Implementación de una estrategia de voluntariado estatal, como una propuesta de participación solidaria y activa de la ciudadanía. El caso del voluntariado de la Red Amachay dirigido a personas adultas mayores durante la emergencia sanitaria debido a la Covid -19 periodo 2020, en Lima Metropolitana, Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El apoyo mutuo, traducido a la actualidad como voluntariado, existe desde los
inicios de la humanidad. El hombre y sus predecesores desarrollaban la ayuda y
el cuidado del prójimo en estado de vulnerabilidad, en el antiguo Perú, a través de
manifestaciones de solidaridad y reciprocidad con la Minka.
En el contexto internacional, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, llevada
a cabo en el año 2015, aprobó con la resolución A/RES/70/129 la “Integración del
voluntariado en la paz y el desarrollo: plan de acción para el próximo decenio y
años posteriores, reconociendo que el voluntariado puede ser un poderoso medio
intersectorial para la implementación de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo
En el contexto peruano, la relación entre voluntariado y políticas de Estado es
estrecha; por citar un ejemplo, el Acuerdo Nacional define 35 políticas de Estado,
agrupadas en 4 grandes objetivos estratégicos: equidad y justicia social;
democracia y estado de derecho; competitividad del país; y, estado eficiente,
transparente y descentralizado. Cada una de ella es apoyada a través de
actividades de voluntariado de manera transversal.
La presente investigación muestra una estrategia de voluntariado implementada
en apoyo a la Red Amachay del Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social en el
año 2020, en atención a personas adultas mayores que durante la emergencia
sanitaria fueron identificadas como personas de alta vulnerabilidad al verse
afectado su ejercicio de ciudadanía autónoma. El objetivo es presentar la estrategia y analizar cómo se implementó promoviendo el voluntariado desde el
Estado y si esta movilización, virtual, cumplió con el sentido del mismo.
El estudio contempla las actividades de voluntariado realizadas, a los actores
que formaron parte de las mismas como lo son los gestores de voluntariado,
funcionarios del Estado, los voluntarios y los beneficiarios y, tiene un análisis crítico
a través de definición de conceptos, exposición de procesos y evaluación del
impacto de la intervención, triangulando la información para conocer si el
voluntariado estatal presentado, cumplió con el sentido de la participación solidaria
y activa que debe tener el voluntariado. El bien común. Además, al ser una
investigación basada en la gerencia social, se analizará cómo esta estrategia, que
ha involucrado diversos actores sociales, ha buscado mejorar las intervenciones a
cargo del Estado (Red Amachay) con el objetivo de reducir una brecha social que
se incrementó durante la pandemia en atención a adultos mayores, mediante la
participación de ciudadana a través del voluntariado, una actividad que debe ser
realizada de manera organizada y planificada.
Mutual support, converted to the present as voluntary, has existed since the beginning of humanity. The man and his predecessors developed the help and care of others in a state of vulnerability, in ancient Peru, through manifestations of solidarity and reciprocity with the Minka. In the international context, the United Nations General Assembly, held in 2015, occurred with resolution A/RES/70/129 the "Integration of volunteerism in peace and development: action plan for the next decade and beyond, recognizing that volunteering can be a powerful cross-sectoral vehicle for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. In the Peruvian context, the relationship between volunteering and State policies is close; To cite an example, the National Agreement defines 35 State policies, grouped into 4 major strategic objectives: equity and social justice; democracy and rule of law; country competitiveness; and, efficient, transparent and decentralized state. Each one of them is supported through volunteer activities in a transversal way. How to define volunteering and link it to social policies? This research shows a volunteering strategy implemented by the Amachay Network of the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion in 2020, in support of older adults who during the health emergency were identified as highly vulnerable when their exercise of responsibility was affected. autonomous citizenship. The objective is to present the strategy and analyze how it was implemented by promoting volunteering from the State and if this virtual mobilization fulfilled the meaning of volunteering. The study contemplates the volunteer activities carried out, the actors who were part of them, such as volunteer managers, State officials, volunteers and beneficiaries, and has an analysis through a critical definition of concepts, exposition of processes and evaluation of the impact of the intervention, triangulating the information to find out if the state volunteering presented complied with the sense of caring and active participation that volunteers should have. The common good.
Mutual support, converted to the present as voluntary, has existed since the beginning of humanity. The man and his predecessors developed the help and care of others in a state of vulnerability, in ancient Peru, through manifestations of solidarity and reciprocity with the Minka. In the international context, the United Nations General Assembly, held in 2015, occurred with resolution A/RES/70/129 the "Integration of volunteerism in peace and development: action plan for the next decade and beyond, recognizing that volunteering can be a powerful cross-sectoral vehicle for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. In the Peruvian context, the relationship between volunteering and State policies is close; To cite an example, the National Agreement defines 35 State policies, grouped into 4 major strategic objectives: equity and social justice; democracy and rule of law; country competitiveness; and, efficient, transparent and decentralized state. Each one of them is supported through volunteer activities in a transversal way. How to define volunteering and link it to social policies? This research shows a volunteering strategy implemented by the Amachay Network of the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion in 2020, in support of older adults who during the health emergency were identified as highly vulnerable when their exercise of responsibility was affected. autonomous citizenship. The objective is to present the strategy and analyze how it was implemented by promoting volunteering from the State and if this virtual mobilization fulfilled the meaning of volunteering. The study contemplates the volunteer activities carried out, the actors who were part of them, such as volunteer managers, State officials, volunteers and beneficiaries, and has an analysis through a critical definition of concepts, exposition of processes and evaluation of the impact of the intervention, triangulating the information to find out if the state volunteering presented complied with the sense of caring and active participation that volunteers should have. The common good.
Palabras clave
Voluntariado social--Perú, Adulto mayor--Calidad de vida, Participacion ciudadana--Perú--Lima