Perspectivas interdisciplinarias: contribuciones significativas desde el campo editorial, la ilustración y el emprendimiento al medio cultural
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
A lo largo de su trayectoria como diseñadora gráfica profesional, la
autora del presente informe incursiona en diversos sectores del mercado
laboral, destacándose especialmente en el diseño editorial y el branding. El
objetivo principal de este informe es recapitular y respaldar su desempeño
profesional alineado con sus motivaciones personales. En el presente
documento se detallan, de manera concisa, tres proyectos seleccionados que
abarcan los últimos siete años de su carrera. En primer lugar, se analiza el rol
desempeñado en el diseño editorial para más de veinte publicaciones bajo el
sello editorial del Fondo de Cultura Económica (Perú), utilizando cuatro como
ejemplos, y se destaca cómo esta experiencia ha constituido una plataforma
de aprendizaje para proyectos futuros. Seguidamente, se explor en detalle su
contribución al diseño de marca, planificación, conceptualización y gestión de
contenido para el perfil de Instagram de Vuelo Ámbar Print Studio, espacio
especializado en grabado y letterpress y cofundado por la autora, Giselle
Adrianzén, junto con Diego Cabanillas, (grabador de la PUCP), resaltando
también su labor como directora artística para diversos proyectos. Por último,
se examina su aporte como ilustradora editorial para la reedición del libro
"Autobiografía de un Yogui" de Paramahansa Yogananda, destacando cómo
sus ilustraciones enriquecen la interpretación reflexiva del lector, según la
editora del proyecto, Cindy Torrejón. Cada proyecto está respaldado con
material gráfico que ilustra los resultados del diseño, detallando la
metodología empleada para fundamentar sus aspectos estéticos,
comunicacionales, técnicos y funcionales.
Throughout her career as a professional graphic designer, the author of this report has ventured into various sectors of the job market, particularly excelling in editorial design and branding. The main objective of this report is to recapitulate and support her professional performance aligned with her personal motivations. This document will detail, concisely, three selected projects spanning the last seven years of her career. Firstly, the role played in editorial design for over twenty publications under the editorial imprint of Fondo de Cultura Económica (Peru) will be analyzed, utilizing four as examples, and emphasizing how this experience has served as a learning platform for future projects. Subsequently, her contribution to brand design, planning, conceptualization, and content management for the Instagram profile of Vuelo Ámbar Print Studio, an studio specialized in engraving and letterpress cofounded by the author, Giselle Adrianzén, alongside Diego Cabanillas (engraver from PUCP), will be explored in detail, also highlighting her role as artistic director for various projects. Finally, her contribution as an editorial illustrator for the reissue of "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda will be examined, emphasizing how her illustrations enriched the reflective interpretation of the reader, according to the project's editor, Cindy Torrejón. Each project is supported by graphical material illustrating the design results, detailing the methodology used to support its aesthetic, communicational, technical, and functional aspects.
Throughout her career as a professional graphic designer, the author of this report has ventured into various sectors of the job market, particularly excelling in editorial design and branding. The main objective of this report is to recapitulate and support her professional performance aligned with her personal motivations. This document will detail, concisely, three selected projects spanning the last seven years of her career. Firstly, the role played in editorial design for over twenty publications under the editorial imprint of Fondo de Cultura Económica (Peru) will be analyzed, utilizing four as examples, and emphasizing how this experience has served as a learning platform for future projects. Subsequently, her contribution to brand design, planning, conceptualization, and content management for the Instagram profile of Vuelo Ámbar Print Studio, an studio specialized in engraving and letterpress cofounded by the author, Giselle Adrianzén, alongside Diego Cabanillas (engraver from PUCP), will be explored in detail, also highlighting her role as artistic director for various projects. Finally, her contribution as an editorial illustrator for the reissue of "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda will be examined, emphasizing how her illustrations enriched the reflective interpretation of the reader, according to the project's editor, Cindy Torrejón. Each project is supported by graphical material illustrating the design results, detailing the methodology used to support its aesthetic, communicational, technical, and functional aspects.
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