Análisis de las acciones implementadas por el Programa de Atención Integral: Centro de Cuidado Infantil “Pedro de Osma y Pardo” para ofrecer un servicio de atención integral que promueva el Desarrollo Infantil Temprano en los niños y niñas usuarios de derecho del distrito de Barranco durante el periodo 2018-2019
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El avance en la intervención de la primera infancia, en el Perú, es notable. La
Política Social: “Primero la Infancia”, en el marco de la Estrategia Nacional de
Desarrollo e Inclusión Social “Incluir para Crecer”, aborda en uno de sus ejes el
Desarrollo Infantil Temprano; sin embargo, una problemática actual es la demanda
de servicios de cuidado diurno de familias trabajadoras que no cuentan con red de
soporte familiar. La oferta de espacios de atención de la primera infancia, en
términos de cobertura y atención de calidad, es reducida para la demanda actual.
Esto limita la oportunidad de que las niñas y los niños reciban atención y cuidado
adecuado, que les permita alcanzar el pleno potencial de su desarrollo.
El objetivo de esta investigación consistió en identificar si las acciones
implementadas por el Programa de Atención Integral: Centro de Cuidado Infantil
“Pedro de Osma y Pardo” promovidas por la ONG SUMBI, están contribuyendo a
ofrecer a las familias un servicio de atención integral que garantice el desarrollo
infantil temprano en las niñas y los niños usuarios de derecho.
La investigación realizada es cualitativa y se desarrolla a través del estudio de caso,
cuyas unidades de análisis fueron los padres/madres de familia usuarios del
Programa y el equipo técnico que implementa las acciones del Centro de Cuidado
Infantil. El método de muestreo ha sido por juicio y conveniencia y, para el recojo de
información, se aplicó una metodología de triangulación cualitativa.
Los hallazgos de esta investigación, están relacionados con las dimensiones de
atención integral que se imparten en el Centro de cuidado infantil “Pedro de Osma y
Pardo”, la percepción de los diferentes actores involucrados respecto a las prácticas
de atención y cuidado de las niñas y los niños, así como la réplica por parte de las
familias respecto de las prácticas de cuidado que se imparten en el programa. Estos
hallazgos, permiten colocar esta experiencia de intervención de cuidado infantil
como una propuesta que puede ser replicada o tomada en cuenta en las políticas de atención en primera infancia, ya que atiende las necesidades y demandas
familiares, y sobre todo porque contribuye al desarrollo infantil temprano.
La presente investigación es relevante para la Gerencia Social por cuanto nos
permite examinar si las acciones implementadas por el Centro de Cuidado Infantil
contribuyen al desarrollo humano y social; de tal manera que, a partir de ello, se
puedan proponer recomendaciones respecto a mecanismos de atención integral de
calidad en los centros de cuidado infantil. En ese sentido, esta investigación
representa una contribución al Desarrollo Infantil Temprano en el marco de la
política social “Primero a la Infancia”
Progress made in early childhood intervention in Peru has been significant. The social policy “Childhood first” in the framework of the National Strategy of Development and Social Inclusion “Include to Grow”, addresses Early Childhood Development as one of its aims, however a current problem is the need for child day care services by working families who do not have any network of family support. The offer of early childhood care centers, in terms of coverage and quality care are limited for current demand, restricting the opportunity that children will get the attention and proper care which will allow them to achieve their full potential. The objective of this research was to identify whether the actions implemented by the Program of Integral Attention Center of Childhood Care “Pedro de Osma y Pardo” promoted by NGO SUMBI is contributing a comprehensive care package that guarantees the early childhood development for all children who need these services. The research that was carried out is qualitative and conducted through a case study, which units of analysis were male/female head of household users of the program and the team that implemented the CCI actions. The sampling method selected has been judgment and convenience sampling. A methodology of qualitative triangulation was applied for collecting information. The findings of this research are related to the dimensions of integral care provided by the Center of Childhood Care “Pedro de Osma y Pardo”, the perceptions of different persons involved with regard to practices concerning childhood care and services, as well as the replicate made by the families about caring practices provided for this program. This findings, allows using this experience in childhood intervention care as a proposal that can be replicated or taken into account in the polices on early childhood attention because it meets the needs and demands of the families, but above all because it contributes to early childhood development. This research is important for Social Management because it allows us to examine whether the actions implemented by the Center of Childhood Care contribute to human and social development; in such a way that, on that basis, recommendations regarding a comprehensive quality care mechanism in child care centers can be proposed. In this regard, this research is a contribution to the Early Childhood Development within the Peruvian framework of social policy “Primero a la Infancia"
Progress made in early childhood intervention in Peru has been significant. The social policy “Childhood first” in the framework of the National Strategy of Development and Social Inclusion “Include to Grow”, addresses Early Childhood Development as one of its aims, however a current problem is the need for child day care services by working families who do not have any network of family support. The offer of early childhood care centers, in terms of coverage and quality care are limited for current demand, restricting the opportunity that children will get the attention and proper care which will allow them to achieve their full potential. The objective of this research was to identify whether the actions implemented by the Program of Integral Attention Center of Childhood Care “Pedro de Osma y Pardo” promoted by NGO SUMBI is contributing a comprehensive care package that guarantees the early childhood development for all children who need these services. The research that was carried out is qualitative and conducted through a case study, which units of analysis were male/female head of household users of the program and the team that implemented the CCI actions. The sampling method selected has been judgment and convenience sampling. A methodology of qualitative triangulation was applied for collecting information. The findings of this research are related to the dimensions of integral care provided by the Center of Childhood Care “Pedro de Osma y Pardo”, the perceptions of different persons involved with regard to practices concerning childhood care and services, as well as the replicate made by the families about caring practices provided for this program. This findings, allows using this experience in childhood intervention care as a proposal that can be replicated or taken into account in the polices on early childhood attention because it meets the needs and demands of the families, but above all because it contributes to early childhood development. This research is important for Social Management because it allows us to examine whether the actions implemented by the Center of Childhood Care contribute to human and social development; in such a way that, on that basis, recommendations regarding a comprehensive quality care mechanism in child care centers can be proposed. In this regard, this research is a contribution to the Early Childhood Development within the Peruvian framework of social policy “Primero a la Infancia"
Palabras clave
Desarrollo infantil--Política gubernamental--Perú, Cuidado de niños--Perú--Barranco (Lima : Distrito), Organizaciones no-gubernamentales--Perú
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