Trabajo por proyectos. Una manera diferente de aprender. Propuesta de guía metodológica para los voluntarios de La casa Hogar Ronald Mcdonald
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación corresponde a un proyecto de innovación, que propone una
guía para voluntarios que trabajan con niños, en un contexto educativo diferente como
son las casas hogares u hospitales; en las que les brindan un tiempo de calidad en el
cual disfrutan a través del juego y aprendizaje. Es importante señalar que no todos los
voluntarios son educadores de profesión. Es por ello, que esta guía tiene como
propósito brindar la información necesaria acerca de cómo trabajar con los niños,
mediante el trabajo por Proyectos, tomando como referencia la filosofía Reggio Emilia,
la propuesta de Proyectos de Investigación en Aulas (PIAS)de la Asociación Caritas
Graciosas y las Rutas de Aprendizaje del Ministerio de Educación (MINEDU). Además,
en la guía se describirá el proceso de implementación de los proyectos propuestos
mediante las sesiones de aprendizaje, y puedan ser utilizados como modelo para
plantear nuevos proyectos con los niños. La metodología por Proyectos permite a los
niños aprender de manera significativa, investigar y trabajar en equipo. Esta forma de
aprendizaje es favorable para niños de este espacio; debido a que, pueden aprender
de manera lúdica y significativa a pesar de las adversidades
This research corresponds to an innovation project, which proposes a guide for volunteers who work with children located in other contexts, such ashomes or hospitals who provide quality time in which they enjoy through play and learning. It is important to note that not all volunteers are necessarily educators by profession; especially those who work with children; That is why this guide has the purpose of providing the necessary information about how to work with children and in this proposal in particular, through Project work, taking as reference the Reggio Emilia philosophy, the proposal of Research Projects in Classrooms (PIAS) of the Caritas Graciosas Association and the Learning Routes of the MINEDU (Ministry of Education). In addition, the guidewill describe the process of how to implement the proposed projects through the learning sessions, and they can be used as a model to propose new projects. The Project methodology allows children to learn in a meaningful way,investigate and work as a team. This form of learning is favorable for children in this space, because they can learn in a playful and meaningful way despiteadversity
This research corresponds to an innovation project, which proposes a guide for volunteers who work with children located in other contexts, such ashomes or hospitals who provide quality time in which they enjoy through play and learning. It is important to note that not all volunteers are necessarily educators by profession; especially those who work with children; That is why this guide has the purpose of providing the necessary information about how to work with children and in this proposal in particular, through Project work, taking as reference the Reggio Emilia philosophy, the proposal of Research Projects in Classrooms (PIAS) of the Caritas Graciosas Association and the Learning Routes of the MINEDU (Ministry of Education). In addition, the guidewill describe the process of how to implement the proposed projects through the learning sessions, and they can be used as a model to propose new projects. The Project methodology allows children to learn in a meaningful way,investigate and work as a team. This form of learning is favorable for children in this space, because they can learn in a playful and meaningful way despiteadversity