Identificación y análisis de factores que dificultan la óptima implementación del Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar Qali Warma en la I.E. Daniel Alcides Carrión, caserío de Mala Vida, distrito de Cristo nos Valga, provincia de Sechura, región Piura
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar Qali Warma, es un programa social que
viene implementando el Gobierno Peruano a través del Ministerio de Inclusión Social,
desde el 2012, con la finalidad de asegurar una provisión balanceada de alimentos de
calidad para los escolares del nivel inicial y primario de instituciones educativas públicas
con niveles de pobreza.
Como es de conocimiento, la erradicación del hambre es uno de los objetivos del milenio
y la atención alimentaria sobre todo de los escolares está considerada en la mayoría de
políticas públicas de diversos países, para obtener una educación de calidad.
Considerando la finalidad del programa en nuestro país y asociando a los niveles de
educación alcanzados a nivel mundial, el presente trabajo tiene por finalidad conocer el
desarrollo actual del programa Qali Warma en la institución educativa Daniel Alcides
Carrión en el caserío de Mala Vida, en la provincia de Sechura, región Piura para realizar
un diagnóstico y conocer los aspectos positivos y negativos y analizar los factores que
dificultan su óptima implementación.
El desarrollo de este trabajo de investigación consideró aplicar herramientas de recojo de
datos, teniendo como fuentes de información a diversos actores involucrados, con el
objetivo de identificar una versión directa y conocer la relevancia o el nivel de influencia de
los factores del programa en el rendimiento académico de los niños y niñas de la
población en mención.
La investigación ha determinado aspectos relevantes para la Gerencia Social y ha
permitido conocer dimensiones más minuciosas respecto a factores limitantes del entorno
donde se ejecuta el programa, tales como: Deficiente infraestructura, falta de acceso a
servicios básicos, falta de práctica de buenos hábitos de higiene, etc; los mismos que
generan condiciones de desventaja para el óptimo desarrollo del programa Qali Warma y
en consecuencia dificultan el aporte al mejoramiento educativo, en zonas de condiciones
similares a Mala Vida, donde la pobreza es extrema y las condiciones de sobrevivencia
son muy restringidas. Es así que con estas condiciones se proponen alternativas para
mejorar la implementación de este programa y cooperar con sus objetivos.
The National Qali Warma School Feeding Program is a social program that the Peruvian Government has been implementing through the Ministry of Social Inclusion, since 2012, in order to ensure a balanced supply of quality food for schoolchildren at the initial level. primary school of public educational institutions with poverty levels. As is known, the eradication of hunger is one of the objectives of the millennium and food attention, especially of school children, is considered in most public policies of different countries, to obtain a quality education. Considering the purpose of the program in our country and associating the levels of education reached worldwide, this work aims to know the current development of the program in the Daniel Alcides Carrión educational institution in the hamlet of Mala Vida, in the province of Sechura and make a diagnosis to know the positive and negative aspects and analyze the factors that hinder its optimal implementation. The development of this research work considered applying data collection tools, having as sources of information to diverse actors involved, with the objective of identifying a direct version and knowing the relevance or level of influence of the program factors in the performance of the boys and girls of the population in question. The research has determined relevant aspects for Social Management and has allowed to know more detailed dimensions regarding limiting factors of the environment where the program is executed, such as: Poor infrastructure, lack of access to basic services, lack of good hygiene practices , etc; the same ones that generate disadvantageous conditions for the optimal development of the Qali Warma program and consequently, they make difficult the contribution to the educational improvement, in zones of similar conditions to Mala Vida, where the poverty is extreme and the conditions of survival are very restricted. Thus, with these conditions, alternatives are proposed to improve the implementation of this program, cooperate with its objectives
The National Qali Warma School Feeding Program is a social program that the Peruvian Government has been implementing through the Ministry of Social Inclusion, since 2012, in order to ensure a balanced supply of quality food for schoolchildren at the initial level. primary school of public educational institutions with poverty levels. As is known, the eradication of hunger is one of the objectives of the millennium and food attention, especially of school children, is considered in most public policies of different countries, to obtain a quality education. Considering the purpose of the program in our country and associating the levels of education reached worldwide, this work aims to know the current development of the program in the Daniel Alcides Carrión educational institution in the hamlet of Mala Vida, in the province of Sechura and make a diagnosis to know the positive and negative aspects and analyze the factors that hinder its optimal implementation. The development of this research work considered applying data collection tools, having as sources of information to diverse actors involved, with the objective of identifying a direct version and knowing the relevance or level of influence of the program factors in the performance of the boys and girls of the population in question. The research has determined relevant aspects for Social Management and has allowed to know more detailed dimensions regarding limiting factors of the environment where the program is executed, such as: Poor infrastructure, lack of access to basic services, lack of good hygiene practices , etc; the same ones that generate disadvantageous conditions for the optimal development of the Qali Warma program and consequently, they make difficult the contribution to the educational improvement, in zones of similar conditions to Mala Vida, where the poverty is extreme and the conditions of survival are very restricted. Thus, with these conditions, alternatives are proposed to improve the implementation of this program, cooperate with its objectives
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