Modelo prolab: Asinem, diagnóstico mediante sistema experto automatizado y asesoría personalizada, para las mipyme en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las MIPYME son actores claves para incrementar el crecimiento potencial de
América Latina (CEPAL, 2022). En Perú, actualmente existen 3'091,325 empresas activas
(INEI, 2022), de las cuales el 96% son PYMES y emplean un 43% de la población
económicamente activa (ComexPerú, 2022).
Los principales problemas que enfrentan las MIPYME son (a) las contingencias
negativas que generan constantemente ellas mismas por su falta de conocimiento en asuntos
empresariales; (b) la alta tasa de mortalidad en los primeros años; (c) y la informalidad. En
Perú, en los dos últimos años se dieron de baja 176,783 empresas (INEI, 2022).
De la investigación, entrevistas y metodologías ágiles utilizados, resultó una
propuesta para reducir la informalidad, el desempleo, y consolidar a las MIPYME de forma
sustentable y sostenible en el tiempo, atendiendo de forma 100% virtual los 365 días del año.
La propuesta de Asesoría Integrada Empresarial, ASINEM, ofrece los servicios en línea de
(a) diagnóstico empresarial temprano mediante un sistema experto automatizado; (b)
diagnóstico empresarial temprano de forma personalizada y, (b) asesoría empresarial
personalizada, principalmente para las MIPYMES.
ASINEM logrará en cinco años un VAN-E de USD$1’090,095 y un TIR de 174% y
está alineada con las ODS 8 y 11.
MIPYMES are key players in increasing the potential growth of Latin America (ECLAC, 2022). In Peru, there are currently 3’091,325 active companies (INEI, 2022), of which 96% are SMEs and employ 43% of the economically active population (ComexPerú, 2022). The main problems that MSMEs face are (a) the negative contingencies that they constantly generate themselves due to their lack of knowledge in business matters; (b) the high mortality rate in the early years; (c) and informality. In Peru, in the last two years, 176,783 companies were deregistered (INEI, 2022). From the research, interviews and agile methodologies used, a proposal resulted to reduce informality, unemployment, and consolidate MSMEs in a sustainable and sustainable way over time, attending 100% virtually 365 days a year. The Integrated Business Consultancy proposal, ASINEM, offers online services of (a) early business diagnosis through an automated expert system; (b) personalized early business diagnosis and, (b) personalized business advice, mainly for MSMEs. ASINEM will achieve a VAN-E of USD$1’090,095 and an IRR of 174% in five years and is aligned with ODS 8 and 11.
MIPYMES are key players in increasing the potential growth of Latin America (ECLAC, 2022). In Peru, there are currently 3’091,325 active companies (INEI, 2022), of which 96% are SMEs and employ 43% of the economically active population (ComexPerú, 2022). The main problems that MSMEs face are (a) the negative contingencies that they constantly generate themselves due to their lack of knowledge in business matters; (b) the high mortality rate in the early years; (c) and informality. In Peru, in the last two years, 176,783 companies were deregistered (INEI, 2022). From the research, interviews and agile methodologies used, a proposal resulted to reduce informality, unemployment, and consolidate MSMEs in a sustainable and sustainable way over time, attending 100% virtually 365 days a year. The Integrated Business Consultancy proposal, ASINEM, offers online services of (a) early business diagnosis through an automated expert system; (b) personalized early business diagnosis and, (b) personalized business advice, mainly for MSMEs. ASINEM will achieve a VAN-E of USD$1’090,095 and an IRR of 174% in five years and is aligned with ODS 8 and 11.
Palabras clave
Negocios--Planificación, Pequeñas y medianas empresas--Perú, Desarrollo sostenible--Empresas, Innovaciones tecnológicas, Sitios Web--Aplicaciones
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