Experiencia preprofesional en el área de recursos humanos de una empresa transnacional del rubro logístico
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo tiene como principal objetivo el demostrar y describir los
aprendizajes adquiridos durante el periodo de prácticas preprofesionales: diagnostica,
interviene y evalúa, las cuales se desarrollaron en el periodo de práctica pre profesionales
en el área de “Selección de Personal” de una empresa transnacional, del sector de
logística, transporte y almacén de mercadería grande, mediana y pequeña. Las tareas
realizadas en la organización permitieron la identificación de necesidades y problemáticas
específicas en torno a la satisfacción del proceso de reclutamiento y selección de los
postulantes. Para lo cual se concluyó que, si bien no hubo resultados desfavorables en
torno al proceso al flujo de reclutamiento y selección, la implementación de una encuesta
es un marco de referencia útil para conocer cómo se están desarrollando las actividades
de los procesos. Por otra parte, en cuanto a la competencia interviene se diseñó un
programa de entrenamiento para conductores de semitrailer, en el cual se logró resultados
favorables sobre su entrenamiento. Por tanto, la contratación de los mismos, significaba
un gran logro por tratarse de vacantes con competencias específicas. Por último, en tanto
a la competencia evalúa pude realizar un contraste sobre el desempeño del equipo de
selección en mi organización, ya que se utilizó un modelo estandarizado por parte de
expertos para poder comprobar si el flujo del proceso de reclutamiento y selección estaban
siendo los más óptimos o había puntos de mejora.
The main objective of this work is to demonstrate and describe the learning acquired during the pre-professional internship period: diagnose, intervene and evaluate, which were developed in the pre-professional internship period in the area of "Personnel Selection" of a transnational company related to the logistics, transport and warehouse sector for large, medium and small merchandise. The tasks carried out in the organization allowed the identification of specific needs and problems regarding the satisfaction of the process of recruitment and selection of applicants. For which it was concluded that, although there were no unfavorable results regarding the process of recruitment and selection flow, the implementation of a survey is a useful frame of reference to know how the activities of the processes are being developed. On the other hand, the competence intervene response to a training program for semi-trailer drivers, in which favorable results were achieved on their training, therefore, which meant a great achievement for being vacancies with specific skills. Finally, related to the evaluate competence, i did a compare about the performances of the selection team in my organization with a standardized model. In this way, I took a model used by experts to check if the flow of the recruitment and selection process was being the same, more optimal or there were points of improvement.
The main objective of this work is to demonstrate and describe the learning acquired during the pre-professional internship period: diagnose, intervene and evaluate, which were developed in the pre-professional internship period in the area of "Personnel Selection" of a transnational company related to the logistics, transport and warehouse sector for large, medium and small merchandise. The tasks carried out in the organization allowed the identification of specific needs and problems regarding the satisfaction of the process of recruitment and selection of applicants. For which it was concluded that, although there were no unfavorable results regarding the process of recruitment and selection flow, the implementation of a survey is a useful frame of reference to know how the activities of the processes are being developed. On the other hand, the competence intervene response to a training program for semi-trailer drivers, in which favorable results were achieved on their training, therefore, which meant a great achievement for being vacancies with specific skills. Finally, related to the evaluate competence, i did a compare about the performances of the selection team in my organization with a standardized model. In this way, I took a model used by experts to check if the flow of the recruitment and selection process was being the same, more optimal or there were points of improvement.
Palabras clave
Psicólogos--Formación profesional, Selección de personal, Empresas transnacionales, Logística
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