The Rabbit Hole
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Banco Interamericano de Finanzas (BanBif) es el quinto banco comercial más grande del
Perú y con más de 30 años en el mercado. Fue fundado en el año 1990 y con sede en Lima,
forma parte del grupo empresarial de origen español de Ignacio Fierro. Este grupo, mejor
conocido como Grupo Fierro, surgió en la década de los 50 y hoy cuenta con presencia en
diferentes países. Actualmente, ofrece productos de ahorro (cuenta de ahorro digital, depósito
a plazo, CTS, haberes, etc.), de crédito (tarjetas de crédito, préstamos de libre disponibilidad,
hipotecario, etc.), seguros y productos de inversión entre otros. Su público objetivo en este caso
está compuesto por adultos mayores de 65 años, a lo que se refieren como clientes Silver.
BanBif propone el reto de crear una campaña de fidelización, pero sin olvidar el branding para
crear una propuesta de valor orientada a sus clientes Silver con el objetivo de que sea
rentabilizado y tenga una relación a largo plazo con el banco con un tono de comunicación
cercano, amable y confiable. Para lograr este objetivo, se desarrolló un estudio de mercado con
adultos mayores de 65 años de Lima. Esto se realizó para conocer el estilo de vida, necesidades
y problemas de los adultos mayores, sobre todo, en el ámbito financiero. Para ello, se emplea
una metodología mixta, utilizando como instrumentos el social listening, encuestas y
entrevistas. Los hallazgos de la investigación permitieron detectar oportunidades y necesidades
en el público objetivo que conllevaron al desarrollo estratégico de la campaña de comunicación
publicitaria para BanBif denominada “Sigue disfrutando con BanBif”. Esta propuesta vincula
los productos del banco con las necesidades de los clientes Silver logrando comunicar su rol
como aliado financiero.
The ‘Banco Interamericano de Finanzas’ (BanBif) is the fifth largest commercial bank in Peru and has been in the market for more than 30 years. Founded in 1990 and based in Lima, it is part of the Ignacio Fierro business group of Spanish origin. This group, better known as Grupo Fierro, emerged in the 1950s and today is present in different countries. Currently, it offers savings products (digital savings account, term deposit, CTS, assets, etc.), credit products (credit cards, freely available loans, mortgages, etc.), insurance and investment products, among others. In this case, their target audience is made up of adults over the age of 63, which they refer to as Silver clients. BanBif proposes the challenge of creating a customer loyalty campaign but without forgetting the branding, to create a value proposition aimed at its Silver clients. The aim of the campaign is to make their money profitable and establish a long-term relationship with the bank with a close communication tone, friendly and trustworthy. To achieve this objective, a market study was developed with adults over the age of 63 in Lima. This was done to learn about the lifestyle, needs and problems of older adults, especially in the financial field. For this, a mixed methodology was used, like social listening with surveys and interviews as instruments. The research findings made it possible to detect opportunities and needs in the public objective that led to the strategic development of the advertising communication campaign for BanBif called "Keep enjoying with BanBif". This proposal links the bank's products with the needs of the Silver clients, managing to communicate its role as a financial partner.
The ‘Banco Interamericano de Finanzas’ (BanBif) is the fifth largest commercial bank in Peru and has been in the market for more than 30 years. Founded in 1990 and based in Lima, it is part of the Ignacio Fierro business group of Spanish origin. This group, better known as Grupo Fierro, emerged in the 1950s and today is present in different countries. Currently, it offers savings products (digital savings account, term deposit, CTS, assets, etc.), credit products (credit cards, freely available loans, mortgages, etc.), insurance and investment products, among others. In this case, their target audience is made up of adults over the age of 63, which they refer to as Silver clients. BanBif proposes the challenge of creating a customer loyalty campaign but without forgetting the branding, to create a value proposition aimed at its Silver clients. The aim of the campaign is to make their money profitable and establish a long-term relationship with the bank with a close communication tone, friendly and trustworthy. To achieve this objective, a market study was developed with adults over the age of 63 in Lima. This was done to learn about the lifestyle, needs and problems of older adults, especially in the financial field. For this, a mixed methodology was used, like social listening with surveys and interviews as instruments. The research findings made it possible to detect opportunities and needs in the public objective that led to the strategic development of the advertising communication campaign for BanBif called "Keep enjoying with BanBif". This proposal links the bank's products with the needs of the Silver clients, managing to communicate its role as a financial partner.
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