support). Likewise, evidence of convergent validity was obtained by finding significant positive correlations between the four factors and the six areas of the RSA. In addition, evidence of discriminant validity showed significant negative correlations between the four factors and the total score of the SDS and positive significant correlations between the four factors and the total scores of the SWLS. In conclusion, the Spanish version of the SPF presents adequate psychometric properties; therefore, it can be used in future studies with university students from the university where the sample was obtained.
The present study validated the Scale of Protective Factors (SPF-24) in a sample of 254 university students aged 18 to 25 years (M=20.15; SD=1.75). The SPF-24 measures the presence of Protective Factors that promote resilience. An exploratory factorial analysis was carried out using the method of Principal Axis Factoring and Oblimin rotation. These analyzes showed the existence of four protective factors that explain 65.65% of the total variance: Self-efficacy, Social skills, Behavior planning, Social support. In addition, evidence of adequate internal consistency reliability was obtained for the four factors (α = .91 for Self-efficacy, α = .94 for Social skills, α = .90 for Behavior planning and α = .78 for Social support). Likewise, evidence of convergent validity was obtained by finding significant positive correlations between the four factors and the six areas of the RSA. In addition, evidence of discriminant validity showed significant negative correlations between the four factors and the total score of the SDS and positive significant correlations between the four factors and the total scores of the SWLS. In conclusion, the Spanish version of the SPF presents adequate psychometric properties; therefore, it can be used in future studies with university students from the university where the sample was obtained.
Palabras clave
Estudiantes universitarios--Perú--Lima--Investigaciones, Resiliencia, Psicometría (Psicología)
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