Conceptos Básicos del Project Finance en APP
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Project Finance es un mecanismo de financiamiento alternativo al Corporate Finance que permite el financiamiento de grandes proyectos de infraestructura, sin necesidad de que las corporaciones pongan en riesgo su patrimonio y activos propios. A través del Project Finance se pueden ejecutar obras públicas de envergadura, en el marco de Contratos de Asociación Público Privada (APP), en donde la principal garantía de los Acreedores consistirá en el derecho que tiene la empresa que suscribe dicho contrato para explotar la infraestructura pública, bien sea a través del cobro de una tarifa a los Usuarios (en el caso de las APP Autosostenibles) o a través del cobro de un monto pre acordado con el Estado (en el caso de las APP Cofinanciadas). Para la estructuración exitosa de un Project Finance en una APP se requiere el trabajo conjunto de una serie de actores y de instrumentos jurídicos que completen el círculo necesario para el financiamiento en condiciones de riesgo aceptables. Los actores necesarios son la Sociedad de Propósito Exclusivo (SPE), el Estado, los Acreedores Permitidos, el Constructor y un Fiduciario. Entre los instrumentos jurídicos necesarios destacan el Contrato de APP, el Contrato de Financiamiento, el Contrato de Construcción y el Contrato de Fideicomiso.
Project Finance is an alternative financing mechanism to Corporate Finance which allows the companies to finance large infrastructure projects without endangers their own assets and heritage.Through Project Finance is possible to carry out major public works in the context of Public Private Partnership (PPP) Contracts, which the main guarantee of the creditors will be exploitation rights of the company that signs the public infrastructure contract, either by charging a fee to users (in case of self-sustaining PPP) or by charging a pre agreed amount to the State (in case of co-financed PPP).For a successful structuring of a PPP Project Finance, the joint work of a number of actors and legal instruments are required in order to complete the financing necessary circle in conditions of acceptable risk. The required actors are the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), the State, the Permitted Creditors, the Builder and Trustee. Among the necessary legal instruments include the PPP Contract, the Financing Contract, the Construction Contract and the Trust Agreement.
Project Finance is an alternative financing mechanism to Corporate Finance which allows the companies to finance large infrastructure projects without endangers their own assets and heritage.Through Project Finance is possible to carry out major public works in the context of Public Private Partnership (PPP) Contracts, which the main guarantee of the creditors will be exploitation rights of the company that signs the public infrastructure contract, either by charging a fee to users (in case of self-sustaining PPP) or by charging a pre agreed amount to the State (in case of co-financed PPP).For a successful structuring of a PPP Project Finance, the joint work of a number of actors and legal instruments are required in order to complete the financing necessary circle in conditions of acceptable risk. The required actors are the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), the State, the Permitted Creditors, the Builder and Trustee. Among the necessary legal instruments include the PPP Contract, the Financing Contract, the Construction Contract and the Trust Agreement.
Palabras clave
Project Finance, Ppp, Spv, Sponsors, Permitted Creditors, Epc Contract, Trust, Project finance, App, SPV, Sponsors, Acreedores permitidos, Contrato EPC, Fideicomiso
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