El dibujo libre en la expresión creativa de estudiantes del primer grado del nivel primaria en una Institución Educativa pública de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
A lo largo de los años, la escuela ha demostrado ser un lugar en donde se enseñan
diversos contenidos que permiten el aprendizaje en el niño. No obstante, muchas veces
en esencia, ha dejado de ser un espacio de disfrute o placer, siendo ello elemental para
fomentar la motivación al momento de aprender por parte de los niños. Asimismo, muchas
veces, se sostiene la idea que es una práctica únicamente con fines recreativos. Sin tener
en cuenta, que es una de las actividades que promueve la formación óptima e integral
del educando. Expuesto lo anterior, el objetivo general de esta investigación es analizar
la influencia de la práctica del dibujo libre en la expresión creativa en estudiantes del
primer grado de educación primaria de una institución pública de Lima. Respecto a la
metodología de este estudio es de enfoque cualitativo y es una investigación de nivel
descriptiva. Del mismo modo, las guias empleadas han sido la entrevista
semiestructurada y guía de observación, las cuales han sido aplicadas en los
informantes; que, para fines de esta tesis, fueron los estudiantes. De igual manera, la
información brindada por estos medios mencionados permitió el proceso de análisis de
información. Lo cual, por consiguiente, se concluye que el dibujo libre se debe fomentar
en las sesiones de clases como un proceso consciente, en donde el niño construya como
parte de su aprendizaje su propio proceso creativo; para que así, el desarrollo de su
creatividad se pueda transferir en diversas situaciones o contextos de su vida.
Throughout the years, school has proven to be a place where different contents are taught that allow children to learn. However, many times, in essence, it has ceased to be a space of enjoyment or pleasure, which is essential to promote motivation at the time of learning on the part of children, and often the idea is held that it is a practice solely for recreational purposes. The general objective of this research is to analyze the practice of free drawing in the creative expression of students in the first grade of elementary school in a public institution in Lima. Similarly, the guides used were the semi-structured interview and observation guide, which were applied to the informants, who for the purpose of this thesis were the students, and the information provided by these means allowed the process of information analysis. Therefore, it is concluded that free drawing should be encouraged in class sessions as a conscious process, where the child builds as part of his learning his own creative process, so that the development of his creativity can be transferred to different situations or contexts of his life.
Throughout the years, school has proven to be a place where different contents are taught that allow children to learn. However, many times, in essence, it has ceased to be a space of enjoyment or pleasure, which is essential to promote motivation at the time of learning on the part of children, and often the idea is held that it is a practice solely for recreational purposes. The general objective of this research is to analyze the practice of free drawing in the creative expression of students in the first grade of elementary school in a public institution in Lima. Similarly, the guides used were the semi-structured interview and observation guide, which were applied to the informants, who for the purpose of this thesis were the students, and the information provided by these means allowed the process of information analysis. Therefore, it is concluded that free drawing should be encouraged in class sessions as a conscious process, where the child builds as part of his learning his own creative process, so that the development of his creativity can be transferred to different situations or contexts of his life.
Palabras clave
Dibujo infantil, Creatividad, Arte--Estudio y enseñanza, Educación primaria--Perú--Lima
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