Análisis de la implementación del plan para la mejora de los aprendizajes en 15 instituciones educativas públicas de Lima Metropolitana 2017
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación explora las aristas más destacadas de la percepción de
los actores involucrados en el Plan para la Mejora de los Aprendizajes (PLAMA)
ejecutado el 2017 en 15 instituciones educativas de Lima Metropolitana, y a partir
de este reconocimiento, propone perseguir objetivos que beneficien a la
comunidad educativa e impacten positivamente en la sociedad.
El análisis del PLAMA, de acuerdo con las evidencias obtenidas en la
implementación 2017, señala que se focalizaron las instituciones educativas de
nivel secundaria de Lima Metropolitana, representando el 75 % del total de
colegios; esto se debe a que se tomó como referente los bajos resultados de la
Evaluación Censal de Estudiantes 2014 (ECE 2014) aplicada por la Oficina de
Medición de la Calidad de los Aprendizajes del Minedu.
El PLAMA implementó mecanismos de monitoreo; acompañamiento de la gestión
institucional y pedagógica; el fortalecimiento de las competencias de los directores
y los docentes; el reforzamiento y nivelación escolar, y el involucramiento de las
familias en el mejoramiento de la calidad del desempeño académico de los
El contexto de esta investigación implica a los 2 218 635 estudiantes concentrados
en Lima Metropolitana, que representan el 26 % de la población escolar nacional,
compuesta por 8 474 958 estudiantes. Asimismo, incluye a los 125 188 docentes
que atienden a esta población, distribuidos en 16 324 instituciones educativas.
Lima centraliza al 26 % de los docentes de todo el país, el 15 % de las instituciones
educativas y el 22 % del presupuesto de educación, según información del Censo
Escolar 2014 del Ministerio de Educación (Minedu). Se entiende, con estas cifras,
el impacto que el servicio educativo ofertado en la capital genera en el desarrollo
económico, social y cultural del país.
El presente trabajo de investigación se ha planteado una serie de objetivos e
hipótesis; estas últimas se pretenden confirmar en el transcurso de la
investigación, cuando se desentrañen las actividades y las estrategias puestas en
marcha por el PLAMA, y las percepciones y resultados que estas han producido
en los actores que participaron directamente en ellas. Para ello, se ha trabajado la aplicación de instrumentos y el procesamiento de la información a partir de un
diseño metodológico cualitativo. En este escenario, se ha utilizado el estudio de
casos para dar una mirada en profundidad al PLAMA, implementado en la DRELM
en el 2017. Este plan de desarrollo educativo aplicado a los principales actores del
sector busca mejorar los resultados de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de
secundaria a través de una eficiente gestión escolar de los directores; una
formación y acompañamiento de los docentes en servicio, y la participación activa
de los padres de familia en las actividades escolares.
En esta investigación se encontrarán conclusiones, recomendaciones y una
propuesta de mejora del PLAMA o planes similares, en relación con los aspectos
relevantes detectados en el plan (que podrían mejorar una intervención), entre
tanto que planteen estrategias para la mejora de los aprendizajes o que de alguna
manera busquen la participación de los principales actores de la educación.
El propósito de esta investigación, desde la perspectiva de la gerencia social, es
proporcionar herramientas de análisis y control que acompañen el diagnóstico de
la situación educativa encontrada con el Plan de Mejora de Aprendizaje en Lima
Metropolitana en el 2017, y que ofrezcan información crítica sobre el curso de las
acciones emprendidas, la gestión de los recursos y la rentabilización de las
experiencias hasta ahora conocidas.
The research explores the attitudes of the perception of actors involved in the Plan for the Improvement of Learnings, focused on Metropolitan Lima 2017. It is from this recognition that they intend to pursue goals that benefit the educational community and that their impact will result in society. The analysis of the learning improvement plan, as we know, focused its implementation on 75 % of secondary schools in Metropolitan Lima, taking as a reference the results of the ECE 2014 applied by the UMC of Minedu. This program implemented monitoring mechanisms, institutional management accompanying and pedagogical accompanying, strengthening the competencies of principals and teachers, reinforcement and school leveling and the involvement of families in improving the quality of students' academic performance. The context of this research is defined by 2 218 635 students concentrated in Metropolitan Lima (8 844 958 students nationwide), a figure that represents 26 % of the national population. These are attended by 125 188 teachers distributed in 16 324 Educational Institutions: Lima centralizes 26 % of teachers throughout the country, 15 % of Educational Institutions and 22 % of the education budget, according to information from the 2014 Scholar Census by Ministry of Education (Minedu). Then, It is understood that impact generated by the educational service offered in the capital, both for the economic, social and cultural development of the country. Likewise, the present research has set out objectives and hypotheses, which try to be discovered in the course of the investigation by unraveling the activities and strategies implemented with the PLAMA, and the perceptions and results that these efforts have produced in the actors that have participated directly in the program. For this, the application of instruments and information processing has been worked on, under a qualitative methodological design, using the case study method since it seeks to have an in-depth look at a Program implemented in the 2017 DRELM called PLAMA considering that as a PROGRAM OF EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT applied to the main actors of the sector seeks to improve the learning outcomes of secondary school students, through efficient school management of principals, training and accompaniment of teachers in service and with the active participation of parents of family in school activities. In addition, we will find conclusions, recommendations and a proposal for improvement of the PLAMA or similar plans, in relation to the relevant aspects detected in the plan (which could improve an intervention), in the meantime that they propose strategies for the improvement of learning or that somehow seek the participation of the main actors in education. The purpose of this research, from the perspective of social management is to provide analysis and control tools that accompany the diagnosis of the educational situation found with the Learning Improvement Plan in Metropolitan Lima 2017, which provides critical information on the course of the actions undertaken, the management of resources and the profitability of experiences known up to now.
The research explores the attitudes of the perception of actors involved in the Plan for the Improvement of Learnings, focused on Metropolitan Lima 2017. It is from this recognition that they intend to pursue goals that benefit the educational community and that their impact will result in society. The analysis of the learning improvement plan, as we know, focused its implementation on 75 % of secondary schools in Metropolitan Lima, taking as a reference the results of the ECE 2014 applied by the UMC of Minedu. This program implemented monitoring mechanisms, institutional management accompanying and pedagogical accompanying, strengthening the competencies of principals and teachers, reinforcement and school leveling and the involvement of families in improving the quality of students' academic performance. The context of this research is defined by 2 218 635 students concentrated in Metropolitan Lima (8 844 958 students nationwide), a figure that represents 26 % of the national population. These are attended by 125 188 teachers distributed in 16 324 Educational Institutions: Lima centralizes 26 % of teachers throughout the country, 15 % of Educational Institutions and 22 % of the education budget, according to information from the 2014 Scholar Census by Ministry of Education (Minedu). Then, It is understood that impact generated by the educational service offered in the capital, both for the economic, social and cultural development of the country. Likewise, the present research has set out objectives and hypotheses, which try to be discovered in the course of the investigation by unraveling the activities and strategies implemented with the PLAMA, and the perceptions and results that these efforts have produced in the actors that have participated directly in the program. For this, the application of instruments and information processing has been worked on, under a qualitative methodological design, using the case study method since it seeks to have an in-depth look at a Program implemented in the 2017 DRELM called PLAMA considering that as a PROGRAM OF EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT applied to the main actors of the sector seeks to improve the learning outcomes of secondary school students, through efficient school management of principals, training and accompaniment of teachers in service and with the active participation of parents of family in school activities. In addition, we will find conclusions, recommendations and a proposal for improvement of the PLAMA or similar plans, in relation to the relevant aspects detected in the plan (which could improve an intervention), in the meantime that they propose strategies for the improvement of learning or that somehow seek the participation of the main actors in education. The purpose of this research, from the perspective of social management is to provide analysis and control tools that accompany the diagnosis of the educational situation found with the Learning Improvement Plan in Metropolitan Lima 2017, which provides critical information on the course of the actions undertaken, the management of resources and the profitability of experiences known up to now.