La Contratación Electrónica de Servicios Financieros: Características y Principales Implicancias Legales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la primera parte del artículo se propone destacar la importancia que crecientemente experimenta la contratación electrónica en el ámbito de los servicios financieros, y como consecuencia de ello, las nuevas expresiones que surgen en la prestación de operaciones financieras pasando por una distinciónconceptual de servicios y canales financieros. En este contexto, se configuran nuevos retos para los actores de la industria de este tipo de servicios que les exige continua especialización e innovación en el diseño de productos, de modo que éstos estén en grado de satisfacer las exigencias actuales de consumidores que cuentan con un perfil cada vez más informado, sofisticado y tecnológico en la adopción de sus decisiones de consumo.En la segunda parte del artículo se describirá el tratamiento regulatorio local aplicable a la contratación electrónica de servicios financieros, destacando aquellos aspectos regulatorios que la distinguen respecto de la contratación tradicional, esto es, la contratación presencial por medios escritos. En esta sección se identificará a su vez las principales implicancias regulatoriasde cara al consumidor y a la industria, tomando como referencia experiencias regulatorias a nivel comparado que puedan resultar interesantes de comentar en la formulación de consideraciones a que hubiera lugar.
The first part of the article seeks to highlight the importance that increasingly electronic trading experience in the field of financial services, and as a result of that the new expressions that arise in providing financial transactions through a conceptual distinction of services and financial channels. In this context, new challenges for the industry players requiring them continuing specialization and innovation in product design, in order to satisfy the current demands ofconsumers who have configured one profile increasingly informed, sophisticated technology in making their consumption decisions.In the second part of the article, I will describe the local regulation which applies to electronic contracting in comparison with the regulation that applies to the traditional contracting which use printed information and oral presentations. This section identifies also the main regulatory implications for the consumer and the industry, with reference of compared experiences that may be interesting to comment on the formulation of considerations if applicable.
The first part of the article seeks to highlight the importance that increasingly electronic trading experience in the field of financial services, and as a result of that the new expressions that arise in providing financial transactions through a conceptual distinction of services and financial channels. In this context, new challenges for the industry players requiring them continuing specialization and innovation in product design, in order to satisfy the current demands ofconsumers who have configured one profile increasingly informed, sophisticated technology in making their consumption decisions.In the second part of the article, I will describe the local regulation which applies to electronic contracting in comparison with the regulation that applies to the traditional contracting which use printed information and oral presentations. This section identifies also the main regulatory implications for the consumer and the industry, with reference of compared experiences that may be interesting to comment on the formulation of considerations if applicable.
Palabras clave
Electronic Banking, Electronic Contracting, Services Of Electronic Channels, Financial Systems, Authentic Factors, Digital Signature, Microforms, Financial Services, Banca electrónica, Contratación electrónica, Canales electrónicos de servicios, Empresas del sistema financiero, Factores de autenticación, Firma digital, Microformas, Servicios financieros
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