Una transformación hacia el deseo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo académico es la descripción y análisis de un proceso psicoterapéutico de
una paciente de 18 años perteneciente al programa Beca 18. El trabajo terapéutico se realizó
en 32 sesiones y estuvo acompañado de sesiones de supervisión durante todo el proceso. En el
proceso terapéutico se trabajaron dificultades en el proceso de separación asociadas a las
ausencias y presencias marcadas en la historia de vida de la consultante. Se observó la huella
que dejaron estos vínculos en el proceso de individuación, la cual se expresaba en una
ambivalencia entre lo que quería o debía hacer, en el trato crítico consigo misma y en sus
relaciones con los demás, en las que se coloca al servicio de las necesidades de otras personas.
Se trabajó con el objetivo de abrir un espacio a la expresión de la subjetividad de la consultante,
lo que en un inicio significó contener las ausencias e inestabilidad en el espacio terapéutico por
parte de la terapeuta, para que, posteriormente, se pudiese abrir un espacio a la expresión de
sus deseos y necesidades.
The present academic work is the description and analysis of a psychotherapeutic process of an 18-year-old patient belonging to the Beca 18 program. The therapeutic work was carried out in 32 sessions and was accompanied by supervision sessions. In the therapeutic process, difficulties in the separation process associated with the absences and presences marked in the querent's life history were worked on. The imprint left by these links in the individuation process was expressed in the ambivalence between what she wanted or should do, in the critical treatment with herself and in her relationships with others, in which she places herself at the service of other people's needs. The work objective was opening a space for the expression of the consultant's subjectivity, which initially, for the therapist, meant containing the absences and instability in the therapeutic space, so that, later, a space for the expression of her wants and needs could be opened.
The present academic work is the description and analysis of a psychotherapeutic process of an 18-year-old patient belonging to the Beca 18 program. The therapeutic work was carried out in 32 sessions and was accompanied by supervision sessions. In the therapeutic process, difficulties in the separation process associated with the absences and presences marked in the querent's life history were worked on. The imprint left by these links in the individuation process was expressed in the ambivalence between what she wanted or should do, in the critical treatment with herself and in her relationships with others, in which she places herself at the service of other people's needs. The work objective was opening a space for the expression of the consultant's subjectivity, which initially, for the therapist, meant containing the absences and instability in the therapeutic space, so that, later, a space for the expression of her wants and needs could be opened.
Palabras clave
Jóvenes--Aspectos psicológicos, Psicoterapia, Psicoanálisis