Artes plásticas y motricidad fina en niños de 3 años de una I.E pública de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente investigación describe y analiza las diferentes actividades de artes
plásticas que son implementadas en las experiencias de aprendizaje, y cómo estas
favorecen el desarrollo de la motricidad fina de los niños de 3 años de una institución
educativa pública de Lima. Es así que, a lo largo del marco teórico, se exponen las
artes plásticas aplicadas en educación infantil y sus diversas funciones en los
procesos formativos; encontrando que las más recurrentes en las sesiones son la
pintura, el dibujo y la escultura, cada una de ellas con sus respectivas técnicas. Del
mismo modo, se hace una breve conceptualización de la motricidad fina y sus
características dentro de la edad mencionada, además de recalcar su importancia
para el desarrollo integral de niños y niñas. Finalmente, se detallan los múltiples
beneficios que tienen las artes plásticas en el logro de ciertas habilidades motrices
finas, específicamente en la manipulación de objetos, fuerza o presión, función pinza
y coordinación viso manual; aspectos que se evidencian en el material audiovisual
revisado para la elaboración del trabajo. A modo de cierre, se comparten las
conclusiones y recomendaciones finales propuestas a partir de la información
obtenida durante el proceso de recojo de datos y posterior análisis.
This researsh describes and analyzes the different plastic arts activities that are implemented in learning experiences and how they favor the development of fine motor skills in 3 year old children from a public educational institution in Lima. Thus, throughout the theoretical framework, the plastic arts applied in early childhood education and their various functions in the training processes are exposed, finding that the most recurrent in the sessions are painting, drawing and sculpture, each with their respective techniques. In the same way, a brief conceptualization of fine motor skills and its characteristics is made within the mentioned age in addition to emphasizing its importance for the integral development of boys and girls. Finally, the multiple benefits that the plastic arts have in the achievement of certain fine motor skills are detailed, specifically in the manipulation of objects, force and pressure, pincer function and manual visual coordination, aspects that are evident in the audiovisual material reviewed for the preparation of the work. By way of closing, the conclusions and final recommendations proposed are shared based on the information obtained during the data collection process and subsequent analysis.
This researsh describes and analyzes the different plastic arts activities that are implemented in learning experiences and how they favor the development of fine motor skills in 3 year old children from a public educational institution in Lima. Thus, throughout the theoretical framework, the plastic arts applied in early childhood education and their various functions in the training processes are exposed, finding that the most recurrent in the sessions are painting, drawing and sculpture, each with their respective techniques. In the same way, a brief conceptualization of fine motor skills and its characteristics is made within the mentioned age in addition to emphasizing its importance for the integral development of boys and girls. Finally, the multiple benefits that the plastic arts have in the achievement of certain fine motor skills are detailed, specifically in the manipulation of objects, force and pressure, pincer function and manual visual coordination, aspects that are evident in the audiovisual material reviewed for the preparation of the work. By way of closing, the conclusions and final recommendations proposed are shared based on the information obtained during the data collection process and subsequent analysis.
Palabras clave
Motricidad en el niño, Aptitud motora en niños, Arte--Estudio y enseñanza, Educación preescolar--Investigaciones
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