La resocialización: Una mirada desde el arte, la producción y la fotografía en el cortometraje modus operandi
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente cortometraje, titulado Modus Operandi, se muestran las distintas dificultades
que conlleva la reinserción social para un ex presidiario, así como el dilema moral al que se
enfrenta el protagonista, por lo que, se verá presionado a decidir entre actuar de manera
correcta o regresar al mundo de la criminalidad para conseguir sus sueños y metas. Este
fenómeno es conocido como la reincidencia. Cabe resaltar que, en la mayoría de casos, no se
debe a un crudo deseo por delinquir, sino a factores sociales que limitan las opciones de los
ex convictos para desarrollarse y construir un futuro mejor. Diversos productos audiovisuales
han abordado previamente esta temática; sin embargo, nuestra intención es ahondar
específicamente en la vida después de la estadía en la cárcel y el motivo por el que algunos se
ven con la necesidad de regresar al pasado delictivo. Este trabajo de investigación realiza un
análisis respecto a la dirección de arte, producción y dirección de fotografía ejecutados en el
presente proyecto. De este modo, se busca estudiar y examinar el empleo de tonalidades
cálidas, frías y oscuras como un instrumento para la representación del estado psicológico de
los personajes; además de indicar el ritmo con el cual fue conformado cada plano y describir
cómo la narración, en conjunto con el uso de una iluminación específica, produce la tensión
que ha sido planteada para esta historia. Además, se narra a detalle el proceso de
pre-producción y producción en el que se desarrolló el proyecto Modus Operandi.
In this short film, entitled Modus Operandi, the different difficulties that social reintegration entails for a former prisoner are shown, as well as the moral dilemma that the protagonist faces, for which he will be pressured to decide between acting correctly or return to the world of crime to achieve their dreams and goals. This phenomenon is known as recurrence. It should be noted that, in most cases, it is not due to a crude desire to commit a crime, but to social factors that limit the options of ex-convicts to develop and build a better future. Various audiovisual products have previously addressed this issue; however, our intention is to delve specifically into life after prison and why some find it necessary to return to the criminal past. This research work carries out an analysis regarding the art direction, production and direction of photography executed in this project. In this way, it seeks to study and examine the use of warm, cold and dark tones as an instrument for the representation of the psychological state of the characters; In addition to indicating the rhythm with which each shot was formed and describing how the narration, together with the use of specific lighting, produces the tension that has been proposed for this story. In addition, the pre-production and production process in which the Modus Operandi project was developed is narrated in detail.
In this short film, entitled Modus Operandi, the different difficulties that social reintegration entails for a former prisoner are shown, as well as the moral dilemma that the protagonist faces, for which he will be pressured to decide between acting correctly or return to the world of crime to achieve their dreams and goals. This phenomenon is known as recurrence. It should be noted that, in most cases, it is not due to a crude desire to commit a crime, but to social factors that limit the options of ex-convicts to develop and build a better future. Various audiovisual products have previously addressed this issue; however, our intention is to delve specifically into life after prison and why some find it necessary to return to the criminal past. This research work carries out an analysis regarding the art direction, production and direction of photography executed in this project. In this way, it seeks to study and examine the use of warm, cold and dark tones as an instrument for the representation of the psychological state of the characters; In addition to indicating the rhythm with which each shot was formed and describing how the narration, together with the use of specific lighting, produces the tension that has been proposed for this story. In addition, the pre-production and production process in which the Modus Operandi project was developed is narrated in detail.
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