Planeamiento estratégico para el sector asegurador en Colombia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El desarrollo del Sector Asegurador en Colombia es un componente importante en el
desarrollo económico del país, y a la vez causa y efecto de la evolución de otros sectores de
la economía. Al ofrecer cobertura del capital invertido en diferentes actividades económicas,
los seguros disponibles hacen más atractiva la inversión en el país, facilitando la llegada de
capitales tanto internacionales como nacionales. Por otra parte, el desarrollo de las distintas
actividades económicas hace necesario que se preserven los capitales invertidos en ellas,
generando así mayor demanda por coberturas frente a los riesgos asociados con las nuevas
El indicador de penetración de las primas por pólizas de seguro emitidas frente al total
del PIB es útil para medir el grado de desarrollo de una economía, y por supuesto, el
potencial de crecimiento del Sector. En el caso colombiano, los porcentajes interanuales de
crecimiento del Sector son de dos a tres veces superiores al crecimiento del PIB; lo que
demuestra su importante dinámica que junto a un indicador de penetración del PIB más bajo
que el de países relativamente comparables como Argentina y Brasil ratifican el alto
potencial de crecimiento del Sector para acompañar las nuevas expectativas de la economía
en los próximos años.
Esta situación es el principal incentivo para nuevas inversiones en el Sector por parte
de competidores presentes actualmente y por parte de compañías aseguradoras
internacionales que aún no operan en el país y que incluyen a Colombia como parte de sus
planes de expansión más inmediatos. A través del proceso de análisis estratégico del Sector,
se identificaron dos grandes áreas de trabajo para que este desarrolle su potencial de
crecimiento frente a los retos de la economía colombiana a mediano y largo plazo:
1. Estrategia competitiva de las empresas aseguradoras:
Desarrollo de nuevos canales de distribución como los apalancados en tecnología
de información; Desarrollo de nuevos productos para nuevos perfiles de clientes que están
expuestos a nuevos riesgos como los relacionados con el cambio climático, es más
exigente y tiene mayor información;
Estructuras de comercialización más eficientes que faciliten la adquisición de
seguros y masifiquen su disponibilidad como los corresponsales de seguros y
Desarrollar a niveles internacionales los servicios de asistencia vinculados a los
productos principales y servicio posventa como factores clave de retención de
clientes; y
Aumentar los controles para minimizar el impacto del fraude en el proceso de
2. Estrategia institucional del gremio asegurador:
Adelantar campañas de amplia cobertura para educar al consumidor en la cultura
del seguro;
Gestión intergremial para acompañar a los sectores con mayor expectativa de
crecimiento (i.e., infraestructura, vivienda, educación, y comunicaciones); y
Contacto permanente con los entes reguladores para asegurar la adecuada
flexibilidad de las normas frente a los nuevos retos del mercado.
El Sector Asegurador en Colombia se perfila de este modo como uno de los más
dinámicos en los próximos años, contribuyendo de manera efectiva al desarrollo económico,
empresarial, y social del país.
The development of the Insurance Sector in Colombia is an important component in the economic development of the country and both cause and effect of the development of other sectors of the economy. By offering coverage in different economic activities, the available insurances make more attractive investing in the country, facilitating the arrival of both international and domestic capital. On the other hand, the development of various economic activities requires that the capital invested in them are preserved, generating increased demand for hedging against the risks associated with new operations. The penetration of premiums for insurance policies issued indicator versus total GDP is useful to measure the degree of development of an economy, and of course, the growth potential of the Sector. In Colombian case, the annual growth rates in the Sector are two to three times higher than GDP growth. This context shows the importance of its dynamics, that in addition to an indicator of penetration of GDP lower than the relatively comparable countries like Argentina and Brazil, both of them confirm the high growth potential of the Sector to support the new expectations of the economy in the coming years. This situation is the main incentive for new investment in the Sector by competitors currently present and by international insurance companies that do not operate in the country yet, but they include Colombia as part of its immediate expansión plans. Through the Sector strategic analysis process, two main work areas were identified to develop the Sector growth potential versus the challenges of the Colombian economy in the médium and long term. 1. Competitive strategy of insurance companies: Development of new distribution channels such as the leveraged ones in information technology; Development of new products for new customer profiles that are exposed to new risks such as those associated with climate change, is more demanding and has more information; More efficient sale structures that facilitate the acquisition of insurance and increase its availability such as the insurance correspondents and microinsurance; International development of support services related to major products and aftersales service as a key customer retention factors; and Increase controls to minimize the impact of fraud in the claims process. 2. Institutional strategy insurer guild: Bring forward coverage campaigns to educate consumers on insurance culture; Management between guilds to support the sectors with the highest growth expectations (i.e., infrastructure, housing, education, and communication); and Permanent contact with regulators to ensure adequate flexibility of the rules versus the new challenges of the market.
The development of the Insurance Sector in Colombia is an important component in the economic development of the country and both cause and effect of the development of other sectors of the economy. By offering coverage in different economic activities, the available insurances make more attractive investing in the country, facilitating the arrival of both international and domestic capital. On the other hand, the development of various economic activities requires that the capital invested in them are preserved, generating increased demand for hedging against the risks associated with new operations. The penetration of premiums for insurance policies issued indicator versus total GDP is useful to measure the degree of development of an economy, and of course, the growth potential of the Sector. In Colombian case, the annual growth rates in the Sector are two to three times higher than GDP growth. This context shows the importance of its dynamics, that in addition to an indicator of penetration of GDP lower than the relatively comparable countries like Argentina and Brazil, both of them confirm the high growth potential of the Sector to support the new expectations of the economy in the coming years. This situation is the main incentive for new investment in the Sector by competitors currently present and by international insurance companies that do not operate in the country yet, but they include Colombia as part of its immediate expansión plans. Through the Sector strategic analysis process, two main work areas were identified to develop the Sector growth potential versus the challenges of the Colombian economy in the médium and long term. 1. Competitive strategy of insurance companies: Development of new distribution channels such as the leveraged ones in information technology; Development of new products for new customer profiles that are exposed to new risks such as those associated with climate change, is more demanding and has more information; More efficient sale structures that facilitate the acquisition of insurance and increase its availability such as the insurance correspondents and microinsurance; International development of support services related to major products and aftersales service as a key customer retention factors; and Increase controls to minimize the impact of fraud in the claims process. 2. Institutional strategy insurer guild: Bring forward coverage campaigns to educate consumers on insurance culture; Management between guilds to support the sectors with the highest growth expectations (i.e., infrastructure, housing, education, and communication); and Permanent contact with regulators to ensure adequate flexibility of the rules versus the new challenges of the market.
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