Democracia digital para una democracia participativa: propuesta a partir del estudio de la educación cívica electoral en el periodo 2016-2018
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
La insuficiente implementación de políticas públicas en educación cívica electoral tiene
diversas consecuencias negativas en la gobernabilidad de nuestro sistema democrático.
En nuestro país, se eligen autoridades en el ámbito nacional como en el subnacional
para cuyos periodos contamos con calendarios electorales fijos, no obstante, los
procesos electorales suelen tomarnos como por sorpresa y con cierto desinterés,
desconociendo la importancia que tiene el voto pues es el mecanismo más importante
de las democracias modernas a través del cual se enviste de poder a gobernantes que
definirán el rumbo de nuestro futuro según las políticas públicas que implementen. Este
acto de decidir, debiera implicar un proceso previo de reflexión y de análisis de las
distintas opciones electorales, para lo cual se requiere conocer el funcionamiento del
sistema democrático. Este aparente sencillo proceso es más complejo de lo que parece,
por lo que el Ministerio de Educación, así como los organismos electorales, han
implementado políticas educativas orientadas a la formación de ciudadanos y
ciudadanas con valores democráticos, siendo el principal reto pasar de una democracia
representativa a una democracia participativa porque la participación política no termina
en la emisión de un voto. En este sentido, el presente proyecto identifica el problema de
la limitada oferta de educación cívica electoral en nuestro país, a partir del cual se
desarrolla una propuesta orientada a generar valor público.
The insufficient implementation of public policies in electoral civic education has various negative consequences on the governance of our democratic system. In our country, authorities are elected at the national level as well as at the sub-national level for whose periods we have fixed electoral calendars, however, electoral processes usually take us by surprise and with a certain disinterest, ignoring the importance of the vote, since it is the most important mechanism of modern democracies through which governments are empowered who will define the course of our future according to the public policies they implement. This act of deciding should involve a prior process of reflection and analysis of the different electoral options, for which it is necessary to know the functioning of the democratic system. This seemingly simple process is more complex than it seems, which is why the Ministry of Education, as well as the electoral bodies, have implemented educational policies aimed at the formation of citizens with democratic values, the main challenge being to move from a democracy representative of a participatory democracy because political participation does not end with the casting of a vote. In this sense, this project identifies the problem of the limited supply of electoral civic education in our country, from which a proposal aimed at generating public value is developed.
The insufficient implementation of public policies in electoral civic education has various negative consequences on the governance of our democratic system. In our country, authorities are elected at the national level as well as at the sub-national level for whose periods we have fixed electoral calendars, however, electoral processes usually take us by surprise and with a certain disinterest, ignoring the importance of the vote, since it is the most important mechanism of modern democracies through which governments are empowered who will define the course of our future according to the public policies they implement. This act of deciding should involve a prior process of reflection and analysis of the different electoral options, for which it is necessary to know the functioning of the democratic system. This seemingly simple process is more complex than it seems, which is why the Ministry of Education, as well as the electoral bodies, have implemented educational policies aimed at the formation of citizens with democratic values, the main challenge being to move from a democracy representative of a participatory democracy because political participation does not end with the casting of a vote. In this sense, this project identifies the problem of the limited supply of electoral civic education in our country, from which a proposal aimed at generating public value is developed.
Palabras clave
Democracia--Perú, Democracia y educación--Perú, Civismo--Perú--Estudio y enseñanza, Democracia--Perú--Estudio y enseñanza, Participación política--Perú
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