Business Consulting del Hotel Boutique Rumi Wasi
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La pandemia originada por la COVID-19 ha sido, sin duda, un punto de inflexión para
el modus operandi de las empresas a nivel mundial. Ha calado profundo en los procesos
internos y ha cambiado patrones de consumo de las personas. En este sentido, el propósito de
esta investigación es realizar un business consulting del hotel boutique Rumi Wasi cuya
propuesta de valor es transportar a los huéspedes a la época colonial a través de una
infraestructura tradicional. Rumi Wasi es poseedor de reconocimientos y gran prestigio, sin
embargo, se ha visto en la necesidad de pausar sus actividades.
Se analizó a profundidad las operaciones de Rumi Wasi los últimos años,
identificando las deficiencias, oportunidades de mejora y amenazas, así como también las
fortalezas que permitirán hacer frente al nuevo entorno. Como problema principal se
determinó que a partir del año 2019 existió una caída en las ventas ocasionado por distintos
factores que se magnificaron a consecuencia de la pandemia mundial en el 2020. Esta
investigación propone una serie de alternativas de solución que permitan reactivar las
operaciones de Rumi Wasi en el corto plazo.
Se han propuesto estrategias de diversificación, penetración de mercados, desarrollo
de productos y alianzas estratégicas. El diagrama de Gantt detalla las alternativas de solución
programadas en un lapso de 22 semanas, con un presupuesto total de S/5,009.00. Uno de los
principales factores de éxito para la implementación de las propuestas de solución es el
compromiso de la Gerencia General en la implementación del plan de ventas digital.
Finalmente, debido a la incertidumbre que atraviesa el rubro hotelero en la ciudad de Cusco,
en el análisis de los resultados esperados se planteó en base a dos escenarios: el optimista,
con la llegada de la vacuna; y el pesimista, con la demora en la vacuna y una posible segunda
ola en el país, siendo ambos resultados alentadores.
The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has undoubtedly been a turning point for the modus operandi of companies worldwide. It has penetrated deep into internal processes and has changed people's consumption patterns. In this sense, the purpose of this research is to carry out a business consulting of Rumi Wasi boutique hotel. Its value proposition is to transport guests to the colonial era through a traditional infrastructure. Rumi Wasi has gained recognition and great prestige along travelers; however, it has been mandatory to pause its activities. Rumi Wasi's operations in the past two years were analyzed in-depth, identifying deficiencies, opportunities for improvement, and threats, as well as the strengths that will allow it to face the new environment. The main problem has determined to be a drop-in sale since 2019 caused by different factors that were magnified as a result of the global pandemic in 2020. This research proposes a series of alternative solutions that will allow Rumi Wasi to reactivate operations in the short term. Diversification strategies, market penetration, product development, and strategic alliances have been proposed. The Gantt chart details the solution alternatives scheduled in a period of 22 weeks, with a total budget of S / 5,009.00. One of the main success factors is the commitment of General Management when implementing the digital sales plan. Finally, due to the uncertainty that the hotel sector is going through in the city of Cusco, in the analysis of the expected results, it was proposed based on two scenarios: on one hand, the optimistic with the arrival of the vaccine; on the other hand, the pessimistic: with the delay in the vaccine and a possible second wave. Giving both encouraging results.
The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has undoubtedly been a turning point for the modus operandi of companies worldwide. It has penetrated deep into internal processes and has changed people's consumption patterns. In this sense, the purpose of this research is to carry out a business consulting of Rumi Wasi boutique hotel. Its value proposition is to transport guests to the colonial era through a traditional infrastructure. Rumi Wasi has gained recognition and great prestige along travelers; however, it has been mandatory to pause its activities. Rumi Wasi's operations in the past two years were analyzed in-depth, identifying deficiencies, opportunities for improvement, and threats, as well as the strengths that will allow it to face the new environment. The main problem has determined to be a drop-in sale since 2019 caused by different factors that were magnified as a result of the global pandemic in 2020. This research proposes a series of alternative solutions that will allow Rumi Wasi to reactivate operations in the short term. Diversification strategies, market penetration, product development, and strategic alliances have been proposed. The Gantt chart details the solution alternatives scheduled in a period of 22 weeks, with a total budget of S / 5,009.00. One of the main success factors is the commitment of General Management when implementing the digital sales plan. Finally, due to the uncertainty that the hotel sector is going through in the city of Cusco, in the analysis of the expected results, it was proposed based on two scenarios: on one hand, the optimistic with the arrival of the vaccine; on the other hand, the pessimistic: with the delay in the vaccine and a possible second wave. Giving both encouraging results.
Palabras clave
Consultores de empresas, Hoteles--Planificación estratégica, COVID-19 (Enfermedad)
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