Business Consulting de ANDINA PLAST S.R.L.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La empresa en estudio Andina Plast S.R.L es líder del sector de fabricación de
compuestos plásticos de Policloruro de Vinilo (PVC) en el Perú y se ha convertido en un
referente nacional para las principales empresas dedicadas a la producción de calzados,
cables eléctricos y tuberías, experimentado un crecimiento en sus ventas del 8% anual en los
últimos tres años. En la actualidad la demanda es cada vez mayor y más exigente, lo que
influye directamente en la productividad y competitividad de la planta, donde se ha
observado que la actual gestión con las áreas de soporte comercial, compras, almacén,
producción y mantenimiento no han sido suficientes para alcanzar niveles óptimos de
eficiencia operacional en términos de disponibilidad, rendimiento y calidad. En esta
investigación se describirá un diagnóstico general de la planta y la identificación de las
problemáticas que afronta la organización.
El principal problema que se identificó fue que Andina Plast opera a niveles de
ineficiencia productiva en la planta, en tal sentido se ha diseñado un proyecto de
optimización para incrementar la eficiencia de la planta mediante la implementación de la
efectividad total del equipo (OEE). Para ello se plantea una evaluación de las ventajas
logradas mediante el diseño de un proyecto de optimización de la eficiencia en planta; esto se
logrará mediante la reducción de tiempos de parada no planificadas, una buena gestión de
mantenimiento preventivo, la estandarización de procesos y 5S, la buena gestión de lotes
pequeños y la implementación de herramientas para el Aseguramiento de la Calidad.
Finalmente, se elaboró un diagrama Gantt que incluye las estrategias de solución a las causas
principales, la cual se espera sea aprobado por la Gerencia para iniciar con el proceso de
reestructuración, siendo el objetivo final operar a niveles de competitividad de clase mundial.
The company under study Andina Plast S.R.L is a leader in the manufacturing sector of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastics compound in Peru; and has become a national benchmark for the main companies dedicated to the production of footwear, electrical cables and pipelines, experienced a growth in its sales of 8% per year in the last three years. At present the demand is increasing and more demanding, which directly influences the productivity and competitiveness of the plant, where it has been observed that the current management with the areas of commercial support, purchasing, warehouses, production and maintenance have not been sufficient to achieve optimal levels of operational efficiency in the terms of availability, performance and quality. This research describes a general diagnosis of the plant and the identification of the problems faced by the organization. The main problem was that Andina Plast operates at levels of productive inefficiency in the plant, in this sense, an optimization project has been designed to increase the efficiency of the plant through the implementation of the Overall Equipment Efectiveness (OEE). To do this, an evaluation of the advantages achieved through the design of an efficiency optimization project in the plant is proposed; this will be achieved by reducing unplanned downtimes, good preventive maintenance management, standardization of processes and 5S, good management of small lots, and the implementation of tools for Quality Assurance. Finally, a Gantt diagram was prepared that includes the solution strategies for the main causes and is expected to be approved by the Management to begin the restructuring process, with the final objective being to operate at world-class levels of competitiveness.
The company under study Andina Plast S.R.L is a leader in the manufacturing sector of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastics compound in Peru; and has become a national benchmark for the main companies dedicated to the production of footwear, electrical cables and pipelines, experienced a growth in its sales of 8% per year in the last three years. At present the demand is increasing and more demanding, which directly influences the productivity and competitiveness of the plant, where it has been observed that the current management with the areas of commercial support, purchasing, warehouses, production and maintenance have not been sufficient to achieve optimal levels of operational efficiency in the terms of availability, performance and quality. This research describes a general diagnosis of the plant and the identification of the problems faced by the organization. The main problem was that Andina Plast operates at levels of productive inefficiency in the plant, in this sense, an optimization project has been designed to increase the efficiency of the plant through the implementation of the Overall Equipment Efectiveness (OEE). To do this, an evaluation of the advantages achieved through the design of an efficiency optimization project in the plant is proposed; this will be achieved by reducing unplanned downtimes, good preventive maintenance management, standardization of processes and 5S, good management of small lots, and the implementation of tools for Quality Assurance. Finally, a Gantt diagram was prepared that includes the solution strategies for the main causes and is expected to be approved by the Management to begin the restructuring process, with the final objective being to operate at world-class levels of competitiveness.