Casos de éxito del Programa Beca 18
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación explora los factores que han sido determinantes
para los jóvenes que lograron una beca en el Programa Beca 18 del Programa
Nacional de Becas y Crédito Educativo del Ministerio de Educación, culminen
satisfactoriamente sus estudios superiores y estén insertados laboralmente.
Analiza, también, la satisfacción de los jóvenes respecto al servicio brindado
por el Programa, sus aspiraciones personales y proyecciones de vida.
La pobreza es el mayor desafío que enfrenta el país, y el mundo, claramente
el despliegue de esfuerzos en lo económico, social y ambiental, es sustancial
para erradicarla en todas sus formas y dimensiones y así, lograr el desarrollo
sostenible. Ante esta situación, una de las necesidades primordiales del país
para superar la pobreza es la atención del acceso a la educación superior de
calidad, la cual tiene un impacto positivo en el desarrollo de las personas y su
calidad de vida.
A través de la aplicación de entrevistas semi estructuradas a los becarios (ex
becarios o becarios egresados), un cuestionario de valoración cualitativa
sobre los servicios recibidos, y dos historias de vida, se ha logrado recoger
datos e información valiosa para el entendimiento de los factores
determinantes, además del conocimiento de la propia reconstrucción de
vida que realizaron los becarios.
Las historias de vida perfilan realidades socio demográficas diferentes, ambas
abarcan un difícil camino hacia el logro de sus sueños, consolidarse
profesionalmente. Sueños que quizá no hubiesen sido posibles sin la obtención
de una beca integral de estudios subvencionada por el Estado, por tanto, es
indispensable que esta inversión sea lo más eficiente y productiva posible, con
un adecuado empleo de estrategias e identificación de herramientas que lo
hagan viable legal y operativamente.
El Programa Beca 18 genera un impacto positivo en la vida de las personas,
no obstante, se constata que con una adecuada implementación de
estrategias acordes a su público objetivo, de la mano de un trabajo
coordinado, supervisado y monitoreado, se lograrán mejores resultados en el
acompañamiento del becario, tanto en el aspecto académico como
socioemocional, pilares determinantes para una mejor continuidad de
estudios y satisfactoria culminación de su carrera.
This investigation explores the crucial factors that allowed subjects granted with the Beca 18 Scholarship of the National Program of Scholarships and Educational Loan of the Ministry of Education to successfully conclude their higher education and to find jobs accordingly. Likewise, the investigation analyzes the level of satisfaction of the individuals regarding the service provided by the Program, their aspirations and life projects. Poverty is the main challenge faced by the country and the world. Evidently, the economic, social and environmental efforts are crucial to eradicate it in all its forms and dimensions and, thus, achieve a sustainable development. Therefore, one of the country essential needs to overcome poverty is to focus on availability of a quality higher education, which has a positive impact on people’s development and their quality of life. Through semi-structured interviews performed to grant holders (former and graduated grant holders), a questionnaire of qualitative valuation about the provided services and two life stories, valuable data and information has been collected to understand the crucial factors of their experience, as well as knowledge about life reconstruction made by the grant holders. The life stories outline different socio-demographic realities, which speak of the hard path to fulfill their dreams and become professionals. Dreams that might had not come true without the comprehensive scholarship granted by the Government. Therefore, it is essential that this investment is as efficient and productive as possible, with an appropriate use of strategies and identification of tools that make it legally and operationally viable. The Beca 18 Scholarship Program makes a positive impact on people’s lives; however, it is confirmed that with proper implementation of strategies according to its target public, along with a coordinated, supervised and monitored work, better results will be achieved in grant holder advisory, in the academic and socioemotional aspects, crucial pillars for a better continuity of studies and a successful completion of the career
This investigation explores the crucial factors that allowed subjects granted with the Beca 18 Scholarship of the National Program of Scholarships and Educational Loan of the Ministry of Education to successfully conclude their higher education and to find jobs accordingly. Likewise, the investigation analyzes the level of satisfaction of the individuals regarding the service provided by the Program, their aspirations and life projects. Poverty is the main challenge faced by the country and the world. Evidently, the economic, social and environmental efforts are crucial to eradicate it in all its forms and dimensions and, thus, achieve a sustainable development. Therefore, one of the country essential needs to overcome poverty is to focus on availability of a quality higher education, which has a positive impact on people’s development and their quality of life. Through semi-structured interviews performed to grant holders (former and graduated grant holders), a questionnaire of qualitative valuation about the provided services and two life stories, valuable data and information has been collected to understand the crucial factors of their experience, as well as knowledge about life reconstruction made by the grant holders. The life stories outline different socio-demographic realities, which speak of the hard path to fulfill their dreams and become professionals. Dreams that might had not come true without the comprehensive scholarship granted by the Government. Therefore, it is essential that this investment is as efficient and productive as possible, with an appropriate use of strategies and identification of tools that make it legally and operationally viable. The Beca 18 Scholarship Program makes a positive impact on people’s lives; however, it is confirmed that with proper implementation of strategies according to its target public, along with a coordinated, supervised and monitored work, better results will be achieved in grant holder advisory, in the academic and socioemotional aspects, crucial pillars for a better continuity of studies and a successful completion of the career
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