La falta de aplicación del Principio de Confianza Legítima en los pronunciamientos emitidos por el Indecopi en materia de productos industrializados, su impacto en los consumidores y en el adecuado funcionamiento del mercado
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El procedimiento administrativo cuenta con una serie de principios que guían su adecuado
funcionamiento. Uno de estos principios será el Principio de Confianza Legítima, el cual
tiene como finalidad proteger las expectativas legítimas de los administrados, así como
la estabilidad del ordenamiento jurídico. Sin embargo, en los últimos años, Indecopi ha
emitido algunos conocidos pronunciamientos sobre productos industrializados que no
están cumpliendo con dicho principio. Entonces, cabe preguntarnos ¿A qué se debe la
falta de aplicación de este principio? ¿Podría existir alguna alternativa de solución?, ello
teniendo en consideración que este principio tiene como base la seguridad jurídica, la cual
es una garantía para el correcto funcionamiento del mercado.
Para encontrar una respuesta a este cuestionamiento, en la presente investigación, a través
de un análisis a fondo de la normativa vigente, así como de la doctrina relacionada a la
materia se podrá demostrar finalmente que, - en muchas ocasiones - los administrados
pueden ser inducidos a error por la propia Administración Pública y la aplicación del
Principio de Confianza Legítima es de suma importancia para evitar que se produzca un
impacto negativo en la elección y expectativa de los consumidores respecto a los
productos, así como en el propio desenvolvimiento del mercado.
The administrative procedure has a series of principles that guide their own operation. One of these principles will be the Principle of Legitimate Expectations, which will have the purpose of protect the legitimate expectations of the administrators as well as the stability of the legal system. However, in recent years, Indecopi has released some wellknown decisions about industrialized products in which it is possible to see the evidence non-application of this principle. Considering this situation, it is appropiate asking ourselves why is this principle not being applied? Could there be any alternative of solution? especially, taking into consideration that this principle will be based on legal security which is a guarantee for the correct functioning of the system. In order to find an answer to this issue, in this research, through a exhaustive analysis of the current laws, as well as the analysis of the doctrine related to the matter; The objective of this article will be to demonstrate that in many occasions the individuals are induced to make mistakes by the Public Administration and the application of the Principle of Legitimate Expectations would have great importance, otherwise, this could have a negative impact on the election and expectations of consumers regarding the products, as well as on the development of the system.
The administrative procedure has a series of principles that guide their own operation. One of these principles will be the Principle of Legitimate Expectations, which will have the purpose of protect the legitimate expectations of the administrators as well as the stability of the legal system. However, in recent years, Indecopi has released some wellknown decisions about industrialized products in which it is possible to see the evidence non-application of this principle. Considering this situation, it is appropiate asking ourselves why is this principle not being applied? Could there be any alternative of solution? especially, taking into consideration that this principle will be based on legal security which is a guarantee for the correct functioning of the system. In order to find an answer to this issue, in this research, through a exhaustive analysis of the current laws, as well as the analysis of the doctrine related to the matter; The objective of this article will be to demonstrate that in many occasions the individuals are induced to make mistakes by the Public Administration and the application of the Principle of Legitimate Expectations would have great importance, otherwise, this could have a negative impact on the election and expectations of consumers regarding the products, as well as on the development of the system.
Palabras clave
Administración pública--Perú, Procedimiento administrativo--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Buena fe (Derecho), Protección al consumidor
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