Experiencia universitaria : vivencias, actitudes y percepciones de estudiantes con tartamudez
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo de la presente investigación es conocer la experiencia universitaria de estudiantes
con tartamudez en base a sus vivencias, actitudes y percepciones. Para ello, se entrevistó a dos
docentes y cuatro estudiantes con tartamudez de una universidad privada de Lima
Metropolitana y se optó por un método de análisis temático con diseño fenomenológico. Los
resultados revelaron la presencia de un estigma negativo hacia la tartamudez en la universidad,
lo cual genera que los estudiantes se restrinjan de realizar actividades ya que asumen que no
son capaces de realizarlas. Frente a ello, se concluye que la universidad no facilita su estadía en
las aulas y que, por el contrario, los docentes refuerzan los estereotipos negativos hacia ellos.
The aim of this study was to explore the university experience of students who stutter based on their experiences, attitudes and perceptions. Two teachers and four students who stutter, from a private university in Lima, were interviewed. The data was analyzed via a thematic analysis method and a phenomenological design was chosen. Overall, results revealed the presence of a negative stigma towards stuttering in the university, which causes students to restrict themselves from carrying out activities due to the assumption that they are not capable of doing them. Faced with this, it is concluded that the university does not facilitate their stay in the classrooms and, on the contrary, the teachers reinforce the negative stereotypes towards them.
The aim of this study was to explore the university experience of students who stutter based on their experiences, attitudes and perceptions. Two teachers and four students who stutter, from a private university in Lima, were interviewed. The data was analyzed via a thematic analysis method and a phenomenological design was chosen. Overall, results revealed the presence of a negative stigma towards stuttering in the university, which causes students to restrict themselves from carrying out activities due to the assumption that they are not capable of doing them. Faced with this, it is concluded that the university does not facilitate their stay in the classrooms and, on the contrary, the teachers reinforce the negative stereotypes towards them.
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